Notice of Public Meeting of Miami River Commission
Monday, June 1, 2015 - NOON
1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, FL
I. Chair Report from Chairman Horacio Stuart Aguirre
- Approval of MRC 5/4/15 Public Meeting Minutes
- Update from James Bernat, City of Miami Homeless Coordinator, Executive Assistant to City of Miami
Chief of Police
- Miami River Voluntary Improvement Program (VIP) –––– Vice Chairman Jay Carmichael
II. Update and Consideration of Plans to Replace the SW 1st Street Bridge
- SW 1 Street Bridge Replacement Plans
- MRC Urban Infill and Greenways Subcommittee's 05.18.15 Public Meeting Minutes
III. Miami River Commission Subcommittee Reports
a. Greenways Subcommittee, Chairman Ernie Martin
b. Stormwater Subcommittee, Chair Sallye Jude
(i) Miami River Tributary and Canal
Maintenance Dredging and Environmental
Clean-Up Task Force
c. Urban Infill Subcommittee, Jim Murley
d. Economic Development and Commerce Subcommittee, Chairman Philip Everingham
IV. New Business
cc: Todd Hannon, City of Miami (for public notice per the law)
Harvey Ruvin, Miami-Dade County (for public notice per the law) |