Notice of Public Meeting of Miami River Commission
Monday, June 2, 2014 -NOON
1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, FL
I. Chair Report- Chairman Horacio Stuart Aguirre
A. Approval of MRC’s May 5, 2014 Public Meeting Minutes
B. Miami River Voluntary Improvement Program (VIP) --Vice-Chairman Jay Carmichael
II. Consideration of Draft Agreement Between “River Landing” (1500 NW North River Drive) and Miami-Dade County to Construct and Maintain a Connecting Public Riverwalk and Greenspace at adjacent 1280 NW 11 ST
III. MRC Subcommittee Reports
a. Greenways Subcommittee by Chairperson: Dr. Ernie Martin
May 14 minutes
b. Stormwater Subcommittee by Chairperson: Ms. Sallye Jude
i. Miami River Tributary & Canal Maintenance Dredging & Environmental CleanUp Task Force
c. Urban Infill Subcommittee by Chairperson: Mr. Jim Murley
May 14 minutes
IV. New Business
cc: Todd Hannon, City of Miami (for public notice per the law)
Harvey Ruvin, Miami-Dade County (for public notice per the law)