Notice of Public Meeting of Miami River Commission
Monday, July 13, 2015 - NOON
1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, FL
I. Chair Report from Chairman Horacio Stuart Aguirre
- Approval of MRC 06.01.15 Public Meeting Minutese
- Miami River Voluntary Improvement Program (VIP) – Vice Chairman Jay Carmichael
II. Consideration of Miami River SAP’s Plans to Improve Jose Marti Park
- Plans
- MRC Urban Infill and Greenways Subcommittee's 06.23.15 Public Meeting Minutes
- MRC 10.6.14 Public Meeting Minutes
III. Miami River Commission Subcommittee Reports
- Greenways Subcommittee, Chairman Ernie Martin
MRC Urban Infill and Greenways Subcommittee's 06.23.15 Public Meeting Minutes
- Stormwater Subcommittee, Chair Sallye Jude
a. MRC Stormwater Subcommittee's 06.03.15 Public Meeting Minutes
(i) Miami River Tributary and Canal
Maintenance Dredging and Environmental
Clean-Up Task Force
- Urban Infill Subcommittee, Jim Murley
a. MRC Urban Infill and Greenways Subcommittee's 06.23.15 Public Meeting Minutes
- Economic Development and Commerce Subcommittee, Chairman Philip Everingham
IV. New Business
cc: Todd Hannon, City of Miami (for public notice per the law)
Harvey Ruvin, Miami-Dade County (for public notice per the law) |