Notice of Public Meeting of Miami River Commission
Monday, November 2, 2015 at11:30am
New Location: Lummus Park, 360 NW 3rd Street, Miami, FL
I. Chair Report from Chairman Horacio Stuart Aguirre
- Approval of MRC 10.05.15 Public Meeting Minutes
II. Consideration of City of Miami Planning Department Zoning Amendment for Riverfront 109 SW South River Drive and the Miami River Inn (part of a larger City of Miami Zoning amendment application for certain properties in Little Havana)
- Zoning Amendment
- MRC Urban Infill and Greenways Subcommittee's 09.23.15 Public Meeting Minutes, page 4
III. Consideration of 1175 South River Drive
- MRC Greenways Subcommittee's 10.21.1 Public Meeting Minutes with backup found under Agenda item V page 2-3
- 1175 South River Dr. Grant
- Miami 21 Section 3.11 waterfront standards + appendix B
- Article 4 Table of Uses
MRC Greenways Subcommittee's 10.21.15 Public Meeting Minutes
- Plans
IV. Miami River Commission Subcommittee Reports
- Greenways Subcommittee, Chairman Ernie Martin
MRC Greenways Subcommittee's 10.21.15 Public Meeting Minutes
- Economic Development and Commerce Subcommittee 10.06.15 Public Meeting Minute, Chairman Philip Everingham
MRC Economic Development & Commerce Subcommittee's 09.18.15 Public Meeting Minutes
- Stormwater Subcommittee, Chair Sallye Jude
(i) Miami River Tributary and Canal
Maintenance Dredging and Environmental
Clean-Up Task Force
- Urban Infill Subcommittee, Jim Murley
MRC Urban Infill Subcommittee's 09.23.15 Public Meeting Minutes
V. New Business
cc: Todd Hannon, City of Miami (for public notice per the law)
Harvey Ruvin, Miami-Dade County (for public notice per the law) |