Executive Committee Minutes 2009
- Februrary 2, 2009
- June 1, 2009
- September 14, 2009
- December 14, 2009
I. Discussion of Potential Agenda Items for MRC’s March 2, 2009 meeting - Chair Buermann deferred to Director Bibeau to provide an update on the following potential voting items for March 2:
- I A. NW 5th Street Bascule Bridge Construction Project Presentation & Current Status, Hector Rodriguez FDOT construction
- I B. Presentation of Separate Future Funded Contract to Develop a Portion of the Miami River Greenway Beneath and Adjacent to the NW the 5th Street Bridge, Mr Jose Barrera, FDOT Planning - Mr. Bibeau noted the Florida Department of Transportation is scheduled to provide an update of the NW 5th Street Bridge Replacement project at the February 11 Urban Infill Working Group meeting, 10 am, Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street.
- II. Discussion of Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami by Potentially Amending Article 9, Section 908.9, Waterfront Yards
- III. Discussion of Proposed Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami by Potentially Amending Article 9, Section 907
- IV. Discussion of Draft Comprehensive Plan Amendments Regarding Miami 21
- V. Draft Miami-Dade County Income Contract of $100,000 for Scavenger Decontamination Vessel Services and Draft $100,000 expenditure contract with the vessel owner, Water Management Technologies
II. Presentation of Quarterly Financial Report, October - December 2008 - Mr. Bibeau provided the following quarterly financial reports/documents: 1) “Miami River Fund, Inc. Accrued Balances as of 12/31/08”; 2) “Miami River Fund Inc - Profit & Loss – July Through December 2008” generated on QuickBooks; 3) “Miami River Fund Inc - Profit & Loss – October Through December 2008” generated on QuickBooks; 4) Line item QuickBooks generated printouts of all expenditures and income for the quarter divided into sub-accounts. The Executive Board reviewed the aforementioned documents, and Mr. Bibeau noted the Miami River Fund, Inc. had approved the quarterly financial report on January 16, 2009.
Mr. Gary Winston asked if MRC staff had applied to any new grants in the current quarter, and Mr. Bibeau stated MRC staff had provided him with a list of nearly a dozen grant/funding opportunities both currently active and future opportunities. Mr. Bibeau added and thanked the City of Miami for renewing its yearly $25,000 through 2010 - for continued environmental programs and operations. Mr. Bibeau noted an additional funding source not included in the original list is the County’s $100,000 for the Scavenger decontamination vessel services on the Miami River, because the contract hasn’t been executed yet. Mr. Bibeau explained Miami-Dade County appropriated $100,000 in its Fiscal Year 2009 budget to renew the Scavenger Water decontamination vessel services, which will only be used on the Miami River and its tributaries, 25 hours per week - based on 20 paid hours at $200 per hour plus and 5 free hours per week. Mr. Bibeau noted staff had been provided a draft $100,000 expense contract with Water Management Technologies to continue Scavenger decontamination vessel services, and noted staff is awaiting receipt of a draft $100,000 income contract from Miami-Dade County. Mr. Robert Villar noted the draft $100,000 income contract between the MRFI and Miami-Dade County is being reviewed by the County’s legal department. Mr. Bibeau stated he hoped to present both the draft expense and income contracts to the MRC on March 2.
Mr. Winston asked if the MRC is expecting the SFWMD to continue serving as the primary funding source, and Chair Buermann replied that as long as he serves on the SFWMD, he will make every effort to support the MRC, yet encouraged staff to continue searching for alternate potential funding opportunities. Mr. Bibeau expressed his appreciation to the SFWMD for its continued support, and noted staff would continue to explore any and all funding opportunities. Mr. Bibeau added per Mr. Winston’s recent suggestion, MRC staff had recently emailed all MRC board members and designees, thanking them for their continued support in identifying and forwarding potential funding opportunities to staff. Mr. Winston asked about the feasibility of requesting funding from the local Commissioners discretionary funding accounts, and Mr. Bibeau replied the MRC has never sought nor received discretionary funding from individual commissioners, but would look into this suggestion.
Vice Chair Everingham suggested that the MRC refocus its attention on developing the Miami River Greenway and the marine industry in order to help justify future funding allocations, as well as its existence. Mr. Richard Dubin suggested capitalizing on the unique Miami River Greenway venture, and Mr. Bibeau agreed, noting that today’s MRC agenda includes the discussion of partnering to create potential new large riverfront green spaces & community gardens on private and/or publicly-owned property.
The Executive Committee unanimously accepted the financial report.
III. Consideration of $500 Sponsorship of GMCC’s “A Unified Vision for Downtown Miami” Good Morning Miami Breakfast, February 11, 2009- Mr. Bibeau stated the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce is hosting the “Good Morning Miami Breakfast” on February 11 entitled “Unified Downtown Vision” to discuss implementation of the new Downtown Miami Master Plan, and was seeking sponsorships. Mr. Bibeau distributed an email from Ms. Tania Valenzuela, GMCC, highlighting sponsorship levels and benefits. Vice Chair Everingham stated the MRFI had expressed its support of this PR opportunity, as well as the DDA’s Downtown Miami Master Plan, and had therefore unanimously passed a motion to provide a $500 sponsorship. Vice Chair Everingham added the $500 sponsorship-the lowest indicated benefit level-was well within the MRC’s budget. Vice Chairman Everingham added Mr. Richard Schuchts, GMCC Chair of the NWC Miami River Task Force had attended a MRC Urban Infill subcommittee meeting, and Urban Infill Chairman Murley also recommended approval of the sponsorship because the panel and DDA Downtown Master Plan include completing the Miami River Greenway and were previously recommended for approval (with conditions) by the MRC. Chair Buermann made a motion for the MRC to provide a $500 sponsorship of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce’s “Good Morning Miami Breakfast” on February 11, 2009 regarding the Downtown Master Plan, including completion of the Miami River Greenway; the motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Dubin, and unanimously adopted.
IV) New Business-The following items were addressed/discussed:
- Vice Chair Everingham made a motion to authorize up to $15,000 to purchase supplies, materials & prep needed for upcoming volunteer Miami River Greenway beautification and riverfront park creation events; the motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Dubin and was unanimously adopted.
- Vice Chair Everingham made a motion to utilize up to $5,000 if necessary to co-sponsor the 13th Annual Miami Riverday on April 4, 2009, which would be the first cash contribution in addition to the annual in-kind sponsorship of planning, coordination, administrating Miami Riverday; the motion was seconded by Mr. Richard Dubin and unanimously adopted.
- The Executive Committee reviewed the two draft Miami Riverday budgets. The Executive Committee unanimously authorized transferring the free educational Miami River Boat Tour related line items to the Miami-Dade County grant for educational Miami River Boat Tours, instead of the Riverday sponsor account.
The meeting adjourned. |
February 2, 2009 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
Miami River Commission (MRC) Chairman Eric Buermann called the publicly noticed MRC Executive Committee meeting to order on Monday, February 2, 2009, 11 am, at the Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, Florida. The present Executive Board members concurred having Executive Committee meetings at 11 AM on the same day as noon MRC meetings is convenient, resulting in one trip instead of two.
Members attending were:
Chairman Eric Buermann
Vice Chair Phil Everingham
Richard Dubin
Gary Winston
Robert Villar
Sallye Jude (arrived during agenda item IV)
MRC Staff:
Bibeau, Managing Director
Ashley Chase, Assistant Managing Director
I. Presentation of Miami River Fund, Inc. Quarterly Financial Report, January 1-March 31, 2009 - Director Bibeau provided the following quarterly financial reports, a six-part document: 1) “Miami River Fund, Inc. Accrued Balances as of 3/31/09”; 2) “Miami River Fund Inc - Profit & Loss – July 2008 Through March 2009” (current Fiscal Year is July 1, 2008 – June 30, 2009 year to date) generated on QuickBooks; 3) “Miami River Fund Inc - Profit & Loss – January Through March 2009” (3rd quarter of current fiscal year) generated on QuickBooks; 4) Line item QuickBooks generated printouts of all expenditures and income for the quarter divided into sub-accounts; 5) Riverday Budget 2009; and 6) 6th Annual Miami River Map & Guide Budget. The Executive Board reviewed the aforementioned documents, and Mr. Bibeau noted the Miami River Fund, Inc. had previously reviewed their quarterly financial report during their publicly noticed April 17, 2009 public meeting.
Chair Eric Buermann asked if there were any items of note, and Mr. Bibeau replied the Empowerment Zone Trust’s $17,800 reimbursable grant contract for the completed Miami River Marine Industry Economic Analysis was reconfirmed by the Board of Miami-Dade County Commissioners, therefore the MRFI hoped to receive the $17,800 reimbursement in the future. Chair Buermann asked if the generated quarterly financial report confirmed the MRFI as financially solvent, and Mr. Bibeau replied yes.
Mr. Bibeau directed the Executive Board’s attention to the “Riverday Supplemental Budget,” featured on page 3 of the distributed Riverday Budget 2009, which lists a variety of Riverday expenses paid for via a City of Miami contract and Miami-Dade County CBO contract-both of which are set to expire in September 2009. Mr. Bibeau explained that since these contracts define Riverday as an eligible expense, he felt it was appropriate to spend these dollars for Riverday-related items before they expire in September-which is consistent with both contracts-in order to increase the remaining balance/start-up funding for next year’s Riverday to $20,579.36. Mr. Bibeau added that if the aforementioned expenses were paid for via the Riverday account, then the remaining balance/start-up funding for next year’s Riverday would have been between $9,000-$10,000. In order to avoid any potential confusion, Chair Buermann directed staff to amend the Riverday Budget 2009 so that the City of Miami, Miami-Dade County and South Florida Water Management District Riverday individual expense line items featured in the “Riverday Supplemental Budget” section are now featured in the Riverday Budget 2009 Income section next to their respective name.
The Executive Board reviewed the 6th Annual Miami River Map & Guide Budget. Mr. Bibeau explained that, similar to the distributed Riverday Budget 2009, he paid for the map related expenses of copyright, printing, and design services as an eligible expense of the SFWMD contract instead of from the map advertisements income, leaving all $6,600 of advertisements as profit for the 2009 Map. Mr. Bibeau noted that if the copyright, printing, and design services for the map had been paid for from the map income, then the total profit earned would have been a little over $3,000.
II. Presentation of Miami River Fund, Inc. Approved Fiscal Year 2010 Budget (July 1, 2009-June 30, 2010) - Mr. Bibeau distributed the draft public meeting minutes of the Miami River Fund Inc’s publicly noticed May 28, 2009 public meeting, which the distributed Fiscal Year 2010 (July 1, 2009-June 30, 2010) Operational Budget was unanimously approved, which included a modest 3% cost of living increase in staff salaries, Managing Director Brett Bibeau’s FY ’10 (July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010) annual salary from $72,975 to $75,164.25 and Assistant Managing Director Ashley Chase’s FY ’10 (July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010) annual salary from $42,000 to $43,260, as well as a 5% increase in the Employee Health and Dental Insurance. Mr. Bibeau distributed the Miami River Fund Inc’s adopted FY ’09 and FY ’10 operational budgets. Attendees noted the Miami River Fund Inc’s approved annual budget is provided to the Executive Board, as well as the full Miami River Commission (MRC), for informational purposes, and the MRC and its Executive Board are offered the opportunity to raise any potential questions or comments. Attendees noted in front of the MRC board member seats for the subsequent June 1, 2009 public meeting of the full MRC starting at noon, after this Executive Committee meeting, are copies of the Miami River Fund Inc’s adopted Fiscal Year 2010 Operational Budget. Chairman Buermann and Vice Chairman Everingham expressed support for the distributed Miami River Fund Inc’s adopted FY ’10 operational budget. Chairman Buermann stated he would open the floor at the Miami River Commission’s noon meeting for any questions or comments regarding the distributed Miami River Fund Inc’s adopted FY ’10 operational budget.
The meeting adjourned. |
Miami River Commission (MRC) Chairman Eric Buermann called the publicly noticed MRC Executive Committee meeting to order on Monday, June 1, 2009, 11 am, at the Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, Florida. Chairman Buermann noted although two more Executive Committee members had RSVP’d attendance which would have made quorum, they were unable to attend therefore quorum was not obtained. Chairman Buermann added there are no scheduled voting items as the agenda items are informational.
Members attending were:
Chairman Eric Buermann
Vice Chair Phil Everingham
MRC Staff:
Bibeau, Managing Director
Ashley Chase, Assistant Managing Director
I. Presentation of Miami River Fund, Inc. Quarterly Financial Report, April 1-June 30, 2009 – Chairman Eric Buermann welcomed Mayor Carlos Alvarez’s recently appointed new MRC designee Mr. Tim Riera-Gomez. Mr. Bibeau provided the following quarterly financial reports/documents: 1) “Miami River Fund, Inc. Accrued Balances as of 6/30/09”; 2) “Miami River Fund Inc - Profit & Loss – (Fiscal Year to Date) July 1 2008 - June 30, 2009” generated on QuickBooks; 3) “Miami River Fund Inc - Profit & Loss – April 1, 2009 - June 30, 2009 generated on QuickBooks; 4) Line item QuickBooks generated printouts of all expenditures and income for the 4th Quarter of FY 09’ covering April 1, 2009 –June 30, 2009, divided into sub-accounts. Mr. Bibeau stated the aforementioned financial reports/documents had been reviewed during the Miami River Fund, Inc.’s public meeting on September 9, 2009, and Vice Chairman Phil Everingham apologized for not being able to attend that meeting. Vice Chairman Everingham noted the “Miami River Fund Inc - Profit & Loss – (Fiscal Year to Date) July 1 2008 - June 30, 2009” document features a net income, and expressed concern that these reserves could be subsequently taken away/reprogrammed. Chairman Eric Buermann explained the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Governing Board-whom has approved and provided funding for the last several years-continues to express support of the organization’s great work and mission, therefore did not foresee the SFWMD taking away any of the MRC’s funding, which was provided for previously completed deliverables. In addition, Chairman Buermann noted he continues to encourage MRC staff to look into alternate funding sources-which he noted is quite difficult during the struggling economy- should the SFWMD be unable to provide or decide not to renew the MRC’s $250,000 contract (operational dollars) in the future. MRC Managing Director Brett Bibeau stated he was pleased to announce that last Thursday, September 10, the SFWMD Governing Board unanimously approved renewing the MRC’s $250,000 contract, and thanked Chairman Buermann and the SFWMD for their instrumental support. Mr. Bibeau noted there are numerous grants/sub-accounts that may not carry over into the following fiscal year due to massive Miami-Dade County and City of Miami budget cuts, such as: Miami-Dade County CBO (Community Based Organization) grant funding program, which is currently deleted in the County’s proposed 2010 budget, of which $20,000-$30,000 is typically awarded to our grant applications each year to provide free environmental education boat tours to Miami-Dade County Public School students and Community Based Organizations, and Miami River volunteer event supplies. In addition, the currently proposed County Budget proposes to eliminate their Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs Grant programs, which for the past two years has awarded close to $15,000 per year from the aforementioned grants to help fund Miami Riverday, etc. Chairman Buermann stated he was essentially in favor of spending money to support what the board considers to be worthwhile projects along the Miami River, while simultaneously maintaining a minimum one year cash reserve to assist the MRC in sustaining itself during the current tough economic climate and a potentially uncertain economic future, and the Executive Committee concurred. Vice Chairman Everingham stated the Miami River Fund, Inc will also continue to discuss current and potential new expenditures of any potentially unrestricted funds (in excess of the one year reserve).
II. New Business-The following items were addressed/discussed:
- Mr. Ruano stated that since the Miami River Maintenance Dredging project has been successfully completed, the MRC should re-focus its attention on future projects. Chairman Buermann agreed and noted the MRC has already re-focused its attention on future projects including but not limited to 1) advocating for the completion of the Miami River Greenway, and its long term maintenance and special events; 2) implementation of the “Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Report” 3) the creation and implementation of the “Miami River Tributary Maintenance Dredging and Environmental Clean Up Action Plan” (MRC board member Horacio Stuart-Aguirre is leading a Task Force to determine legal responsibilities of the river’s tributaries and canals, and assist in the effort of keeping these waterways navigable, manageable and clean; 4) cataloguing and resolving Miami River waterfront issues (this effort is being led by MRC board member Jay Carmichael, whom has created a list of outstanding issues such as the removal of derelict vessels, poor seawall conditions, code enforcement violations, etc. and has been tracking their successful progress); 5) assisting the City of Miami in identifying funding to complete the highly anticipated Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Dredging project, touted as the most polluted waterway in the state of Florida, etc. Mr. Ruano recommended conducting a Miami River Commission Retreat, on a Saturday in January of the coming year, to allow current as well as new MRC members (given the potential replacement of current board members and designees following the upcoming City of Miami November 3 election) to work together under the guidance of a professional facilitator. Mr. Ruano noted he serves on the Miami River Commission as the designee for the City of Miami Mayor Diaz, whom terms out in November 2009, therefore in his current seat his last potential MRC meeting would be in October. Chairman Buermann noted since the Miami River Commission is already doing real work in a post dredged Miami River Corridor, he would like to focus the retreat on how jurisdictions can better work together with the private and public sectors, City of Miami, Miami-Dade County, etc. to improve the Miami River. Mr. Ruano made a motion for the MRC to conduct a Retreat on a Saturday in January, consisting of a Miami River Boat Tour for the first half of the retreat and a meeting for the rest of the day. The motion was seconded by Phil Everingham and adopted 6-0 by the MRC Executive Committee. Ms. Sallye Jude recommended communicating this idea to the MRC at today’s meeting, and Chairman Buermann directed MRC staff to begin polling board members’ availability for a Retreat following the MRC’s concurrence with the concept.
- Miami Circle: Ms. Sallye Jude, MRC, asked if the public would be given an opportunity to review Phase II of the Miami Circle Master Plan and express their input, and Mr. Bibeau replied he was not sure if the Historical Museum of Southern Florida (HMSF) plans to conduct a publicly noticed meeting to discuss Phase II, nor if plans for Phase II would need to be reviewed by the City of Miami’s Historic and Environmental Preservation Board (HEP) for a Certificate of Appropriateness, which was not done for Phase I when they only reviewed it for ground disturbing activity in the River wide archaeological zone. Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. Robert McCammon, Director of the Historical Museum of Southern Florida, had attended the MRC Greenways Subcommittee’s August 25, 2009 meeting to provide an update of the Miami Circle’s progress, and Phase II Master Plan for which Department of State Secretary Browning has requested $2.5 million from the FL Leg. in their 2010 session to implement. Mr. Bibeau noted MRC staff has distributed renditions of the new draft Department of State, Department of Management Services, the Historical Museum of Southern Florida and Glatting Jackson Phase II Miami Circle Master Plan (interpretive and architectural elements) in preparation for today’s noon MRC meeting. Mr. Bibeau noted Mr. McCammon had noted that the City of Miami had not designated the Miami Circle site as historic, but the federal government had. Mr. Bibeau stated he had also asked Mr. McCammon if Phase II of the Miami Circle Master Plan would need to be presented to the City of Miami Historic & Environmental Preservation Board for a Certificate of Appropriateness for Phase II, and Mr. McCammon had replied he continues to keep Ms. Ellen Uggicionni, City of Miami Preservation Officer, informed of the Circle’s progress, and had “no idea” if it needs to go before the board. Mr. Ruano stated he was checking with Ms. Uggicionni, via email, if a Certificate of Appropriateness for Phase II would be required. Ms. Jude noted the importance of designating the Miami Circle a local historic site, as it would require a review by the City of Miami’s HEP board for a Certificate of appropriateness and warrant input from the public at a public hearing regarding the recently completed Miami Circle Phase II Master Plan. Mr. Bibeau noted the Miami Circle will be discussed in greater detail during agenda item III at today’s MRC meeting, and added that Mr. McCammon had been invited to participate.
- Chairman Eric Buermann stated the MRC is sponsoring the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce’s September 23 boat tour of the Miami River. Chairman Buermann stated he was pleased to announce that Mr. Bibeau would be narrating the tour. Chairman Buermann stated Mr. Bibeau always does a wonderful job of providing a historical and cultural perspective of the Miami River during these tours, and was looking forward to the event.
The meeting adjourned. |
September 14, 2009 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
Miami River Commission (MRC) Chairman Eric Buermann called the publicly noticed MRC Executive Committee meeting to order on Monday, September 14, 2009, 11 am, at the Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, Florida.
Members attending:
Chairman Eric Buermann
Vice Chairman Phil Everingham
Richard Dubin
Sallye Jude
Robert Ruano
Tim Gomez
MRC Staff:
Bibeau, Managing Director
Ashley Chase, Assistant Managing Director
I. Presentation of Miami River Fund, Inc. (MRFI) Accepted Fiscal Year 2009 Audit - Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, stated the draft Miami River Fund, Inc. (MRFI) November 24, 2009 meeting minutes have been distributed, reflecting acceptance of the MRFI’s 2009 Fiscal Year Audit / Financial Statements and Letter of Communication, which were also distributed at the MRC Executive Committee meeting. MRC Chair Buermann stated it was his understanding the MRFI had reviewed and favorably received the audit and asked Mr. Bibeau if he would like to present any items of interest. Mr. Bibeau referred to the November 24, 2009 MRFI meeting minutes which summarized the audit presentation made by Mr. Josh Rader and Mr. Ronnie Rodriguez of Appelrouth, Farrah & Co., and provided the following highlights:
- Mr. Rader noted the ratio of programmatic expenditures exceeding operational expenses is better than standard and is therefore positive
- Mr. Rader noted the MRFI’s increase of income, while many other organizations had income reductions, is another positive aspect of the audit
- Finances were reported to be strong
- No significant deficiencies or material weaknesses were reported
Philip Everingham stated the 2009 audit was unanimously accepted by the Miami River Fund, Inc., which he noted serves as the financial arm of the Miami River Commission, and it was therefore being presented to the Executive Board today for informational purposes with the goal of addressing any potential questions the board may have. Vice Chair Everingham stated the MRFI was pleased with the report/results as well as the performance of the auditors, and unanimously adopted a motion to renew Appelrouth, Farrah & Co.’s auditing services for fiscal year 2010. Mr. Bibeau explained Appelrouth, Farrah remains willing to renew their services to conduct the MRFI’s FY ’10 Audit (July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010) at the same rate of $13,500 which was the low bidder a couple years ago. MRC Chair Buermann asked Mr. Bibeau if he was pleased with the quality of work produced by Appelrouth, Farrah & Co., and Mr. Bibeau replied yes. MRC Chair Buermann thanked Vice Chair Everingham for serving as a great “watchdog” in his role as President of the Miami River Fund, Inc.
Vice Chair Everingham and Mr. Bibeau stated the MRFI approved the following expenditures, as referenced on page 3 of the MRFI’s draft November 24, 2009 meeting minutes:
- $25,000 to continue volunteer Miami River beautification events via the purchasing of trees, plants, dirt, mulch, paint, pressure cleaning, priming, mural artists, tools, gloves, garbage bags, etc.
- $500 to purchase 80 “Do not pollute, drains to the River” Storm Drain markers/stencils and install them adjacent to the Miami River’s storm drains in order to continue efforts to improve water quality
- Up to $10,000 to help support the 14th annual free Miami Riverday Festival
Mr. Bibeau noted staff has provided copies of the 14th annual Miami Riverday sponsorship solicitation flier. Mr. Bibeau explained the logos on the Miami Riverday flier represent the sponsors that have committed funding and/or in-kind services to the event thus far, and added staff is hoping to secure additional sponsors. Mr. Gomez asked which County department is sponsoring Riverday, and Mr. Bibeau replied that historically, staff has applied to two Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs reimbursable grants-Community Grant and Tourist Development Council-to help fund Riverday. However, Mr. Bibeau noted it had been announced in a recent County grant workshop that due to significant budget cuts, not all applicants will be guaranteed funding for their projects. Mr. Bibeau explained that although staff will not know if Riverday has been awarded funding until after the festival’s marketing materials are printed, the Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs logo must be included on all printed materials in advance, as well as a written statement acknowledging the county’s support of Riverday, in order to avoid any potential violations in the county’s contractual agreement if Riverday is indeed awarded.
II. Presentation of Miami River Fund, Inc. Accepted 1st Quarter Financial Report, July 1-September 30, 2009 - Mr. Brett Bibeau provided the following quarterly financial reports/documents, which he noted were unanimously accepted by the Miami River Fund, Inc. on November 24, 2009: 1) “Miami River Fund, Inc. Accrued Balances as of 9/30/09”, broken into sub-accounts; 2) “Miami River Fund Inc - Profit & Loss – July through September 2009” generated on QuickBooks; 3) Line item QuickBooks generated printouts of all expenditures and income for the 1st Quarter of FY ‘10 covering July 1, 2009 –September 30, 2009, divided into sub-accounts.
Mr. Bibeau noted the Executive Board should not be overly concerned with this quarter’s “Profit and Loss,” which yielded a net income of -$76,612, as the majority of the MRFI’s grants are reimbursable and usually entail a long paperwork process to obtain the awarded funding reimbursements. MRC Chair Buermann stated the MRFI’s financial outlook clearly demonstrates how difficult it is to secure grant funding.
Mr. Bibeau stated he was pleased to report that staff had received $17,100 of the $17,800 previously awarded by the Empowerment Zone Trust, as part of a reimbursable grant contract,
for the completed Miami River Marine Industry Economic Analysis.
MRC Chair Buermann provided the following grant update, which Mr. Bibeau noted would also be shared at the noon Miami River Commission board meeting:
- Though in the midst of an austere budget year, $11,200 was awarded from Miami-Dade County to continue Miami River educational boat tours (last year’s award was $34,000)
- MRC staff submitted a $50,000 grant application to the Elizabeth Ordway Dunn Foundation and was awarded $10,000, of which $9,300 will be used for Scavenger Water Decontamination Vessel Services on the Miami River, and $700 to charter an environmental and historic educational Miami River boat tour for local students
Vice Chair Everingham noted a lot of the MRFI’s funding is budgeted for various river-related activities (via grant contractual obligations), and asked Mr. Bibeau if he was concerned about not receiving the same level of support in upcoming years. Mr. Bibeau replied yes, and noted that if the MRFI is lucky enough to get awarded in the coming years, the funding will probably come at a reduced/adjusted amount. In addition, many of the currently awarded grant contracts contain provisions that allow the funding entity to cancel the contract at anytime and for any reason. Mr. Bibeau stated he would continue to keep the Miami River Fund, Inc. and Executive Committee updated on its funding status.
MRC Chair Buermann noted the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Governing Board-whom has approved and provided funding for the last several years, continues to express support of the organization’s great work and mission. MRC Chair Buermann noted his term as Chair of the SFWMD governing board expires in April 2011, and then there will be a new Governor, new SFWMD Chairman, etc. Chairman Buermann stated he hopes the SFWMD will continue funding the MRC after he leaves, and encouraged staff to continue to look into obtaining long-term legislative funding and any alternate funding sources. In addition, MRC Chair Buermann urged the importance of maintaining a strategic reserve of at least a year of cash on-hand programmatic and operational funding as previously approved by the Executive Committee, yet noted he did not foresee the SFWMD taking away any of the MRC’s “unused” money, since this funding had been provided for previously completed deliverables. Chairman Buermann added the SFWMD is aware of and supports maintaining this 1 year strategic reserve. Vice Chairman Everingham stated he agreed.
III. New Business - Mr. Winston stated the completion of the Miami River Maintenance Dredging project seemed to be the pinnacle task of the Miami River Commission, and wondered what the MRC’s next goal/mission was. Mr. Bibeau replied the distributed draft 2009 Annual Report defines the MRC’s ongoing missions. Mr. Bibeau explained the MRC has now focused its attention on future projects, such as advocating for the completion of the Miami River Greenway, and its long term maintenance and special events. MRC Chair Buermann noted the MRC has also launched the following initiatives: 1) Miami River Voluntary Improvement Program (VIP), led by MRC board member Jay Carmichael, which is aimed at cataloguing and resolving Miami River waterfront issues in order to enhance quality of life; 2) the creation and implementation of the “Miami River Tributary Maintenance Dredging and Environmental Clean Up Action Plan,” 3) advocating for the improvement of the historic Miami Circle, which is the gateway to the Miami River; 4) maintaining a balance along the Miami River’s mixed uses, including residential, industrial, parks, etc; 5) continue efforts to designate the Miami River as a Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) waterway which will make the river eligible to receive funding for transportation initiatives.
Mr. Richard Dubin stated he did not wish to downplay the importance of completing the Miami River Greenway, as it is an important project that will help unite the existing and new residential buildings, restaurants, marine businesses, etc., via a pedestrian walkway and essentially revitalize the Miami River (ex: Biscayne Boulevard).
Mr. Winston suggested that the MRC discuss ways to establish the Miami River as a destination, and not just a working river. MRC Chair Buermann noted the American Institute of Architects (AIA) is hosting a major national convention in Miami on June 10-12, 2010, and had selected the Miami River-as reflected in the MRC November 9, 2009 meeting minutes-for its 2010 “Catalyst Plan”. MRC Chair Buermann explained the goal of the AIA is to identify ways to incorporate the Miami River as an integral part of the city fabric. Mr. Dubin suggested activating Lummus Landing as a “Fisherman’s Wharf” as a means of attracting people to the river and incorporating neighboring businesses, and Mr. Bibeau replied the MRC continues to advocate in favor of this idea.
Mr. Winston asked if the moniker of the MRC remains “the community’s working river,” and MRC Chair Buermann explained that the Miami River “works for everyone” and should continue to be promoted as a wonderful place to live, work and play. Chairman Buermann noted the MRC previously launched a marketing campaign (TV Public Service Announcement, logo, poster, etc.) with the mantra “The Miami River works for me”. Mr. Winston stated he understood this concept, yet felt it may detract from the idea of being a “destination.” Mr. Winston encouraged a fresh, new perspective/vision in order to obtain a focus once again-similar to the one the MRC had during the dredging project. Mr. Winston explained that perhaps the MRC can make the greenway as part of an overall effort to promote the Miami River as a unique destination, which would essentially increase tourism, nightlife, tax base, etc. MRC Chair Buermann stated he liked Mr. Winston’s concept, as it helps strengthen the mission of the MRC. Mr. Winston asked if Mr. Jim Murley, Chair of the MRC’s Urban Infill Working Group, could be engaged to further discuss the idea of potentially “re-branding” and obtain his input, and Mr. Bibeau replied yes.
Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC has historically used the following phrases to describe the Miami River: 1) destination landscape; 2) live, work and play and 3) mixed-use (recreational, residential, marine industrial, etc) with essentially no one use dominating or pushing out another. MRC Chair Buermann agreed with these characteristics, yet noted that perhaps the Miami River needed a catchy new moniker.
Ms. Ashley Chase asked if the MRC was still considering conducting a planning retreat in January 2010, as expressed in a previous Executive meeting, and MRC Chair Buermann replied yes and agreed with this idea.
The Executive Board agreed to continue this conversation and relay this concept to the MRC.
The meeting adjourned. |
December 14, 2009 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
Miami River Commission (MRC) Chairman Eric Buermann called the publicly noticed MRC Executive Committee meeting to order on Monday, December 14, 2009, 11 am, at the Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, Florida.
Members attending:
Chairman Eric Buermann
Vice Chairman Phil Everingham
Richard Dubin
Tim Gomez
Gary Winston
MRC Staff:
Bibeau, Managing Director
Ashley Chase, Assistant Managing Director
MRC Chair Buermann asked if anyone would like to request any changes to the draft Executive Board September 14 meeting minutes, which were provided in advance of the meeting. Hearing none, Vice Chair Phil Everingham moved to approve the draft Executive Board September 14, 2009 meeting minutes; the motion was seconded by Mr. Tim Gomez, and was unanimously adopted.