Executive Committee Minutes 2010
- March. 1, 2010
- June 7, 2010
- July 12, 2010
- December 6, 2010
I. Set Agenda for April 2010 MRC Meeting - MRC Chairman Buermann indicated per the distributed MRC 2010 meeting schedule, since the first Monday in April falls on the fifth - the day after the Easter Sunday holiday - the (MRC) meeting has been pushed to the second Monday of the month, April 12, noon, 1407 NW 7 ST. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) team has deferred their presentation to update the MRC on the AIA’s efforts to create the “Miami River Catalyst Plan” to the MRC’s April 12 public meeting when the AIA will present a paper summarizing the AIA’s preliminary findings / investigations, project’s schedule, logistics, as well as provide a list of AIA Miami River Catalyst Plan team members.
II. Presentation of Miami River Fund, Inc. Accepted 2nd Quarter Financial Report, October 1, 2009 - December 31, 2009 - Mr. Brett Bibeau provided the following quarterly financial reports/documents: 1) “Miami River Fund, Inc. (MRFI) Accrued Balances as of 12/31/09”, broken into sub-accounts; 2) “Miami River Fund Inc - Profit & Loss (FY’10 Year-to-Date) July through December 2009” generated on QuickBooks; 3) “Miami River Fund Inc - Profit & Loss (2nd Quarter) October through December 2009” generated on QuickBooks; 4) Line item QuickBooks generated printouts of all expenditures and income for the 2nd Quarter of FY ‘10 covering October 1, 2009 – December 31, 2009, divided into sub-accounts. MRFI President Everingham noted the MRFI’s distributed draft 1/27/10 public meeting minutes reflect their acceptance of the quarterly financial report. The MRC’s Executive Board reviewed and accepted the quarterly financial report.
III. New Business – MRC Chairman Buermann asked for a financial update regarding the 14th annual Miami Riverday festival. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, stated the deadline to sponsor Riverday passed last month, and thus far, between $8,000-$10,000 has been raised. In addition, Mr. Bibeau noted MRC staff had applied to two separate Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs reimbursable grants to help support Riverday-totaling between $10,000-$13,000-and though staff is hopeful the festival will receive funding from these sources, the amount will not be determined until after the festival has taken place.
Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC had been contacted by Ms. Vivian Miller, Miami World Cinema Center, whom had requested an opportunity to address the MRC at the noon March 1 meeting, regarding the “One Water Workshop,” an environmental educational opportunity for students in Miami, which was created in partnership with the Knight Center of International Media at the School of Communication at the University of Miami and Big Blue & You. Mr. Bibeau explained that as their pilot program starts this month, and this is an informational non-voting item, he had invited her to address the MRC during today’s meeting prior to the Subcommittee Reports, versus asking her to start with an MRC subcommittee. In addition, Mr. Bibeau noted he had invited them to participate at the 14th annual Miami Riverday festival and they are eligible for a free environmental educational boat tour from the existing MRC program funded by the Miami-Dade County grant.
Mr. Bibeau stated MRC staff will be providing all MRC board members and designees at today’s meeting, as well as via email, with copies of the Miami-Dade County Source of Income Statement which must be submitted directly to the Miami-Dade County Elections Department and City Clerk no later than July 1, 2010. Per the recommendation of MRC Chair Buermann and Mr. Winston, MRC staff agreed to inquire about and obtain the “Form 1 Statement of Financial Interests” in order to comply with state standards.
Mr. Winston asked if the MRC’s January 11 retreat had generated any buzz or explored any future goals / mission the MRC could pursue, and MRC Chairman Buermann replied that following the retreat, the MRC remains committed to completing and/or continuing the following projects and initiatives:
- completion of the Miami River Greenway, and ensuring its long term maintenance, security and special events are being provided.
- Miami River Voluntary Improvement Program (VIP), led by MRC board member Jay Carmichael, which is aimed at cataloguing and resolving Miami River waterfront issues in order to enhance quality of life
- the creation and implementation of the “Miami River Tributary Maintenance Dredging and Environmental Clean Up Action Plan”
- advocating for the improvement of the historic Miami Circle, which is the gateway to the Miami River
- maintaining a balance along the Miami River’s mixed uses, including residential, industrial, parks, etc
- continue efforts to implement the Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan and have FDOT designate the Miami River as a Strategic Intermodal System (SIS) waterway which will make the river eligible to receive funding for transportation initiatives, etc
- continue efforts to implement the Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan
- co-sponsoring volunteer beautification events along the Miami River Greenway
- etc
MRC Chairman Buermann stated essentially the MRC’s goal is to continue and finish what has been started.
The meeting adjourned. |
Miami River Commission (MRC) Chairman Eric Buermann called the publicly noticed MRC Executive Committee meeting to order on Monday, March 1, 2010, 11 am, at the Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, Florida.
Members attending:
Chairman Eric Buermann
Vice Chairman Phil Everingham
Tim Gomez
Gary Winston
MRC Staff:
Bibeau, Managing Director
Ashley Chase, Assistant Managing Director
I. Set Agenda Agenda for July 12, 2010 MRC Meeting - Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, stated MRC Chairman Eric Buermann-whom was unable to attend today’s meeting due to illness- had requested to defer all MRC June 6, 2010 subcommittee reports to the July 12 Miami River Commission meeting, noon, Robert King High, 1407 NW 7 Street, which will generate two months (May and June) of active subcommittee reports to be provided to the full MRC in July. Mr. Bibeau stated he would keep the Executive Committee advised of the following future potential MRC agenda item: Review of the Current Draft City of Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Amendments, Metro-Rail Bridge now under construction over the Upper Miami River.
Vice Chairman Everingham asked if the July 12 MRC agenda could include an update/follow-up to the American Institute of Architects’ (AIA) creation of the “Miami River Catalyst Plan,” and MRC staff agreed. Ms Sallye Jude suggested making the most out of the AIA’s planning efforts, and Mr. Bibeau replied the MRC continues to be engaged and involved in the process. Mr. Bibeau noted Miami Herald reporter Andres Viglucci had participated in the AIA team’s Sunday, June 6 bus/land Miami River tour and had subsequently written an article about the AIA’s “Miami River Catalyst Plan,” which ran in today’s Miami Herald’s and mentioned this evening’s AIA public workshop/charrette, at 6 pm, at the Downtown Hyatt Regency, 400 SE 2nd Avenue. Mr. Bibeau stated he hoped the article will increase interest and participation at the event. Vice Chairman Everingham asked who else had participated in the tour, and Mr. Bibeau replied the AIA team, members of the Miami-Dade County Planning Department, Horacio Stuart Aguirre, (per the direction of MRC Chairman Buermann in his absence) Fran Bohnsack and himself. In addition, Mr. Bibeau noted the public presentation of the AIA’s Plan will be held on June 9, 6 pm, at the Downtown Hyatt Regency, 400 SE 2nd Avenue, and that the AIA team is scheduled to provide a brief update of the project at today’s noon MRC meeting. Mr. Bibeau noted all MRC board members and designees had previously been emailed a schedule of AIA public events, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), resumes of the AIA team project members, etc. for their review.
II. Presentation of Miami River Fund, Inc. Accepted 3rd Quarter Financial Report, January 1, 2010 - March 31, 2009 - Mr. Brett Bibeau provided the following quarterly financial reports/documents: 1) “Miami River Fund, Inc. Accrued Balances as of 3/31/10”, broken into sub-accounts; 2) “Miami River Fund Inc - Profit & Loss (FY’10 Year-to-Date) July 2009 through March 2010” generated on QuickBooks; 3) “Miami River Fund Inc - Profit & Loss (3rd Quarter) January through March 2010” generated on QuickBooks; 4) “Miami River Fund Inc - Profit & Loss (3rd Quarter) January through March 2010 and July 2009 through March 2010” (Accrual Basis), generated on QuickBooks by Ms. Liza Medina of Appelrouth Farrah; 5) Line item QuickBooks generated printouts of all expenditures and income for the 3rd Quarter of FY ‘10 covering January 1, 2010 –March 31, 2010, divided into sub-accounts. Mr. Richard Dubin asked Mr. Bibeau to clarify the “Accounting Fees” line item in the “Miami River Fund Inc - Profit & Loss (3rd Quarter) January through March 2010” document, and Mr. Bibeau noted “Accounting Fees” consisted of the Fiscal Year/Audit Statements and additional accounting services performed by Appelrouth, Farrah & Co. The MRC’s Executive Board reviewed the quarterly financial report, which had been unanimously approved/adopted by the Miami River Fund, Inc. on May 20, 2010.
III. New Business – No new business was discussed.
The meeting adjourned. |
Miami River Commission (MRC) Vice Chairman Philip Everingham called the publicly noticed MRC Executive Committee meeting to order on Monday, June 7, 2010, 11 am, at the Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, Florida. .
Members attending:
Vice Chairman Phil Everingham
Sallye Jude
Richard Dubin
MRC Staff:
Bibeau, Managing Director
Ashley Chase, Assistant Managing Director
I. Set Agenda for September 13, 2010 MRC Meeting - MRC Chairman Eric Buermann stated the Miami River Commission will not meet in August and the next meeting will be held on the second Monday, September 13th, noon, at the Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street, since the first Monday of the month falls on Labor Day. Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, provided the following future potential MRC agenda items: 1) University of Miami “Miami River Design Studio”; 2) New Metro-Rail Bridge nearing construction over the Upper Miami River; 3) Improving the “M-Path” (Pedestrian Walkway) to connect Miami-Dade Public Work’s planned riverwalk beneath Metro-Rail’s north shore to the adjacent SW 3rd Street. Mr. Bibeau noted the Urban Infill Working Group has conducted a preliminary review of the aforementioned potential agenda items, and noted he would keep the Executive Board and Chairman Buermann informed of any updates.
II. Review of Miami River Fund, Inc.’s Approved 4th Quarter Financial Report, April 1-June 30, 2010 - MRC Managing Director Bibeau provided the following quarterly financial documents, a five-part report: 1) “Miami River Fund, Inc. Accrued Balances as of 6/30/10”; 2) “Miami River Fund Inc - Profit & Loss – July 2009 Through June 2010” (current Fiscal Year is July 1, 2009 – June 30, 2010 year to date) generated on QuickBooks; 3) “Miami River Fund Inc - Profit & Loss – April Through June 2010” (4th quarter of current fiscal year) generated on QuickBooks; 4) Line item QuickBooks generated printouts of all expenditures and income for the quarter divided into sub-accounts; 5) “Miami River Fund, Inc. Funding/Grant Update 2010.”
Mr. Bibeau provided the following information regarding the “Miami River Fund, Inc. Funding/Grant Update 2010.”
- Over the past year the Miami River Fund, Inc. applied for a total of $850,710 from 17 individual funding sources and was awarded/received a total of $393,122
- Over the past year the Miami River Fund, Inc. assisted agencies in applying for Miami River improvement initiatives totaling $41,025,000 and received $25,000. Currently, the agencies are awaiting notification regarding $41,000,000 of pending / potential funding
- Grand Totals: Grand Total Funding Applied For $41,875,710; Grand Total Funding Received: $418,122; Grand Total Pending Funding: $41,050,000
Mr. Gary Winston asked if the $250,000 contribution from the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) is currently the largest single source of income for the MRFI, and MRC Chairman Buermann replied yes. MRC Chairman Buermann stated the SFWMD has been gracious and supportive of the MRC, and he encourages MRC staff to continue seeking alternate sources for operational funding, which he noted is difficult to do given the current economic climate. MRC Chairman Buermann added the MRC has some money “in reserve” which is important. MRC staff expressed their gratitude for the SFWMD’s continued support.
Vice Chair Everingham asked if MRC staff works in unison with the county and city grant department to identify potential grant opportunities, and Mr. Bibeau replied yes. Vice Chair Everingham noted he had recently met Daniel Wall, Director of Miami-Dade County’s Grant Department, whom he noted seems to have a pulse on all county-related grants, and suggested that Mr. Bibeau work with him in identifying future grant opportunities. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, reported she had recently signed the MRC up on the county’s grant department’s website so that staff can automatically receive weekly updates of potential grant opportunities from Director Wall’s Office of Grants Coordination.
The Executive Board reviewed the remaining aforementioned documents, and Vice Chair Phil Everingham noted the Miami River Fund, Inc. had previously reviewed and accepted their quarterly financial report during their July 8, 2010 public meeting.
III. Review of Miami River Fund, Inc.-Approved Fiscal Year 2011 (July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011) Operational Budget - Mr. Bibeau distributed the Fiscal Year 2011 (July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011) Operational Budget, which he noted was unanimously approved by the MRFI during their July 8, 2010 public meeting. The Executive Committee noted similar to last year, the budget includes a modest 3% cost of living increase in the 2 staff salaries, Managing Director Brett Bibeau’s FY ’11 (July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011) annual salary from $75,164.25 to $77,419.18 and Assistant Managing Director Ashley Chase’s FY ’11 (July 1, 2010 – June 30, 2011) annual salary from $43,260 to $44,557.80. In addition, the Executive Committee noted the MRFI approved the full payment of Employee’s Health and Dental Insurance. Vice Chair Everingham noted the distributed operational budget also includes a $25,000 for Miami River volunteer beautification events and a $10,000 contingency. Vice Chair Everingham added the MRFI operational budget is in good financial shape.
MRC Chairman Buermann noted the Miami River Fund Inc’s approved annual budget is provided to the Executive Board, as well as the full Miami River Commission (MRC), for informational purposes, and the MRC and its Executive Board are offered the opportunity to raise any potential questions or comments. Attendees noted in front of the MRC board member seats for the subsequent July 12, 2010 public meeting of the full MRC starting at noon, after the
Executive Committee meeting, are copies of the Miami River Fund Inc’s adopted Fiscal Year 2010 Operational Budget. Chairman Buermann stated he would open the floor at the Miami River Commission’s noon meeting for any questions or comments regarding the distributed Miami River Fund Inc’s adopted FY ’10 operational budget.
Mr. Winston stated he can’t endorse the 3% cost of living increase in salaries at this time given the current financial climate. MRC Chairman Buermann expressed his support of the modest 3% cost-of living increase. MRC Chairman Buermann noted he believed staff was currently underpaid for all that they do and commended them for their continued hard work. Vice Chairman Everingham concurred. MRC staff thanked the Executive Board for their support.
IV. New Business - Mr. Winston stated he believed the American Institute of Architects’ (AIA) recent creation of their “Miami River Catalyst Plan” was positive in many respects, as it provided an objective view of the Miami River and should therefore be embraced by the MRC and potentially used as a reference. Mr. Winston stated the report noted the MRC’s lack of regulatory authority required in order to legally enforce commitments made by developers in regards to their publicly accessible riverwalks. Mr. Winston therefore encouraged the MRC to work together to somehow address this ongoing issue.
MRC Chairman Buermann stated it would be positive to have both the Greenways and Urban Infill subcommittees review the AIA report and recommend a checklist of initiatives for the MRC to consider implementing. Mr. Bibeau noted this process commenced as reflected in the UIWG’s June 25, 2010 meeting.
Mr. Horacio Stuart-Aguirre stated Miami City Commissioner Willy Gort, whose district includes the largest portion of the Miami River, had discussed with him working closely with the Miami River Commission to improve the Miami River via implementing its strategic plans. Vice Chair Everingham recommended the MRC work on getting the City to adopt the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan. Mr. Bibeau noted the DCA, MRMG, and City administration agreed upon amendments to the City of Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan will be presented again for final adoption to the Miami City Commission on July 22. Mr. Bibeau noted the current draft City of Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan Amendments is being presented at today’s noon MRC meeting, and includes a new Policy, “PA-3.3.3 - Within 18 months of adoption of this policy, the City shall consider approving a joint planning agreement with the Miami River Commission, and Miami-Dade County to revise and adopt the ‘Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan’ as the strategic plan for the Miami River.”
The Executive Board nominated Mr. Stuart-Aguirre to serve as the head or “point man” of an ad hoc committee to review the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan and work with the City to address AIA’s Miami River Catalyst Plan and report his findings to the MRC. Mr. Stuart-Aguirre kindly accepted his position as head of such ad hoc committee.
The meeting adjourned. |
Miami River Commission (MRC) Chairman Eric Buermann called the publicly noticed MRC Executive Committee meeting to order on Monday, July 12, 2010, 11 am, at the Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, Florida.
Members attending:
Chairman Eric Buermann
Vice Chairman Phil Everingham
Sallye Jude
Tim Riera-Gomez
Gary Winston
Orin Black, arrived during Agenda Item IV
Others attending:
Dr. Ernie Martin
Horacio Stuart-Aguirre
MRC Staff:
Bibeau, Managing Director
Ashley Chase, Assistant Managing Director
I. Review of Fiscal Year 2010 (July 1, 2009-June 30, 2010) Audited Financial Statements - Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, reported per the the Miami River Fund, Inc.’s (MRFI) distributed October 18, 2010 public meeting minutes, the MRFI accepted and approved their Fiscal Year 2010 (July 1, 2009-June 30, 2010) Audit. Mr. Bibeau added the Letter of Communication has also been distributed. Mr. Bibeau referred to the audit as “positive” and noted that finances are sound. Vice Chairman Everingham concurred with Mr. Bibeau’s report and noted staff continues to comply with all recommendations previously proffered by auditors several years ago. Chairman Buermann stated it was again a very clean audit this year.
Mr. Bibeau thanked the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) for graciously renewing its $250,000 contribution for next year (until September 2011). Mr. Richard Dubin asked if the MRC has enough money in place after September 2011, and Mr. Bibeau replied as directed by the MRFI and MRC Executive Committee, their is a one-year strategic reserve. Chairman Buermann urged the MRC to keep this “cushion” for safe measure in case there are any future temporary delays in receiving additional income.
II. Review of Miami River Fund, Inc.’s Approved First Quarter Financial Report, July 1-September 30, 2010 - Mr. Brett Bibeau provided the following quarterly financial reports, a 3-part document: 1) “Miami River Fund, Inc. Accrued Balances as of 9/30/10”; 2) “Miami River Fund Inc - Profit & Loss – July 1 - September 30, 2010” generated on QuickBooks (serves as 1st quarter and year to date); 3) Line item QuickBooks generated printouts of all expenditures and income for the 1st Quarter of FY ‘11 covering July 1 – September 30, 2010, divided into sub-accounts. Vice Chairman Everingham stated per the MRFI’s distributed October 18, 2010 public meeting minutes, the MRFI unanimously accepted their 1st Quarter (July 1 – September 30, 2010) Financial Report. Mr. Bibeau noted the first quarter report usually reflects a negative balance, as several of the MRFI’s funding sources are reimbursable grants.
Mr. Bibeau asked the Executive Board if they would like to move two separate resolutions to accept the renewal of the recently approved County and City’s funding. Vice Chairman Everingham moved a resolution to accept the previously approved $25,000 renewal for environmental and educational initiatives. The motion was unanimously adopted.
Vice Chairman Everingham moved a resolution to accept Miami-Dade County’s renewal of $5,600, to continue providing free environmental educational boat tours and coordinating volunteer beautification events along the Miami River. The motion was unanimously adopted. Mr. Bibeau explained $4,900 of this funding would be utilized for boat tours, while the remaining $700 would be used for volunteer events. Chairman Buermann suggested that MRC staff reserve at least one boat tour for the SFWMD upon their visit to Miami, and Mr. Bibeau agreed.
III. Status of Privately-owned Miami River Greenway Sections - The Executive Board reviewed the document entitled, “ ‘Publicly Accessible’ Riverwalks Constructed by the Private Sector Inconsistent with City of Miami Approvals,” which Mr. Bibeau noted had been distributed to the Waterfront Advisory Board during its November 9 public meeting. Mr. Bibeau stated he was pleased to report that City of Miami Planning Director Francisco Garcia-joined by representatives of the City of Miami Building Department, Public Works, Capital Improvements Department and Code Enforcement- had attended the November 9 Waterfront Advisory Board meeting and stated he would “work on”/review with city staff Mr. Bibeau’s distributed riverwalk document, prepare an “action plan,” and report the city’s findings to the Waterfront Board at its December public meeting. Mr. Bibeau added Mr. Garcia had noted on the record that he believed there were indeed projects not in compliance and expressed his support for establishing a continuous, publicly accessible Miami River Greenway. Mr. Bibeau stated he looked forward to continue working with these regulatory agencies to ensure that the 10 projects listed in the distributed document come into compliance. Mr. Bibeau added that thus far, projects 3 and 4 (Riverfront East and West, respectively) have made some progress.
Chairman Buermann asked if there was some way the City could make the riverwalk a part of the developers’ approval process, and Mr. Bibeau explained that elements are currently in place within the City of Miami’s “Miami 21” zoning code, development orders and approved permits which ensure that developers provide a publicly accessible riverwalk and are responsible for maintaining them. Ms. Sallye Jude stated the city should require developers to complete their riverwalk prior to “handing it off” to the condo association. Mr. Winston asked if the MRC could obtain written assurances from future developers guaranteeing that they will construct and maintain their riverwalk (easements). Chairman Buermann stated he supported Mr. Winston’s idea and suggested that the City incorporate this “written assurance” as a part of their development order. Furthermore, Chairman Buermann suggested that when presented with proposed development projects in the future, the MRC should base their approval contingent on the developer’s “written assurance” that they will construct and maintain their publicly accessible riverwalk sections. The Executive Board expressed their support for this concept and agreed to share it with the MRC at its meeting today.
The meeting adjourned The meeting adjourned. |
December 6, 2010 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
Miami River Commission (MRC) Chairman Eric Buermann called the publicly noticed MRC Executive Committee meeting to order on Monday, December 6, 2010, 11 am, at the Robert King High New Board Room, 1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, Florida.
Vice Chairman Phil Everingham moved a resolution for the Executive Committee to adopt the July 12, 2010 meeting minutes; the resolution was seconded by Mr. Tim Riera-Gomez and was unanimously adopted.
Members attending:
Chairman Eric Buermann
Vice Chairman Phil Everingham
Sallye Jude
Tim Riera-Gomez
Richard Dubin
Gary Winston
Other attending:
Horatio Stuart-Aguirre
MRC Staff:
Bibeau, Managing Director
Ashley Chase, Assistant Managing Director