Stormwater Minutes 2017
- March 1, 2017
- June 7, 2017
- Sep
- Dec
I. “Walk the WBID” Water Body Identification (WBID) for the Miami River
Brett Bibeau, MRC thanked the numerous agencies for participating in the Miami River “Walk the WBID”, including FDEP, FDOT, City of Miami, Miami-Dade County, Dept. of Health, University of Miami, City of Doral, City of Sweetwater, City of Hialeah, etc. Similar to the process conducted in Wagner Creek, the three day inspection tour occurred in November 2015, 1 day via vessel and 2 days via land, searching for and discovering sources of contamination which are being remediated. The subcommittee the created a list of over 100 identified action items to implement in order to improve water quality in the Miami River. MRC Director Bibeau suggested over the next quarter attendees work to implement the following identified sources of pollution which are the top 2 line items on the list “1. No bags in trash cans” and “2. Human feces”. Director Bibeau stated he had emailed the City of Miami’s Solid Waste Department whom kindly agreed to use garbage bags when they service the on-road Miami River Greenway’s decorative Garbage Cans. Director Bibeau stated the City’s Public Works Department had asked the City Parks Department to use garbage bags in cans located within Parks as well. MRC Director Bibeau stated the MRC’s paid professional cleanup crew has been paid to remove feces on numerous occasions, but the available funding clearly does not provide enough frequency to keep up with the amount of quickly reoccurring feces in order to provide a reasonable level of service. Anita Nash, FDEP, stated the local City of Miami and FDOT are required under their MS4 permit to address these sources of fecal contamination.
MRC Director Bibeau thanked the City of Miami for responding to a complaint the MRC received from a riverfront business, by unclogging the stormwater system on South River Drive.
II. “Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan” Agency Quarterly Implementation Progress Reports
Mr. Omar Abdelrahman presented DERM’s quarterly (October – December 2016) Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan’s progress report. The quarter’s worst
water quality violation was detected at Wagner Creek stations 2, 3 and 4 where 2,000 cfu / 100 ml was detected in October and November, and the water quality standard / goal is 400 cfu / 100 ml.
Anita Nash stated FDEP is partnering with DERM to conduct additional testing, including DNA testing, to determine if the high e-coli levels include Human sources, and try to determine the specific location of the sources. The 1st of 3 rounds of testing will take place this month.
Director Bibeau continued to respectfully encourage all agencies to reach consensus on who is legally responsible to remove debris as large as partially sunken derelict vessels and as small as plastics, Styrofoam, etc from the portion of the South Fork Tributary at Fern Isle Park, 1100 NW 22 Ave.
III. Status of Constructing the Permitted Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Maintenance Dredging and Environmental Cleanup Project
MRC Managing Director Bibeau stated all permits for this City project are fully executed, and the City received permit extensions before MDC’s expiration. The Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) previously awarded the City of Miami $2.7 million for the project, matched by the appropriated $2.7 million in City funds. The City recently secured the remaining $14.6 million balance needed for the shovel ready and fully funded project (total project estimate $20 million) from an awarded FDEP Clean Water Revolving Loan Program, and in the 2016 Legislative Session the City is asking the FL Legislature to forgive a portion of the loan, for which they have already provided a $200,000 appropriation. The City further indicated they would use a small portion of their annual re-occurring Storm Water Utility fee to repay the 0% interest ST Clean Water Revolving Loan, stretched out over time. On July 24, 2014, the City Commission approved an amended agreement with CH2M for continued services on the project. The City of Miami advertised a Request for Proposals, and estimates selecting a company in July 2016, and commences dredging later in 2016.
IV. New Business
The MRC SSC’s next quarterly public meeting will be June 7, 10 AM, 1407 NW 7 ST.
The meeting adjourned.

The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) held a public meeting on March 1, 2017, 10 AM, 1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, FL. The SSC’s previously distributed December 7, 2016 public meeting minutes were accepted.
Click for Water Quality Reports
DERM Storm Water Reports
City of Miami Water Reports
I. Status of Constructing the Permitted and Funded Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Maintenance Dredging and Environmental Cleanup Project
Daniel Dietch, CH2, noted the City of Miami hired CH2 for the permitting, design, and oversight of the project. Mr. Dietch stated the City of Miami rejected the 2 bids submitted to their originally advertised Request for Proposals for the fully funded and permitted Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Maintenance Dredging and Environmental Cleanup Project. The City of Miami re-issued the RFP in early September, 2 new bids were submitted and the City of Miami contracted and issued a Notice to Proceed (NTP) to Sevenson Environmental Services, Inc, established in 1917. The MRC thanks the City of Miami, Florida Inland Navigation District, and the State of Florida for funding the project, which will improve the local economy and remove toxic sediments, including dioxin, from the most polluted waterway in the State of Florida. Mr. Dietch stated the City of Miami estimates actual dredging to start this month. Mr. Dietch stated the sediment will never touch the ground, rather be transferred into water / air tight containers which are taken away to dumps via trucks. Mr. Dietch stated the project’s approved Corrective Action Plan (CAP) requires the use of turbidity curtains by section, and beyond the requirement Sevenson will be using Aqua Dams which are filled air balloons o control turbidity and avoid migration. Mr. Dietch noted the City of Miami recently conducted a public meeting regarding the project, and they will be inviting the public to an official commencement ceremony in the near future.
II. “Walk the WBID” Water Body Identification (WBID) for the Miami River
Anita Nash, FDEP, stated recent testing results have indications of a raw human sewage leak in the middle of Wagner Creek, near DERM testing stations WC02 and WC03. The next round of testing is scheduled for the end of June.
III. “Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan” Agency Quarterly Implementation Progress Reports
Mr. Omar Abdelrahman presented Miami Dade County’s Department of Environmental Resource Management’s quarterly (January – March 2017) Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan’s progress report. The quarter’s worst water quality violation was detected at Wagner Creek stations 2 (WC02) where 1,600 cfu / 100 ml was detected in March, and the water quality standard / goal is 400 cfu / 100 ml.
Attendees noted on “Chart 5., Total Phosphate Tracking” Ten Year Period 2007-2017 Upper Miami River” that recent tests have been amongst the highest violations over the past decade with results 400% over the water quality goal. Mr. Abdelrahman stated the levels get higher as you proceed west along the waterway. Attendees noted the high levels of Total Phosphate occurring at the end of the Miami Canal waterway, in Lake Okeechobee, and the SFWMD’s large pump stations that have been turned on more often pumping this water in large volumes into the Miami River through the salinity dam at NW 36 ST.
IV) New Business - The MRC SSC’s next quarterly public meeting will be September 6, 10 AM, 1407 NW 7 ST.
The meeting adjourned. |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) held a public meeting on June 7, 10 AM, 1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, FL. The SSC’s previously distributed March 1, 2016 public meeting minutes were accepted..
Click for Water Quality Reports
DERM Storm Water Reports
City of Miami Water Reports
I. “Walk the WBID” Water Body Identification (WBID) for the Miami River
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) held a public meeting on September 7, 2016, 10 AM, 1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, FL. The SSC’s previously distributed June 1, 2016 public meeting minutes were accepted.
Miami River Commission’s
Stormwater Subcommittee Meeting Signin Sheet
City of Miami
City of Miami Water Reports
Miami-Dade County:
DERM Storm Water Reports
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) held a public meeting on December 6, 2017, 10 AM, 1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, FL. The SSC’s previously distributed September 6, 2017 public meeting minutes were accepted.
I. Status of Constructing the Permitted and Funded Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Maintenance Dredging and Environmental Cleanup Project
The MRC Stormwater Subcommittee’s September 6, 2017 public meeting minutes state:
“Daniel Dietch, CH2, noted the City of Miami hired CH2 for the permitting, design, and oversight of the project. Mr. Dietch stated the City of Miami rejected the 2 bids submitted to their originally advertised Request for Proposals for the fully funded and permitted Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Maintenance Dredging and Environmental Cleanup Project. The City of Miami re-issued the RFP in early September, 2 new bids were submitted and the City of Miami contracted and issued a Notice to Proceed (NTP) to Sevenson Environmental Services, Inc, established in 1917. The MRC thanks the City of Miami, Florida Inland Navigation District, and the State of Florida for funding the project, which will improve the local economy and remove toxic sediments, including dioxin, from the most polluted waterway in the State of Florida. Mr. Dietch stated the City of Miami estimates actual dredging to start this month. Mr. Dietch stated the sediment will never touch the ground, rather be transferred into water / air tight containers which are taken away to dumps via trucks. Mr. Dietch stated the project’s approved Corrective Action Plan (CAP) requires the use of turbidity curtains by section, and beyond the requirement Sevenson will be using Aqua Dams which are filled air balloons o control turbidity and avoid migration. Mr. Dietch noted the City of Miami recently conducted a public meeting regarding the project, and they will be inviting the public to an official commencement ceremony in the near future.”
Daniel Dietch, CH2M, provided and presented a detailed 10 page “Wagner Creek / Seybold Canal Restoration Project Progress Report” dated 11/28/17. Mr. Dietch noted the project is divided into 6 geographic operational sections (OS), and thus far 8,114 cubic yards have been dredged from OS1 & OS2.
Attendees noted the desire to add the hump of sediment in the Miami River’s Federal navigable channel, just outside of the mouth of the Seybold Canal. Mr. Dietch noted the need for a permit amendment and change order to include this additional area.
Director Bibeau noted the need for the City and Dredgers to temporarily relocate the vessels docked in Seybold Canal while dredging OS6, which is estimated to commence in March.
II. “Walk the WBID” Water Body Identification (WBID) for the Miami River
Anita Nash, FDEP, presented a PowerPoint titled, “2017 Source ID Pilot Study: Wagner Creek Maps, FDEP”. Recent rounds of testing results again have concerning indications of raw human sewage in the middle of Wagner Creek, near DERM testing stations WC02 and WC03. MS Nash stated FDEP, City, and County will meet in a month to create an “Action Plan” to remediate the human sewage detected in Wagner Creek.
Attendees noted the need for increased vacuum truck services to clean out the respective FDOT, County and City owned stormwater systems. Attendees noted as recommended in the study, the City owned garbage cans in City owned Parks still need to start using garbage bags.
Attendees noted the City is commencing creation of a new Storm Water Master Plan.
III. “Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan” Agency Quarterly Implementation Progress Reports
Mr. Omar Abdelrahman presented Miami Dade County’s Department of Environmental Resource Management’s quarterly (July – September 2017) Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Plan’s progress report. The quarter’s worst water quality violation were detected at Wagner Creek testing locations WC02, WC03, and WC04, where “24,200” cfu / 100 ml was detected in May, where the desired water quality standard / goal is 400 cfu / 100 ml. Mr. Abdelrahman stated the highest result the test is able to generate is 24,200 cfu, which is why the same maximum test result was detected at numerous stations and numerous months. Therefore the actual test result may exceed the maximum reading of 24,200 cfu.
IV) New Business –
Mr. Charles Zwebner and Mr. Jeff Fidelin stated VolAero is a professional drone services company that integrates cutting edge drone, imagery, and data processing technologies to provide its clients with “actionable analytics”. From flight mission planning to data processing, VolAero saves its clients time, money and resources, and boosts safety. We are very involved in environmental monitoring, construction progress monitoring and everything related to permitting, risk assessment and compliance inspections.
The MRC SSC’s next quarterly public meeting will be March 6, 2018, 10 AM, 1407 NW 7 ST.
The meeting adjourned.

December 6, 2017 | THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) held a public meeting on December 6, 2017, 10 AM, 1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, FL. The SSC’s previously distributed September 6, 2017 public meeting minutes were accepted..
Miami River Commission’s
Stormwater Subcommittee Meeting Signin Sheet
City of Miami Water Reports
Miami-Dade County:
DERM Storm Water Reports
c/o Robert King High • 1407 NW 7 Street, Suite D, Miami, FL 33125 • 305-644-0544 • Fax: 305-642-1136 • Contact us email |