01 26 08  University of Miami volunteers working greenway along North River Drive 01 26 08 University of Miami volunteers working greenway along North River Drive 01.26.08 Volunteers along North River Drive 01.26.08 Volunteers raking along North River Drive greenway 04 26 08 Bellsouth volunteers planting on p & L bed 1 26 08  University of Miami volunteers 4 26 08 Bellsouth volunteers planting trees on riverfront 4 26 08 Volunteers mulching greenway 4 26 08 Volunteers on greenway 4 26 08 Volunteers planting riverfont tree 4 26 08 Volunteers weeding greenway bellsouth 4 26 08 vols river herald bellsouth 4 26 08 vols with plants and river bellsouth 4 26 08 vols with plants and trees flagler elh riverside garden 4 26 08 mangroves vols flagler elh riverside garden vols full mural 4 26 08 flagler elh riversise garden 4 26 08 vols painting mural