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JAN. 23, 2001 10:00 AM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River Commission Dredging Working Group meeting was called to order at 10 am in the Library map room of the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science located at 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL. The attendee list is attached. |
Dick Bunnell welcomed everyone and opened the meeting. All attendees introduced themselves. Copies of the last dredging meeting minutes and copies of the letter sent to property owners advising them about the dredging project were distributed. The first item discussed was the status of the Project Cooperation Agreement (PCA) between the Army Corps and Miami Dade County. Roman Gastesi, MDC, advised the group that productive meetings have occurred and the PCA has been clarified and the county feels they can return their comments to the ACOE by the week of the February 15, 2002. Jerry Scarborough stated that the lawyers are talking and there are certain clauses in the PCA that are standard Corps requirements and cannot be changed, however, he believes that once it is explained and clarified to the county attorneys, they will be more comfortable. Jerry stated that the PCA can not go forward until the environmental documents are completed and the real hold up of the project is the Coordination Act Report (CAR). Jerry moved forward to the next item on the agenda, which is the status of the CAR. He stated that the Corps and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Office at Vero Beach met on January 10th and the F&WS stated they would have the CAR completed by the end of January. Jerry said the meeting was lengthy and detailed, but it went well. Jerry explained the process and stated that the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) must be advertised for comments for 45 days and the final EIS must be advertised for 30 days. There are no short cuts for this process. Jerry advised that the new Corps schedule is for the request for proposal (RFP) to be issued in early May verses the end of March. Jerry explained the RFP is under development now and Miami-Dade County has a designated representative on the RFP development team and that person is a voting member of the team. Jerry indicated that he is showing a commencement date of the dredging project for September 10, 2002. This commencement date obviously could change if there are significant comments on the DEIS/EIS requiring amendments. The remaining timeline includes advertising the RFP in early May and that is advertised for 45 days. Contractor selection or award will be in late July and dredging commencement in September. The DEIS will be advertised in the federal register and on the Corps website. Also it will be available on a CD. Favorable comments letters are accepted. Dick Bunnell asked about the status of the new sediment surveys. The Corps responded they have received a draft survey and are awaiting the final report. This updated survey will help determine the amounts of sediment in the river and define the areas of virgin rock that will not be dredged. Discussion ensued. John Bearce, ACOE, stated that the 460,000 cubic yards of material that the Corps has stated is outside the federal channel is only a theoretical figure that included areas that may or may not be “dredgeable”. It assumed dredging to a 17-foot depth through out the whole width of the river or the bank-to-bank area. We know this is not going to be possible because much of that is solid rock. John believes the new survey will show a significant decline in the 460,000 yards! Susan Markley advised that the County has contracted a consultant to apply for required permits for the bank-to-bank areas and the tributaries. The County is awaiting the Corps’ final surveys before they can submit any permit applications. David Roach, Executive Director of the Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) discussed the possibility of FIND grant funding for assistance in dredging the tributaries to the Miami River. David stated that FIND could provide a maximum of 90 % of the funding for dredging the tributaries. FIND grant funding applies only to natural tributaries and does not provide dredging funds for manmade or artificial canals. He further explained that Miami-Dade County can receive a maximum of $3 million per year, and that is for all FIND projects in Miami-Dade. General discussion ensued. Roman Gastesi commented that all companies that are required to relocate utilities should submit permit requests to Ms. Melissa Meeker at the FDEP office in West Palm Beach. She is aware of the dredging project and importantly the “Conceptual Permit” issued by FDEP to the Corps for the dredging project. Dick Bunnell suggested it would be a good idea to have another meeting of utility companies, to ensure all is proceeding well with the required utility relocations. Roman said he would set up another meeting with the utility companies. David Miller advised that he has received calls from marinas and other businesses along the river concerning whether their areas will be dredged and if the project does not cover a marina area, how can they get their marinas dredged. Discussion ensued and the final outcome was that each individual business or marina would have to get their own permits and then they may be able to “piggyback” with the channel dredging project. It was noted that the dredging equipment used on the river might not be suitable for these smaller, narrower areas. The end result of the discussion was that the MRC, with the assistance of Case O’Bourke Enginering, would advise these owners of the various requirements of permitting, funding, etc. The general consensus of the group was that this is an opportunity for property owners. The next dredging meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, February 20, 2002 at 10 am at this same location (Rosenstiel School). The meeting was adjourned at 1130 am. |