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FEB. 20, 2001 10:00 AM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River Commission Dredging Working Group meeting was called to order at 10 am in the Library map room of the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science located at 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL. The attendee list is attached. |
Scott Mitchell opened the meeting and requested all attendees to provide self-introductions. The January 2002 minutes were approved without objection. Status of the Project Cooperation Agreement (PCA) - Jerry Scarborough (USACE) stated that the Corps and Miami-Dade County (non-federal sponsor) have been working together to negotiate the terms and agreements. Jerry expected to receive the first draft of the PCA from MDC this week. Carlos Espinosa from MDC explained staff was still reviewing the PCA. Jerry Scarborough said the status of the PCA is not holding up the project. Status of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)– Jerry Scarborough said the DEIS advertisement is the critical path in the timeline of the project. Jerry stated the Corps has received the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service’s Coordination Act Report (CAR). With receipt of the CAR, the Corps is now in the process of finalizing the DEIS, which they expect to be completed in the next several weeks for publishing in the federal register. The DEIS must be available in the federal register for 45 days for comment and then the comments/revisions/etc. are placed in the final EIS, which must be published in the federal register for 30 days. The CAR is now being placed into the Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP). The Corps is waiting for comments from the county on the DMMP. This DMMP is forwarded along with the PCA to Corps Headquarters in Washington for final approval of the project. Jerry stated that the CAR has many recommendations that the Corps cannot agree with; however, based on meetings between the Corps and F&WS, he believes there does not appear to be any serious problems. Discussion ensued about whether the county or the Corps is responsible to take the necessary action to have existing docks and piers removed from the federal channel. Both Carlos and Jerry said this is not a problem, just a matter of clarification of the PCA. David Miller stated he thought that issue was already decided. The MRC sent out letters, approved by both the Corps and the county, advising river front property owners with docks or structures in the federal channel that the Corps would be contacting them soon about conforming to the required navigable channel requirements. Jerry introduced Susan Kaynor from the USACE regulatory office in Miami for her comment. She said she would check with her supervisor. Susan Markley stated that the county always defers to the Corps for issues regarding navigable channel regulations. Carlos mentioned that on March 4, 2002 there is a meeting of companies and government agencies that have utilities crossing the river that may need to be relocated. Status of Bank-to-Bank Project – Ed Swakon, consultant for the county, advised the group that the county’s application to dredge the bank-to-bank portion of the River was submitted to all required agencies. The issues that will surface according to Ed will primarily involve the State Sovereign Submerged Lands requirements. Submerged lands owned by the state require easements or consent from the state. Ed believes the state consent will be the easiest; however, there are a number of individual owners that have submerged lands leases and obtaining their consent may be more difficult. Scott Mitchell asked about funding component for the bank-to-bank and tributary funding. Carlos said funding cannot be determined as the county is awaiting the final sediment survey done by the Corps. Jerry stated that the new surveys are in and the Corps is reviewing and finalizing the documents. The new survey shows 600,000 cubic yards of sediment in the federal project and the bank-to-bank figures will be completed in the next few days. Jerry said the template of the federal channel and the slope and sloughing of material that would fall into the federal channel is included in the 600,000 cubic yard federal channel figure. Jerry said that the Corps would only dredge within 10 feet of any manmade structure. Discussion of Private Dredging in Conjunction with Federal Channel Project – David Miller introduce Nancy Case O’Bourke, consultant for the MRC. Nancy said letters went out to all property owners that appeared to have large areas that were cut into the bank for marinas or shipping terminals. Nancy said 19 letters went out that basically said that the dredging project is scheduled to start in the fall. If a property owner wanted to “tag” onto the federal project they would have to get their own permits and separately contract with the dredging company. The intent of the letter was just to publicize that opportunity to private property owners along the River. Ed Swakon asked if a private company could just utilize the disposal method and not the dredging company. Jerry said that would be an issue that must be worked out, probably between with the selected contractors. Ed Swakon reported that the tributaries are now being surveyed and sediment data retrieved, but they would be permitted at a latter date. Jerry Scarborough reported that his navigation section of the Corps would not be involved with dredging non-federal channel tributaries. Carlos stated that other sections of the Corps are dealing with flood control and may be of assistance in dredging the tributaries. Carlos suggested a broader discussion with other agencies might be in order, so as not to miss an opportunity to dredge or clean the tributaries. There being no new business, the next meeting was scheduled for Wednesday March 20, 2002 at 10 AM at the Library Conference Room at the Rosenstiel School located at 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, and the meeting was adjourned. |