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Feb. 21, 2007 10:00 AM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River Commission’s
(MRC) Dredging Working Group met as regularly scheduled on the third
Wednesday of the month, February 21, 2007, 10 AM, at 1407 NW 7 ST.
Per Mr. |
I & II. Status of Mr.
Baker stated the Board of County Commissioners unanimously approved
authorizing the County Manager to execute the Local Advanced Funding
Agreement for the project, which would allow the local cost share of
dredging in the federal navigable channel to be spent ahead of the
Federal Cost share, which if accepted by the ACOE would provide
sufficient funding for AS 9. Mr.
Baker stated the Mr. Baker asked Mr. Jim Thomas, President of Bean Environmental, if the contractor was planning to bring the Boskalis dredge sediment processing plant back, which was averaging one acceptance section per month, and Mr. Perez added the ACOE sent a letter to the contractors over a month ago, asking the same question. Mr. Thomas replied they do intend to bring back the same dredge and processing plant. Mr. Thomas added they don’t want to remobilize to dredge only two acceptance sections, and would prefer remobilizing when 75% of the remaining funding had been secured. Mr. Evan Skornick, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), stated he spoke with a representative from the Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) whom indicated FIND would allow amendments to the specific acceptance sections in which their awarded grant funding may be spent, in order to be used for the local advanced funding. Mr.
Baker stated the County agreed to the MRC’s recommendation to apply
for a “EDA” grant to obtain a federal cost share for the
“bank-to-bank” dredging component located outside of the federal
navigable channel, which doesn’t currently have a federal cost share,
and if awarded would free up local project sponsor funding appropriated
for that purpose. Mr. Baker
added the grant awards range between $4 - $1 million per year, and has a
lengthy application, consideration, and award timeline, which he will
provide at the Dredging subcommittee’s March meeting.
Mr. Skornick stated the SFWMD will not be applying for a FIND
grant this year towards local advanced funding, because FIND doesn’t
have a Mr. Perez stated the ACOE conducted a “Remaining Benefit to Remaining Cost” (RBRC) ratio based on completing AS 7-10, leaving only AS 11-15, and the RBRC is 3.01 to 1. Mr. Perez noted the ACOE is unable to formally consider the improved RBRC while creating their next FY ’09 budget request, until the project completes dredging AS 7-10. III. Update River Utility Crossings– The Dredging subcommittee discussed Bellsouth’s needs to receive final permits to relocate utility lines, and noted it seemed the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) was about to issue their permit. IV. Status of Removal of V. New Business – The Dredging subcommittee confirmed the next regularly scheduled third Wednesday of the month meeting for March 21, 2007, 10 am, 1407 NW 7 ST. The meeting adjourned. |