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April 19, 2006 10:00 AM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River Commission’s
(MRC) Dredging Working Group met as regularly scheduled on the third
Wednesday of the month, |
I & II. Status of Miami River Federal Navigable Channel Maintenance Dredging Project & Funding and Status of “Bank to Bank” Maintenance Dredging Project & Funding – Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, provided Dredging Working Group attendees with copies of the $4 million in line items for the Miami River maintenance dredging project in the Florida Legislators approved Senate Bill 2700 and the $1.3 million in line items for the project in the approved House Bill 5001. Mr. Bibeau stated the MRC’s Executive Board agreed to have the MRC Chair write the Dade Delegation to encourage an increase to the potential appropriation during conference, and suggest the project’s stakeholders write them similar letters of support prior to the early May end of the State’s legislative session. Mr. Bibeau reported on the federal funding efforts, the MRC is working with Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen’s Office on having a Dade Delegation letter sent to the appropriations chairs, supporting the County’s $24 million Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 request. Mr. Bibeau reported the House and Senate FY ’07 bills are scheduled to be marked up during Summer of 2006, and then proceed to conference. Mr. Rene Perez, Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), stated they continue to plan on remobilizing their dredging contractors during the fourth quarter of FY ’06 (July-September, 2006) using the available $3.5 million appropriated in FY ’06, and then continue dredging with the funding appropriated in FY ’07. Mr. Perez noted the contractors would have two months to recommence dredging from the time the ACOE awards the next “acceptance section”. Mr. Perez reported David Cole resigned, therefore the contractor’s project managers are Jeff McWilliams and Ancil Taylor. Mr. Perez stated the contractor hasn’t indicated any unwillingness to remobilize as planned. Mr. Perez stated the $4.5 million in assessed damages caused by Hurricane Wilma has been deposited into the project’s account. Mr. Perez clarified that this Hurricane supplemental funding must be used over the course of the project on any overruns caused by the Hurricane, including any additional dredging in the completed acceptance sections 1-6 necessary to restore the channel’s 15 foot depth. In addition, Mr. Perez noted there are currently $400,000 in federal and $2.44 in non-federal leftover funds from acceptance sections 1-6, which may be utilized for future dredging. Mr. Perez pledged any available funding will be used on the project, and there is no risk of any available funding being reprogrammed to a different project. Mr. Tim
McIntosh, DERM, stated the County is currently planning on including
their less than $500,000 cost share balance due in their FY ’07
budget. Mr. Jorge Martinez
Esteve, City of III.
of Removal of IV.
Update on the SFWMD’s Efforts to Dredge the Tamiami Canal from
the Confluence of the Miami River to the Salinity Dam –
Mr. John Leslie, Ms.
Audrey Ordenes, and Mr. Evan Skornick, updated the Dredging Working
Group on their efforts to initiate a dredging project in the Tamiami
Canal, which the SFWMD owns, from the salinity dam to the Miami River.
Mr. Leslie stated FEMA is providing funding for the project,
designed after PBS & J completed an analysis of the area.
Mr. Leslie presented a power point presentation, noting within
the subject area dredging to a depth of 18 feet (currently 4-8 feet
deep) would take place in two sections, and stop to the west of the
Miami River at the Tamiami Swing Bridge.
The dredging subcommittee noted the Mr. Leslie stated the project is being indefinitely postponed due to concerns regarding seawalls and boat dockage. Mr. Leslie stated although the dredging wouldn’t come within 10-20 feet of any existing sea-wall or structure, and the SFWMD doesn’t have sufficient funding for the project to incorporate any potential seawall repairs. In addition, Mr. Leslie noted the need to coordinate the temporary relocation of vessels to allow the dredging project within the area. Ms. Ordenes stated if the project’s risks outweigh its benefits, it may not occur. The SFWMD asked
the dredging subcommittee for their input.
The Dredging subcommittee offered any assistance they may provide
the SFWMD for the project. Mr.
Perez noted the Corps requires their contractors to coordinate any
temporary vessel relocations necessary for the Mr. Bibeau asked
the SFWMD to notify the MRC of how they may provide any assistance, and
offered to include the item, as requested by the SFWMD, on any future
MRC and or Dredging subcommittee meeting agendas.
The Dredging Working Group thanked the SFWMD for the update on
their planned V. New Business – The Dredging subcommittee confirmed the next regularly scheduled third Wednesday of the month meeting for May 17, 2006, 10 am, 33 SW 2 Ave, 12th FL Conference Room. The meeting adjourned. |