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May 21, 2003 10:00 AM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River Commission Dredging Working Group May 21, 2003 meeting was called to order at 10 am at the Rosenstiel School, Auditorium, 4600 Rickenbacker Cswy, Miami, FL. Dick Bunnell and Scott Mitchell co-chaired the meeting. The attendee list is attached. |
Status - Rene Perez, USACE project officer, advised the group of the
press conference held by the USACE and Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen, which
announced the conceptual approval of the project by the USACE.
The Jacksonville District Office is still waiting written
approval from USACE Washington in order to release the RFP.
The RFP is complete and ready to be advertised as soon as the
approval is received. Rene stated that within days of written approval,
the RFP would be on the street. Scott
Mitchell asked what is holding up the written approval?
Perez stated he did not know.
Rene advised that on May 19, 2003 Colonel May (Jacksonville
District) put some pressure on DC during a monthly USACE project review
meeting. Rene believes the approval can come out any day.
Rene stated that all levels of the USACE agree to use the
“Congressional Add” money now and finish the project with O&M
funding after the USACE economic study is complete.
Roman Gastesi stated that once the USACE signs the PCA, the
County Manager can sign the PCA, without further review by the County
Commission. Roman suggested
that continued pressure from the MRC is important to continue the
forward movement of the project. Rene
stated that Jacksonville USACE has done everything necessary and simply
awaits approval from DC. Status
of Bank-to Bank Project -. Carlos
Espinosa, MDC DERM, stated that 114 of 189 consent forms from riverside
property owners are in hand. Carlos
will now focus on the 40 private properties left.
There are a lot of City and County parcels, and they will both
sign consent forms for their respective properties.
The Board of County Commissioners will consider the permit for
dredging outside the federal navigation channel in July 2003.
Nancy Case Obourke’s firm visited 34 owners covering 46 folio
number listed properties and of those 11 owners have signed.
Four property owners said no, as they are concerned about
increased taxes and/or a special tax assessment.
Six sites are vacant lots and Nancy cannot find owners.
Nancy is providing the MRC and DERM a report of her activities
with respect to whom they talked to and the results.
Dick Bunnell asked about the funding of the bank-to-bank project.
Roman stated that the county and city met about three weeks ago
about developing a partnership of funding agencies including:
county, city, SFWMD, FIND and others.
They expect the bank-to-bank costs to be in the $10-15 million
range. Utility
Crossings - Rene reported on behalf of Pat Hansen (USACE official in
charge of utility crossings) and stated that all utility crossings are
moving forward and everything is on target.
All utilities that must be relocated are in process and if they
proceed on schedule, they will not hold up or delay the dredging
project. Roman Gastesi concurred and advised that the next dredging
utility meeting is June 2, 3250 SW 3rd Ave, 10:30 am New Business – The next dredging meeting was scheduled for June 18, 10 am, at the Rosenstiel School. |