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  Minutes of meeting
Aug 17, 2005
10:00 AM
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Dredging Working Group met as regularly scheduled on the third Wednesday of the month, August 17, 2005, at 10 am, Robert King High, 1407 NW 7 Street, Miami, FL.  Mr. Eric Buermann chaired the meeting, and the attendance list is attached.

I & II. Status of Miami River Federal Navigable Channel Maintenance Dredging Project & Funding and Status of “Bank to Bank” Maintenance Dredging Project & Funding – Mr. Brett Bibeau stated Dick Bunnell served as designee of the Miami River Marine Group.  Mr. Charles Morton, as President of the Miami River Marine Group, serves as the Miami River Commission board member.  Mr. Bibeau stated it was his understanding that the Miami River Marine Group is appointing a new designee to the Miami River Commission.  Mr. Bibeau acknowledged the years of positive volunteer service Mr. Bunnell had provided the MRC and its Dredging subcommittee.  Bibeau reported MRC Chair Irela Bagué had recently appointed Governor Bush’s “Member-at-Large” appointment to the Miami River Commission, Mr. Eric Buermann, to serve as the new co-chair of the Miami River Commission’s Dredging Subcommittee.  The dredging subcommittee provided self-introductions, and Mr. Buermann thanked the Dredging subcommittee for their warm welcome.

Mr. Rene Perez, Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), stated as reported in Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen’s Monday, August 15 press conference, that on Friday, August 12, the ACOE reprogrammed $8.377 million of the $27.8 million previously appropriated by Congress for the Miami River maintenance dredging project, in order to award acceptance sections 4-6 of 15.  Mr. Perez stated this reprogramming would allow the dredging to continue without a temporary demobilization through the September 30, 2005 end of fiscal year 2005.   Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, thanked Congresswoman Ros-Lehtinen and the entire Dade Delegation, Governor Bush, the Florida Legislature, City of Miami , Miami-Dade County , FIND and the South Florida Water Management District for their continued effort and support for the Miami River maintenance dredging project, which included numerous letters of support recently mailed to ACOE General Strock. 

Mr. Perez stated the recently reprogrammed $8.377 million represented the ACOE’s final repayment of the previously appropriated federal cost share.  Mr. Roman Gastesi, Miami Dade County , stated the local cost share partners are in the process of completing appropriation request forms for the balance due the project in FY ’06, therefore an accounting of the previously appropriated and expended funds for the project should be conducted, in order to verify the upcoming fiscal year budget requests.  Tim McIntosh stated the County is requesting $1.8 million from the State during FY ’06, and $1.5 million from the Florida Inland Navigation District.  Mr. Bibeau noted the project may be completed before the end of fiscal year ’06, therefore the MRC will assist the local project sponsors in securing the balance due for the project in FY ‘06 from all cost-share partners.  Mr. Bibeau stated according to an estimated funding matrix used in the past by the dredging subcommittee, the federal cost share balance due is approximately $26.7 million for acceptance sections 7- 15, the County’s balance due is $1,411,077 for acceptance sections 9-15, and the City’s balance due is $1,004,904 for acceptance sections 9-15.  Mr. Perez confirmed that these estimated figures represent the project cost, plus the required 15% ACOE overhead for administering the project.  Mr. Buermann asked for all cost share partners to present an accounting of their previous appropriations and expenses, in addition to their plans for securing the balances due, at the next Dredging Subcommittee meeting.  Mr. McIntosh stated the County has decided not to create an escrow account for the local cost share, rather issue emergency check requests, which only take 4 days to process.  Mr. Gastesi stated he felt confident the local cost share would have their funding available as needed for the project, without any temporary demobilizations.

Mr. Perez noted the ACOE’s approval of acceptance section 1 should be expected soon, and their may be up to an estimated $1.3 million of leftover funding from acceptance sections 1-4, which may be used towards awarding dredging in future acceptance sections.  Mr. Buermann asked for the status and explanation of accepting “completed” acceptance sections at the next Dredging Subcommittee meeting.    

III. Update River Utility Crossings Mr. Perez stated all utilities are cleared through the awarded acceptance section 6.

IV. Status of Removal of NW 5th Street Bridge Prior to Dredging within that Acceptable Section – Mr. Bibeau reported the NW 5th ST Bridge had recently been struck a second time within the last few weeks by a vessel under tow, and remains in the “locked up” position.  Dr. Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group, stated it was her understanding that the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) had decided to remove the problematic NW 5 ST Bridge bascule leaves, and expedite the funded replacement of the existing bridge, which was deemed a hazard to navigation in 1929. The dredging subcommittee noted the currently broken NW 5 ST Bridge support structure is constructed well into the federal navigable channel; therefore the dredgers would be forced to proceed around the structure, leaving significant quantities of sediments behind.

V.  New Business - Dr. Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group, invited the Dredging Subcommittee to Antillean Marine’s christening of the newest vessel in their fleet, which is the largest shipping vessel on the Miami River , on August 19 at 2 PM .  Bohnsack noted the vessel is functional on the Miami River due to the present maintenance dredging of the Miami River , which is restoring its designated 15-foot deep federal navigable channel.

The Dredging Subcommittee confirmed the next regularly scheduled third Wednesday of the month meeting for September 21, 2005, 10 am, Robert King High, 1407 NW 7 Street.

The meeting adjourned.