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DEC. 18, 2001 10:00 AM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River Commission Dredging Working Group meeting was called to order at 10 am in the Library map room of the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science located at 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, FL. The attendee list is attached. |
Dick Bunnell welcomed everyone and opened the meeting. All attendees introduced themselves. Roman Gastesi, MDC, advised the group that MDC did not send their comments on the PCA to the Corps (as promised at the last meeting) because MDC has serious issues with the PCA. Roman has set a meeting with MDC and Corps (lawyers) after the Rose Bowl to discuss the PCA. Roman complained that the Corps was not available at this meeting and explained he has left several messages for the Corps, without answer. Roman stated that the current PCA is not a clear document. David Miller reminded Roman that at the last meeting the Corps’ attorney was available to discuss the PCA or any other items and no comments were made at that time by MDC. Roman believes that the meeting between MDC and the Corps is scheduled for January 8, 2002. Scott Mitchell advised Roman that the Miami River Commission could provide another set of eyes to review the PCA or help assist MDC attorneys, if necessary. Carlos Espinosa discussed the possibility of utilizing a sample PCA from the Port of Miami; however, Nancy Case O’Bourke ( a consultant for the port) stated that the Port of Miami has not signed a PCA in over 20 years, as they are operating under a different arrangement. Discussion ensued. Dick Bunnell advised the group that FDEP issued the “Conceptual Water Quality Permit” on December 5, 2001. Carlos Espinosa advised the group about the progress of the “bank-to-bank” and tributary dredging that is outside the federal navigable channel. Carlos stated that the sediment surveys outside the channel and in the tributaries are ongoing and when that data is available, then an estimated cost of the additional dredging can be determined. Carlos explained that the cost of dredging outside the channel is not cost shared with the federal government. Discussion ensued. David Miller advised the group that there is a legal issue with the Corps about adding the tributary dredging on the main Corps dredging contract. Eddy Carter, from Gulf Engineers& Consultants and hired by the Corps to complete the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) & Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP), advised the group that the Corps’ new surveys were also differentiating the hard rock substrate from the accumulated sediments. Eddy believes that the preliminary sediment surveys did not take into account the hard rock areas and he believes that total sediment volume outside the channel will decrease significantly. Discussion ensued about the need to work closely together to help fund the dredging outside the channel. All members agreed it is important for the rivers’ cleanup that all contaminated sediments be removed, not just the sediments in the channel. Dick Bunnell pointed out that over the decades the ships propeller wash has actually moved sediments from the channel to the sides of the river that rightfully would be in the channel. This is aggravated by the fact that the last river dredging was in the 1930’s. David Miller advised the group about the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan and the opportunity to designate the river corridor as a Tax Increment Financing District (TIF). The Miami River Commission is working for a TIF district and the reason for the district was to help fund river improvements including the dredging costs. The group agreed that the TIF process should start as soon as possible. It was recommended that the TIF process start before the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan is completed. The TIF process is political and the dredging working group suggested that meetings with politicians should be scheduled ASAP. Brett Bibeau noted that MDC is looking at a 1.3 billion dollar bond issue and this bond (if approved) could also help fund the bank-to-bank and tributary dredging. The next item was a report from the Corps on the status of the project. Jerry Scarborough was not present; however, Eddy Carter provided the Corps status report. Eddy reported that his company, GEC, provided the Corps’ Jacksonville District Office the draft Dredged Material Management Plan (DMMP) and the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) on November 28th for review. These documents reflected the changes in the base plan and the restrictions requested by MDC concerning no open air-drying of the sediments. Also the parking lot east of Miami Jai Alai was initially called the Interim Disposal Site, now the politically correct term is the Interim Upland Staging Area! The Corps and MDC are meeting and making progress concerning the source selection criteria that will be part of the RFP. The biggest hang-up right now is the status of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Coordination Act Report (CAR). The DMMP and EIS cannot be put out for public review and higher authority review without the CAR. This is now causing a delay in the project. Eddy stated a meeting is scheduled for the January 10, 2002 between the Corps and F&WS about this report. Discussion ensued. Nancy Case O’Bourke advised the group that the dredging notification letter to all property owners was sent last week. Nancy stated that most questions she is hearing from property owners involve the bank-to-bank issue. Nancy is keeping a record of all inquiries. The interesting issue is trying to determine the real property owner. The group requested that a copy of the sample letter be attached to the minutes of this meeting. Under new business, FDOT reported that they are having difficulty getting permits from FDEP to relocate under river utilities. FDOT is dealing with FDEP in West Palm Beach. FDOT representatives stated that the process is extremely time consuming and they may not get the permits in time to move utilities before the dredging. The group was concerned about this and will endeavor through MDC and DERM to help utilities get their required permits. The next dredging meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, January 23, 2002 at 10 am at this same location (Rosenstiel School). Dick Bunnell wished all a Happy Holiday. The meeting was adjourned at 1130 am. |