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JAN. 10, 2001 10:00 AM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River Commission Dredging Working Group meeting was called to order at 10 am in the U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Office, 100 McArthur Blvd., 2nd floor Administration Bldg., Miami, FL. The attendee list is attached. |
Dick Bunnell opened the meeting and requested all attendees to provide self-introductions. Dick then asked Roger Hernstadt to give a report concerning the status of the land for the temporary drying site and the riverside site. Roger stated that the lease for the berthing site on the river should be finalized within the next 30 days. Roger stated that the Corps of Engineers has already been given access to the site. Roger next discussed the temporary drying site that is approximately 8 acres. Roger also said he hoped that an additional 2 acres (contiguous with the 8-acre site) would become available after future negotiations between the County and the Jai Alai Fronton. Roger stated the County will be negotiating with the owners of the “Taxi Meter” building on January 16th and he expects a suitable agreement can be reached to provide this property for the temporary drying site. The Corps is already planning to have this property for the project. . David Miller provided a short overview concerning the requirement to go before the County Commissioners again to provide additional project details such as: construction design, truck traffic issues, potential odor problems, etc. It was clearly noted that once the Corps has completed design of the project, the answers to Commissioner’s questions would be available. Jerry Scarborough, Corps project officer, stated that the application for the Water Quality Certification (WQC) has not yet been submitted to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), but he expects it will be submitted next week. The Corps has been talking to FDEP, however, FDEP has not assigned a project officer and the Corps is worried about FDEP personnel shortages. Discussion ensued about the timeline for approval of the permit and it is expected to take a minimum of 6 months. Dick Bunnell said the Miami River Commission is ready to provide assistance to help expedite the WQC review and approval process. Discussion ensued. A
general discussion was carried out concerning the proper time to go back
before the County Commissioners for their final approval.
The limiting factor is when the Corps would be ready and Jerry
Scarborough stated that by the end of March the Corps would be ready to
answer all questions.
Scott Mitchell suggested the dredging group be proactive in the public relations arena and possibly educate property owners about the project. The Corps advised that they could provide a one day educational forum for both regulators and citizens. Jerry Scarborough will advise David of the dates of these one-day forums. Additionally, it was suggested that the group solicit the expertise of a public affairs specialist to help educate and answer the public’s questions. David recommended that we need to be able to respond to the smell question before we become proactive in the public relations business. The end result was that David and Scott would talk with some public relations professionals to determine what public relations action should be taken. The Corps stated they have video footage that we could use in our public relations endeavors. Carlos Espinosa advised the group that the County has requested $2.25 million from the state for their share of the local funding requirements. This money is needed for acquiring necessary lands and project construction costs. Roger Hernstadt stated the aviation department (owners of the 10-acre site) needs $4 million for the purchase of the property and there are additional costs for leasing the riverside site. Jerry Scarborough reported they have sent out numerous letters to utilities concerning electrical cables and pipelines crossing the river and have received most of the information they need. Jerry reported that FPL would have to move their cable crossing at the Second Avenue Bridge. There being no new business, the next meeting was scheduled for Thursday March 1, 2001 at 10 AM at the U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Office, 100 McArthur Blvd., Administration Bldg., 2nd floor, and the meeting was adjourned. |