US! |
July 9, 2002 3:00 PM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Economic Development and Commerce (EDC) Working Group met Friday, August 23, 2002, 1 pm, at the Rosenstiel School, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Seminar Room. Ms. Megan Kelly chaired the meeting. The meeting opened with self-introductions and the attendance sheets are enclosed. |
David Miller, Miami River Commission, lead a discussion regarding the United States Coast Guard’s publicly noticed proposal to amend the Miami River draw bridge’s rules of operation (33 CFR Part 117). Due to the construction of the SW 2nd Ave Drawbridge, the proposed drawbridge operational rule amendment states, “From October 15, 2002 until April 30, 2002…..(b) The new 2nd Ave Bridge need open only a single-leaf of the bridge from 4 a.m. until 10 p.m. daily; and the bridge will remain in the fully open to navigation position from 10:01 p.m. to 3:59 a.m. daily.” Therefore, the proposed amendment would only permit vessels under tow to pass the 2nd Ave Bridge between 10 p.m. and 4 am, for over half a year. In addition, the proposed rule change stipulates that for the same seven-month period of time, tugs and vessels undertow would be exempt from the existing drawbridge opening curfews. Representatives from the 2nd Ave Bridge contractors, Gilbert-Southern, the Florida Department of Transportation, Miami-Dade County, Miami River Commission, Miami River Marine Group, Antillean Marine, and P&L Towing had a lengthy discussion regarding the proposed rule changes. The Marine Industry described the significant negative economic impact, which would result if the proposed rule change closed the Miami River to shipping vessels 18 hours a day, for approximately seven months, during the shipping industries busiest time of the year. The EDC discussed the feasibility of numerous amendments to the proposed rule change, which would balance the need to construct the 2nd Ave Bridge, with the right of the shipping industries to operate their businesses. The discussion resulted in all parties agreeing to amend the proposed rule change to allow for an 8 hour per 24 hour period closing of one leaf of the 2nd Ave Bridge, fluctuating with the most opportune tidal cycles for the shipping industry, 6 days per week, with the Bridge construction taking Wednesdays off, for two six-week intervals, from October 15, 2002 thru December 1, 2002 and again from March 15, 2002 thru April 30, 2002. Furthermore, the Tug boat operators would meet weekly with FDOT and Gilbert Southern to provide shipping schedules, and coordinate the time of bridge closings. This amendment is subject to further review by the additional shipping companies not represented at the EDC meeting. David Miller stated he would draft a letter on behalf of the MRC, and submit it to the USCG prior to the September 5, 2002 public comment deadline. During the discussion, Capt. Beau Payne, P&L Towing stated the Pilots, which are required to board the shipping vessels near Dodge Island, have a policy that passenger vessels are always piloted before River trading vessels. Prior to September 11, 2001, if pilots were working on a passenger boat when a River shipping vessel arrived at dodge Island in need of a pilot, the vessel was permitted to temporarily dock at Dodge island, until a pilot was available. Since September 11, 2001, the port has denied temporary docking for River shipping vessels. The Miami-Dade County representative and David Miller stated they would look into the feasibility of again allowing River shipping vessels to temporarily dock at Dodge Island, if forced to wait for a pilot. Re-permitting the temporary docking may alleviate some of the shipping scheduling problems caused by the 2nd Ave Bridge Construction and proposed drawbridge rule changes, which will cause significant economic hardship on the River’s shipping industry. The meeting adjourned. |