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Sept. 16 2003 3:00 PM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
Discussion of MRC Marine Industrial Symposium Dana Fernety, Beacon Council, stated perhaps the group should consider postponing the target date to late February or early March 2004, when the Beacon Council will be more able to assist with staff and in-kind marketing. Beau Payne, P&L towing stated he would check the New Orleans Work Boat Show dates. Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group, stated that Nuns Jain, MARAD, wants to think outside the box by attracting water taxis, passenger ferries, “short sea shipping”etc. Bohnsack identified a riverfront property owner interested in starting water taxi transportation services. Jim Murley inquired where waterbus vessels were built and that they would be an appropriate business. Brett Bibeau, MRC, stated MARAD has offered the first sponsorship, at $5,000, for the Miami River Marine Industrial Business Summit. Payne stated that New Orleans businesses are interested in the River area, yet hesitated due to the illegal Fifth Street Bridge and commencing the dredging project. Bibeau stated the summit would identify available land and incentive programs for Marine Industrial businesses. Payne noted the need to include supporting businesses such as rice packing, which may be located in upland sections of Melrose and Allapattah, prior to shipment on the River. Murley stated the Florida Department of Transportation is studying Transportation in waterways to alleviate truck traffic. Murley invited the EDC to attend the Marine Industries Association of South Florida’s Summit on October 15, 2003. Miller and Bohnsack offered to research other Marine Industrial Summits. Bibeau noted the MRC is seeking an additional $15,000 in sponsorships for the Summit, and Murley suggested the Florida Inland Navigational District. The EDC noted the need to invite a “Host Committee” possibly including Senator Graham, Representative Illeana Ros-Lehtinen, County and City Mayors, etc. Murley stated the Summit might be able to combine with a Caribbean Leaders meeting in the Hyatt on the river in March 2004. II.
Discussion of New Proposed Bridge Regulations The EDC discussed the United States Coast Guard’s August 11, 2003 “Notice of Proposed Rulemaking” to drawbridge operation regulations. The current proposal is to pose a new “lunch hour” bridge opening curfew, on all Miami River Bridges, from noon-1pm, in addition to the two existing “rush hour” curfews from 7:30 am to 9 am and 4:30 pm – 6 pm, Monday-Friday. Towboats, vessels under tow, and emergency vessels are exempt from the drawbridge opening curfews. The EDC discussed that the main need for the additional “lunch hour” curfew is in downtown. Therefore the EDC unanimously recommended support for the proposed rulemaking with the one condition that the proposed noon-1pm curfew only apply to the Brickell and S. Miami Ave Bridges. In addition, the EDC recommended intelligent signs to direct commuters to other available routes. III. Discussion of 5th ST Bridge Replacement Status David Miller stated he spoke with Monica Diaz, FDOT 5th ST Bridge Project Manager. Diaz reported that the FDOT and City of Miami had agreed upon the dimensions of the proposed new 5th Street Bridge to a 13 feet vertical clearance and 125-foot horizontal clearance between structures with 110 feet between bridge fenders, perpendicular to the river. The FDOT has sent letters to the Army Corps of Engineers and U.S. Coats Guard regarding waivers of the required width and height of the proposed bridge. The EDC noted the smaller bridge was more appropriate for the neighborhoods adjacent to this bridge. Payne stated the dimensions were a major improvement to the existing illegal bridge and Miller stated Hempstead Towing had expressed satisfaction as well, provided the proposed bridge regulations are approved. The EDC unanimously concurred with the current proposal for a new 5th ST Bridge with a vertical clearance of 13 feet and a horizontal clearance of 125 feet, with 110 feet between fenders. FDOT is planning to host a public hearing, tentatively set for November 19, 2003. Bibeau stated FDOT TIP FY 2007 project #4128081, has $43,727,000 to replace the 5th ST Bridge. The meeting adjourned. |