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Feb. 14, 2002 8:00 AM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River
Commission Executive Committee was called to order at 8:00 AM at
Greenstreets Café located at 3468 Main Highway, Coconut Grove. |
Members attending were: Chairman: Bob Parks Bob Parks Vice Chairman: Phil Everingham Members: Gary Winston, Richard Bunnell, Sandy O'Neil Managing Director: David Miller Assistant Managing Director: Brett Bibeau Others Attending: Fran Bohnsack, Ellen Roth |
Bob Parks opened the meeting and asked Ellen Roth to update the committee on Senator Graham’s proposed bill, “Seaport Security Act” that is under debate in the U.S. Congress. Ellen stated that the Senator wants the MRC to know about the various issues in the bill that will affect Miami River international shipping terminals including significant upgrades to security and also the possibility of receiving federal grants or loans to help improve security. A copy of the bill was provided to the group. Ellen advised the group of the benefits the bill provides to port authorities and suggested the MRC review the Miami River port authority issue and evaluate the advantages/disadvantages with the provisions and federal funding opportunities of Senator Graham’s Bill. Sandy O’Neil asked about funding and if the Bill would conflict with any County requirements. Bob Parks said he had read the proposed “Act” and to reap the maximum federal funding benefits it will require establishing a port authority. He explained to Ellen that the last time the issue came up the folks that proposed a “River Authority” were almost run out of town! Bob does not know if the anti “River Authority” mind set has changed much. This issue is highly controversial. It was noted that private terminals will be required to meet the same security requirements as a port authority. Discussion ensued. Bob told Ellen that the MRC would review this issue. Ellen said if any questions arise, to please call her. Bob asked Gary Winston to ensure this issue was reviewed by the QAT. Bob asked that this item be placed on the March 4, MRC agenda. Bob said there was a great article in the Washington Post about the River and the Greenway and it should be included in the mail out. Bob also advised the committee that he wrote a letter to Commissioner Winton (as Chairman of the DDA) advising him of the lack of participation of the DDA as a member of the MRC. David advised the group that WLRN called and would like to do a ½ hour TV show about the River and the various new improvements proposed for the River. It was decided Bob Parks, Brenda Marshall and Dick Bunnell would be the proper spokespersons for the show. David handed out a letter received from the City of Miami requesting the MRC provide comment about a proposal to amend the zoning and land use of property on the River. Bob Parks said this issue must go before Jim Murley’s Urban Infill Group and then the Group can bring their recommendation before the MRC at the next meeting. Discussion ensued. The letter requested an answer before February 20; however, this is not possible because the next time the MRC meets is March 4. MRC staff will advise the city that we can provide a response by March 4th. David next brought up the item discussed at the last MRC meeting about a fund raising committee. Bob Parks said he would set up a small committee unless someone disagreed. With no disagreement, Bob will work on setting up the fund raising committee. David advised the group that Brett and he are set to go to Dade Days in Tallahassee on February 27 and 28th. David suggested it would be nice to provide key legislative members with a gift that reminds them of the Miami River. Discussion ensued and Fran Bohnsack recommended a small painted tile with a picture of the River and a small brass plate saying something to the effect of “Friend of the Miami River”. This could be placed on a desk or shelf. The group liked this idea and directed staff to proceed with this item. The agenda for the next MRC meeting was discussed and will include: Capt. Watson, USCG discussing Miami River port security issues, review of the proposed zoning change from the owner and the Urban Infill group and Mr. Jerry Scarborough, Army Corps of Engineers project officer for Miami River dredging project. Brett Bibeau provided an overview of River Day, which is scheduled for April 20, 2002. The festival will be held at Jose Marti Park instead of Lummus Park. River Day will include Baynanza and Earth Day festivities along with a street fair on South River Drive. Brett said over $12,000 in grants have been received for River Day. Discussion ensued about the permitting of floating docks for River Day. In order to put in a floating dock for a 6-hour festival we must obtain permits from Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Army Corps of Engineers, DERM, and two City of Miami Permits, with permitting fees alone costing approximately $1400-$1600! The group was surprised at the number of permits required for a floating dock. David advised that he has received the additional detailed information from Mr. Michael Spring concerning building a temporary structure and providing public access to the Miami Circle. This item is on the Board of County Commissioners’ Agenda on February 26th. The motion at our last MRC meeting was to approve it in concept only, until more detailed information was received. The executive committee decided to send the detailed information to the MRC members and they could register they approval or disapproval with David or Brett. Based on the vote, staff will provide a letter to the Board of County Commissioners with the MRC’s recommendation. Gary Winston mentioned the need to keep the Coast Guard informed of ongoing River issues. He stated the QAT would meet on February 19th at 10 am at the Coast Guard Base. David advised the group that he met with officials from the Port of Miami and they wanted to see if the Miami River Commission was interested in licensing stevedores on the Miami River. Miami-Dade County has regulations about the licensure of stevedores and currently the Seaport provides that service for the entire county. Bob Parks said to mail out the information for review and a discussion of the issue would be on the March 4 agenda. Executive Committee meeting adjourned at 9:15 AM. |