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  Minutes of meeting
Feb. 20 2007
12:00 NOON

The Miami River Commission’s Executive Committee was called to order by Chairperson Irela Bagué, Tuesday, February 20, 2007, 12:30, 1407 NW 7 St.

Members attending were:
CHAIR: Irela Bague
Members Phil Everingham , Vice-ChairmanSallye Jude, Richard Dubin, Robert Ruano, Gary Winston
MRC Staff: Brett Bibeau, Managing Director
Others in Attendance:  Dr. Fran Bohnsack, Miami River Marine Group, Gesana Hung, Morrison Brown Argiz & Farrah , Jeffrey Hooper, AME Shipping , Evan Skornick, SFWMD

II) Presentation of Miami River Fund Inc’s Fiscal Year 2006 Audit – Gesana Hung, Morrison Brown, presented the Miami River Fund Inc.’s (MRFI) Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 audit.  Ms. Hung stated the MRFI received an “A” on the audit, and the Required Letter of Communications didn’t identify any irregularities or illegal acts.  Ms. Hung reported Mr. Bibeau was helpful during the audit and provided full access to QuickBooks, check registers, invoices, etc.  Mr. Ruano asked if their was anything the MRFI may improve on, and Ms. Hung noted although non-for-profits of this size often keep finances in cash vs. accrual basis, the MRFI should consider the advantages and disadvantages of potentially hiring an accounting firm to maintain the MRFI’s books in accrual fashion.  Ms. Hung acknowledged since this recommendation was made in the MRFI’s FY ’05 audit, a quarterly accrual financial report was provided to the board by staff, therefore they were kept informed of the accrual status of the MRFI’s finances.  Mr. Bibeau added after the original concept was proposed in the MRFI’s FY ’05 audit bids were received to maintain the MRFI’s finances in accrual fashion for a couple hundred dollars per month, and the board decided it wasn’t worth the additional operation costs.  Ms. Hung added if the level MRFI expenses and income significantly increases it would become more important to switch to accrual than the current funding levels, which cash basis is more common and acceptable.  Mr. Everingham noted staff salaries are listed as a programmatic rather than operational expense.  Ms. Hung and Mr. Bibeau explained this is due to staff’s working on the MRC’s programs, which include hosting publicly noticed meetings and creating minutes for posting on the web-site is part of the “program” of hosting publicly accessible meetings and providing information regarding the River.  Mr. Everingham suggested next year’s audit to consider allocating a small percentage of the salaries to operational costs.  Chair Bagué asked to entertain a motion regarding the presented audit.  Mr. Everingham moved to accept the MRFI’s FY ’06 audit; the motion was seconded by Ms. Jude and unanimously adopted.  

III) Set Agenda for MRC’s March 5, 2007 Meeting – Mr. Bibeau provided copies of a Florida Department of Transportation’s Flagler and 1st ST PD&E summary and cross sections for the two remaining alternatives for the streets reconstruction, which includes two crossings of the Miami River .  Mr. Bibeau noted one of the two options includes a bike lane, one does not, and the UIWG recommended the option with a bike lane, which would connect with the Miami River Greenway system.  Mr. Ruano stated he prefers the option with the bike lanes.  Mr. Bibeau noted as part of the PD&E, the FDOT is seeking recommendations on the preferred alternative.  The Executive Committee asked to have the Flagler and 1st ST PD&E placed on the MRC’s March 5, 2007 agenda, in order for the MRC to vote on their preferred alternative.

IV) New Business – Mr. Bibeau distributed copies of the WPBT ½ documentary regarding the Miami River’s history entitled, “ Miami : Reflections in the River”.  Mr. Bibeau added the producers had asked him for an interview, which he deferred to MRC Chair Bagué, whom is scheduled for an interview in late February.  Chair Bagué noted it would be acceptable if WPBT would like to interview Mr. Bibeau as well.  Several attendees expressed interest in contacting the WPBT producer to discuss the positive documentary, so Mr. Bibeau provided WPBT contact names, telephone number, and e-mail address.

Mr. Bibeau distributed invitations to the “Miami River Renaissance” Art Show, co-hosted by the MRC on February 23 & 24.  The art show features original paintings of vessels on the Miami River by French artist Dirk Verdoorn, and co-hosted by the Kona Kai Art Gallery .

Mr. Bibeau distributed copies of the MRC’s 2006 Report, which the Executive Committee positively commented on the new layout, excellent pictures, full color, etc.

The meeting adjourned.