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Feb. 21, 2006 8:00 AM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The |
Members attending were: CHAIR: Irela Bague Members: Phil Everingham, Vice Chairman; Sallye Jude, Gary Winston, Bud Morton MRC Staff: Brett Bibeau, Managing Director, Ashley Chase, Asst. Managing Director |
I. Set Agenda for MRC’s March 6, 2006 Meeting- Mr. Bibeau reported on March 6, 2006, the MRC board may consider the following items: approval of the draft “3rd Annual Update” of the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan; discussion of the proposed City of Miami Comprehensive Plan text amendments to the “Port of Miami River” Sub-element; approval of the Draft “Miami River Greenway Historical Markers” contract. The MRC Executive Committee expressed no objections to placing the aforementioned items on the MRC’s March 6 publicly noticed agenda. Mr. Bibeau noted back-up materials for each item would be included in the MRC’s February mail-out. II. Discussion to Renew Federal Governmental Services Provided by Patton Boggs - Mr. Bibeau stated the MRC Dredging subcommittee co-chair, Mr. Eric Buermann, and he were recommending renewal of the MRC’s contract for intergovernmental affairs services provided in Washington DC by Mr. Phil Bangert, Patton Boggs. The reduced rate monthly billing would be less than $3,000 per month. Mr. Gary Winston asked what the scope of services would include, and Mr. Bibeau replied it would remain supporting the completion of the Miami River maintenance-dredging project with all levels of the federal government, including the Senate, House, and Army Corps of Engineers, focusing on obtaining the federal funding cost share, of which $31.15 million has been appropriated thus far, leaving a $28.86 million balance due. Mr. Bibeau noted the monthly invoices had always included a summary of the meetings and calls on the project. Mr. Phil Everingham asked Mr. Bibeau if the MRC had sufficient available funding to renew the contract, and Mr. Bibeau replied yes. Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC retained Mr. Bangert between 1999-2005 for this purpose. The board noted since the Federal FY ’07 budget is scheduled for Congressional approval by September 30, 2006, the month to month contract may be suspended after the FY ’07 budget is approved. The Executive Board agreed to e-mail MRC staff any questions or suggestions they may have regarding the potential renewal of the contract, prior to the MRC considering the item during the March 6 MRC meeting. Mr.
Everingham asked about the payment status for the MRC’s III. Review of MRC’s Sub-account Balances - Per the suggestion in the FY ’05 audit, Mr. Bibeau distributed the MRC’s quarterly sub-account balances. Mr. Bibeau thanked the South Florida Water Management District for its continued support of the MRC. IV.
Discussion to Execute the FY 2005-2006 Miami-Dade County Environmental
Enhancement and Education Community Based Organization Grants Program
Contract – Ms.
Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, stated the MRC authorized
grant application to the County for continued funding of Miami River
Environmental Boat Tours for students and community based organizations
was awarded $20,000. Ms.
Chase stated executing the MRC / Miami-Dade County contract for the
awarded grant requires a resolution, and distributed a draft motion,
which was unanimously adopted by the MRC Executive Board. V.
Discussion of Draft MRC Employment Policies & Procedures –
Irela Bague stated she serves on the South Florida Water Management
District’s (SFWMD) human resources committee.
Bague noted the MRC has been operating without a written set of
Employee Policies and Procedures, therefore she had directed MRC staff
to prepare a set of draft MRC Employment Policies and Procedures, based
on those adopted by the SFWMD. Ms.
Bague noted the attending MRC Executive Board members were provided a
copy of the draft document the previous week, for review prior to the
Executive Board’s consideration. The
MRC Executive Board unanimously adopted the MRC Employee Policies and
Procedures, with the following two amendments, deleting “employee
assistance and outplacement services” in the 5th paragraph
of page 30, and deleting all references of allowing MRC staff to ask for
payment of up to 12 days of unused annual leave. Bague
stated she would report the MRC Executive Board’s unanimous approval
of the amended MRC Employee Policies and Procedures, for informational
purposes, during the MRC’s March 6 “Chair Report” agenda item.
MRC staff thanked Ms. Bague and the MRC Executive Board. VI.
Discussion of VII.
Review of Draft Miami River Greenways Historical Markers Contract - MRC
staff distributed copies of the draft “Miami River Greenways
Historical Markers” contract, which Mr. Bibeau noted, would be
included in the MRC’s February mail-out, and considered for adoption
on March 6, 2006. VIII.
New Business- Mr.
Bibeau provided the Executive Board with a detailed written account of
his February 16-17 trip to Mr.
Bibeau informed the Executive Board that MRC staff had renewed the Miami
River Fund, Inc.’s non-for-profit 501c(s) status. and Incorporation. Ms.
Jude offered to host next month’s Executive Board meeting at the Miami
River Inn, |