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Mar. 15, 2002 8:00 AM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River
Commission Executive Committee was called to order at 8:00 AM at
Greenstreets Café located at 3468 Main Highway, Coconut Grove. |
Members attending were: Chairman: Bob Parks Bob Parks Vice Chairman: Phil Everingham Members: Gary Winston, Richard Bunnell, Sandy O'Neil Managing Director: David Miller Assistant Managing Director: Brett Bibeau Others Attending: Dusty Mellon, Fran Bohnsack, Jim Murley |
Bob Parks opened the meeting and said this meeting has a very short agenda. Bob reported on meetings with two City Commissioners, the Mayor and a joint meeting of the Urban Infill Committee and the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Committee that was very well attended. Bob said things are coming into line with the Urban Infill Plan and TIF and he thought all the meetings went very well. Bob reported that at the joint meeting, it was reported that the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) for Overtown is planning to expand their boundaries to include areas that currently are proposed as part of the Miami River Corridor Plan and proposed TIF District. Bob believes that the Urban Infill Plan and TIF District is critical for redevelopment of the River. Sandy O’Neil said this is an issue and it is very important. Sandy recommended that Bob should discuss this issue one on one with Commissioner Teele. Commissioner Teele is the Chairman of the CRA. Staff reported that a letter has been sent to all City Commissioners concerning the potential overlap in the CRA District and the Miami River TIF District. Discussion ensued. Bob stated that a briefing is scheduled with Commissioner Teele next week and he will attempt to set a more private meeting with Teele. David reported about his trip with Dr. Fran Bohnsack to Washington to talk to congressional members about the River dredging appropriations and, specifically, with Senator Graham’s staff about port security developments. David reported that Phil Bangert of Patton Boggs assisted with the meetings. All members were very supportive of the dredging and redevelopment of the River. The administration’s budget has $5.5 million for River dredging and our request was too provide an additional $4.5 million “Congressional Add” to make a total of $10 million for fiscal year 2003, which starts October 1, 2002. Rep Ros-Lehtnen, Diaz-Balart, Meeks and Senators Graham and Nelson were all very supportive and will do whatever they can to increase the appropriations. Rep. Meeks was particularly pleased that the project was moving forward and praised the MRC and other River groups for their hard work. David said they also met with staff from Rep. Bill Young’s office. Rep. Young is the Chairmen of the House Appropriations Committee. The theme of the presentations was the cooperation and teamwork of all the parties including the federal government, state, city, county and FIND and the fact that no entity is against the dredging. The downside of the trip was that the group was unable to meet with Senator Graham’s staff, Ms. Tandy Barrett, who is in charge of the port security issues. Ms. Barrett was called to a committee meeting on port security and had to cancel our appointment. David will follow up with her via phone and email. David advised that he also presented members with the 8x8 inch tile painting of the Miami River, and like the state legislators, they all really enjoyed the River memento. Bob Parks said we must determine whether the MRC can apply for port security funding. Francis Bohnsack stated that the MRMG has applied for port security funding for security assessment. Brett Bibeau reported that an article in the Miami Today discussed that the Dade Heritage Building may be moved to Lummus Park or demolished. No one else was familiar with his issue and more information is needed before further discussion. Brett mentioned that Commissioner Gonzalez was very interested in the Antillean Terminal just southeast of 22nd Avenue Bridge because of complaints by residents about noise. Fran mentioned that the Mayor’s office is setting a meeting for March 20th with the community and marine interests. Fran noted that most of the noise is from the bridge and the NET officials have been stopping terminal operations. Bob asked what the MRC could do in addition to attending the meeting. Discussion ensued. The end result was that the MRC would attend the meeting to hear the issue, but not take a position other than this is a great example of why we are working together with the City and County on an Urban Infill Plan. Fran believes there is a problem with the city’s noise ordinance. Antillean has a decibel meter and found the unacceptable noise levels only occur when the bridge is opening and when airplanes are traveling overhead. Gary Winston was concerned that the MRC did not take sides and try to work out an amiable agreement. Brett advised that a residential development between First Avenue Bridge and Flagler Street Bridge on the southeast side of South River Drive (note this is not on the River but on South River Drive) is moving forward. Brett said this project would not go before the City Commission because it is only 199 loft apartments and there is no zoning change necessary. Brett stated that Sallye Jude was concerned about the development due to the height of the proposed building. This is market rate residential residences not subsidized housing. Discussion ensued with the final result being the development company, NEO, will be invited to make a presentation at the April meeting of the MRC. Sandy O’Neil suggested that Bob Parks talk with Commissioner Winton concerning the selection of the new Downtown Development Director, so the person selected is aware and participatory with the MRC on River redevelopment projects. Bob will set a meeting with Commissioner Winton. Sandy also mentioned that Miami-Dade Commissioners are appointing new members to MDX. Sandy suggests the MRC have a friendly chat with the new MDX appointed officials concerning the River and the impact to the River of the proposed new roadways. As a matter of information Sandy also mentioned that County Commissioner Sorenson is considering running for the congressional seat currently occupied by Rep. Illeana Ros-Lehtinen. Discussion ensued. David mentioned that the FDOT has been studying the Fifth Street Bridge for removal or replacement. FDOT is requesting comment from the public and David said the MRC has been requested to provide our comment on this issue. Discussion ensued. The end result is that David will draft an MRC comment letter for review and approval by Bob Parks, Jim Murley and Phil Everingham. Jim Murley suggested that the Urban Infill Group should do another briefing to the full MRC to ensure that all MRC working groups can comment on the draft plan. Jim wants to bring the plan before the MRC for approval in June 2002. Bob Parks emphasized that now is the time to review and comment on the plan. He does not want MRC members to just look at the plan before the June meeting and then provide comments. The time for MRC comments is now. Executive Committee meeting adjourned at 9:20 AM. |