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Mar. 18, 2003 8:00 AM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River Commission Executive Committee was called to order at 8:00 a.m. at Greenstreets Café located at 3468 Main Highway, Coconut Grove. |
Members attending were: Vice-Chairman Phil Everingham Members: Gary Winston, Sallye Jude, Dick Bunnell MRC Staff: David Miller, Brett Bibeau Others Attending: Fran Bohnsack, Dan Ricker, Tanya Del Solar |
The meeting started with a discussion regarding the fund raising project. Ms. Tanya Del Solar, a CPA from the firm Kaufman & Rossin, Inc., was on hand to answer questions. Tanya stated that the most important aspect that needs to be brought to the public’s attention is whether these funds will be restricted or unrestricted and that funds will be spent at the discretion of the Miami River Fund, Inc. (MRFI), Board of Directors. David informed the group that only a percentage of the total expenditures of the MRFI funds may be used to pay for a lobbyist. He thought that the percentage was 20%. Tanya explained that in order for a non-profit group to remain tax free, this percentage couldn’t be exceeded. This percentage is derived from the total expenditures per year and not just the funds raised. The total expenditure of the MRC this year is somewhere around $400,000. This would allow us to spend approximately $80,000 on lobbying activities this year, without jeopardizing the non-profit status. David stated that we must be very clear when targeting fundraising groups, i.e. the public, to let them know exactly what the funds will be used for. Tanya stated that from the administrative side, the costs associated with fundraising must be tracked as its own individual program cost. She explained that this was necessary because when the non-profit is analyzed at the end of the year, the people who have donated money would like to see that the majority of their money has been spent on something worthwhile, not solely administrative costs. Sallye Jude made a motion to approve the fund raising proposal letter. Gary Winston seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. David stated that he has received inquiries from at least 10 fund raising companies. Discussion ensued. Phil Everingham asked the group what should we tell potential fundraising groups concerning the amount of funds we desire to raise? The group decided that we are looking for $50,000 to $100,000 per year. Tanya suggested that we set up different bank accounts. Each restricted fund (grants) would have their own account and then the unrestricted funds would be in a separate account. The
next item discussed was the reprint of the Miami River Map.
David explained that this would be a fairly quick and easy way to
raise unrestricted funds. The
map is already digitally set up. All
that would need to be done would be the sales of ads.
Brett handed out information he compiled from the last time the
MRC printed the Miami River Map. Brett
stated that the map would not be printed until we have received $3,000
in advertising commitments.
Sallye Jude made a motion to approve the reprint of the Miami
River Map as long as $3,000 in advertising commitments are achieved.
Gary Winston seconded the motion.
The motion was passed unanimously. Gary Winston updated the group on the status of the MRC sunset legislation. He stated that Senator Villalobos is sponsoring the Senate bill and Rep. J.C. Planas is sponsoring the House bill. The Senate bill passed easily through the first committee. It is scheduled for the second committee tomorrow. Gary stated that he is optimistic that the bill will make it through the Senate floor. He stated that the worrisome aspect that we must think about is funding. Can the MRC survive a year without receiving State funding? The next item discussed was the agenda for the MRC meeting in April. The group decided to have One Miami give a presentation on their new and improved greenway. There will also be a presentation on the development known as River House Lofts, which is in the area of the East Coast Fisheries Restaurant The River House Lofts project will have a major impact on the North side of the River. David stated that they would have a short presentation regarding the River clean-up vessel. He stated that he hopes the clean-up program will start within a few weeks. This is a City run program that is funded by stormwater utility funds with matching funds for a total of $200,000. This boat is very advanced; it can clean up large floating debris, remove oil sheens, extract bacteria from the water as well as oxygenate the water. The last presentation request received was from Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). They would like to give a short presentation updating the MRC with the status of the replacement on the Fifth Street Bridge. The group approved the placement of all of these items on the agenda. David advised the board that the MRC has a grant from the county that will expire in May and requested their guidance whether to request and extension, spend the funds or return the grant. The contract stipulated reimbursing the MRC $50,000 for the creation of the Urban Infill Plan (which has been completed) and $50,000 for the creation of an Urban Design Center. David stated that it has been difficult to effectively use this small amount of money to create an Urban Design Center. Do we want to extend this contract, revise it somehow, or cancel the contract? The group recommended extending the contract, but did not provide any further recommendation. Under new business, David provided information on the following: 1. There was an article on the front page of the Herald this past weekend about new developments in the city including on the River. Bob Parks thought that it was terrible that the MRC was not mentioned anywhere within this article. He thinks that this is one more reason that the MRC needs to hire someone to do public relations. 2. David informed the group that he has been working diligently on the dioxin situation in Wagner Creek. He will give a short report regarding the situation at the upcoming MRC meeting. He stated that the Department of Health (DOH) could not post “No Fishing” signs until tests of fish are conducted. If predatory fish are in Wagner Creek, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission will capture these fish and the fish will be sent to an approved laboratory for testing. DERM has offered to pay for the testing and it is very expensive. DOH was more concerned with the high level of bacteria found in the creek and will most likely post “No Swimming” signs as they consider the bacteria to be the more significant health threat at this point. 3. The dredging Request for Proposals (RFP) has not yet been released. The Corps cannot release it until the Project Cooperation Agreement is approved by Corps Headquarters. 4. The Trust for Public Land and the City of Miami had a meeting and developed a matrix of all of the greenway projects and which projects have funding and are ready to be constructed. 5. The RFP for the city’s economic study went out last week. 6. Saturday, March 15 was the first day of filming for “Of Time and a River”. This is a 29-minute documentary film of the Miami River sponsored by TPL and the MRC. The meeting was adjourned. |