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May 31, 2002 8:00 AM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River
Commission Executive Committee was called to order at 8:00 AM at
Greenstreets Café located at 3468 Main Highway, Coconut Grove. |
Members attending were: Chairman: Bob Parks Bob Parks Vice Chairman: Phil Everingham Members: Gary Winston, Richard Bunnell, Sallye Jude Managing Director: David Miller Assistant Managing Director: Brett Bibeau Others Attending: Dusty Mellon, Fran Bohnsack, Jim Murley |
David Miller opened the meeting with discussion of Kimley-Horn’s Urban Infill Contract. A copy of the consultant’s request for additional funds and a detailed review of the request completed by Brett Bibeau and Jim Murley was discussed. Kimley-Horn did perform additional work in excess of the contract, but they never requested approval of the additional items as required by the contract. Kimley-Horn’s explanation was they were originally planning to absorb the extra costs, but the costs rose beyond what they could absorb. Jim Murley stated that in his opinion the MRC would prevail should the issue go to arbitration; however, that could delay the completion of the Plan and it is his recommendation that the MRC pay a percentage of Kimley-Horn’s request. His rationale was that Kimley-Horn did complete extra work and in order to continue our strong professional working partnership, it makes good sense to compromise on this issue. Discussion ensued. Sallye Jude made a motion to approve an additional $7,000 payment to Kimley-Horn, provided that additional improvements are made to the Introduction and Tax Increment Financing Sections of the Plan, and that no additional MRC funds will be provided to the consultant to complete the Plan. Dick Bunnell seconded the motion. After additional discussion, Phil Everingham requested an amendment to the motion to have this confirmed in writing, which was accepted and the motion passed 4-1. The next issue discussed was the need for legal advice concerning the development and implementation of the Tax Increment Financing District. Jim Murley recommends that the MRC hire a competent attorney to provide us with guidance on the TIF issue. It was noted that this is the first case where a TIF District may be created by use of the Urban Infill Regulations. All other TIF Districts have utilized the Community Redevelopment Authority (CRA) regulations. The committee authorized staff to contact and receive proposals from competent law firms and these proposals will be evaluated at a future executive committee meeting. The committee does not want to utilize any attorneys that are already working for the city or county. David reported that the MRC sent a letter to FDOT concerning the proposed bridges over the Miami River that will connect into the Miami Intermodal Center (MIC). FDOT responded and did not agree with us that additional evaluation or a supplemental EIS is necessary. After discussion, the committee agreed to respond to FDOT’s letter and strive for a re-evaluation of the EIS for various reasons including the dredging project and the fact that the EIS is over four years old. David will draft a letter for Bob’s signature. David advised the committee that the Coast Guard has suggested that the MRC sponsor a meeting with all the principle players concerning the Fifth Street Bridge problems. The Coast Guard has labeled the bridge an “obstruction to navigation”. However their only corrective action is to require the bridge to be rebuilt under the Truman-Hobbs Act, which already has 45 bridges listed and many have been on the list for decades. The possibility of receiving federal funding to replace the bridge is close to impossible. FDOT has sued the towing company for the cost of bridge repairs and the towing company’s insurer is threatening to cancel the policy due to the navigation problems associated with the bridge. After discussion, the committee authorized David to seek a meeting with FDOT, Coast Guard, Army Corps of Engineers, towing company, and representatives from the Governor’s office, Senator Graham’s and Rep. Ros-Lehtinen’s office. The MRC will sponsor the meeting, with the intent to reach some sort of compromise. Dick Bunnell suggested that it might be impossible to arrange a meeting as legal claims have been filed. David
has received information that the construction of a tunnel under the
River may be considerably less than previously thought as newer
technology has reduced the cost. David
proposes to hire a consultant to conduct an economic study of a tunnel
verses a bridge. FDOT does
not take into consideration the long-term problems and additional
costs that a bascule bridge creates for the community over a 70-75 year
life span of the bridge.
The study would place a dollar figure on what the community loses
while vehicles and vessels wait for the bridge, additional fuel
expenditures, safety issues, development issues, etc.
This is also an opportunity to demonstrate the MRC’s leadership
in our endeavors to improve the Miami River.
David proposes to look at the 12th Avenue Bridge and
initial inquiries reveal the study cost would be in the range of
$15,000. Phil Everingham
made a motion to recommend to the MRC that we conduct an economic study
of tunnels verses bridges over the Miami River. Sallye Jude seconded the motion and it passed unanimously.
The agenda for the June 10, 2002 MRC meeting was set with presentations from John Chorlog of the WASD concerning the placement of a new pump station in the lower river area and a presentation from Captain Smith of Bojean Boatyard, a business owner on the Tamiami Canal, concerning the forward pumping of the SFWMD and the old swing bridge on South River Drive over the Tamiami Canal. David provided an overview of the MRC finances and advised the committee that the state has appropriated $200,000 for the MRC for next fiscal year, which starts on July 1, 2002. David went over the various funds and their status. Bob requested that David provide a full financial report to the MRC at the next meeting. Discussion ensued concerning placing some funds in a savings account verses a checking account, specifically River Day funds could be placed in a savings account to accrue a higher rate of interest, as no fund expenditures would occur until next year. Bob Parks suggested that the executive committee seek a new location for the executive committee meeting as the Greenstreets Café was very noisy and not the best location for an important meeting (although it is very convenient). David said it could easily be changed and suggested the Commons at Rosenstiel School. Under new business, discussion took place concerning a request from Doug Bruce for the river community (not the MRC) to sponsor a fund raising event for Mario Diaz-Balart. Mario Diaz-Balart was very instrumental in appropriating state funding for the Miami River dredging project. Fran Bohnsack stated that the Miami River Marine Group could support an event for Diaz-Balart. Bob and Gary Winston stated that clearly the MRC could NOT be involved in any fund raising event; however, individual members could participate. Brett advised the committee that on May 30th there was a Special Meeting of the City Commission that discussed the expansion of the Overtown CRA that would impact an area of the Miami River Corridor Plan between 5th Street Bridge and Lummus Park. Another Special Meeting concerning this CRA expansion is scheduled for Monday, June 24 at 5:30 pm. Brett will draft a letter to the Mayor and all City Commissioners explaining the MRC’s position for Bob’s signature. MRC representatives will be present at the Special Meeting to provide appropriate on the record comments. The Executive Committee meeting adjourned at 9:30 a.m. |