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June 15, 2007 12:00 NOON (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River Commission's (MRC) Executive Committee was called to order by MRC Chair Eric Buermann , Friday, June 15, 2007, 8:30 am, Greenstreet Café, 3468 Miami Highway , Coconut Grove , FL. |
Members attending were:
The Executive Committee unanimously adopted the May 15, 2007 minutes, incorporating two minor revisions on page 2 requested by Mr. Dubin. |
I) Set Agenda for MRC's July 9, 2007 meeting A. Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Plan –Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, stated on May 24, 2007, the final written set of requested revisions to the draft plan were provided to David Henderson, Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) and Greg Kyle, Kimley-Horn and Associates (KHA). Mr. Bibeau noted several of the revisions were previously requested either by MRC members, riverfront property owners, general public, and MRC staff, including but not limited to corrections of factual errors and deleting a recommendation to eminent domain portion of a private single family home in order to widen S. River Drive at the 17 Ave intersection. Mr. Bibeau reported Mr. Jim Murley, Chair of the MRC’s Urban Infill Working Group, and he are growing concerned because the MPO contracted consultants (with a $25,000 MRC cost-share), KHA, were yet to make the final requested revisions, and neither have returned recent voicemails and e-mails from Mr. Bibeau to discuss why this delay is occurring. Mr. Bibeau stated Mr. Murley suggested if the revisions are not made in the near future, MRC representatives should meet with senior MPO and KHA staff to work towards making the final requested revisions and finalizing the plan ASAP. The Executive Committee directed Mr. Bibeau to ask Mr. Murley to attend any potential meetings with senior MPO and KHA staff, if the final set of written revisions are not incorporated into the draft in the B. Discussion of Status of James L. Knight Center – Mr. Bibeau reported during the MRC’s Urban Infill Working Group’s public meeting on June 12, 2007, representatives from the City of Miami stated they were moving forward with bringing a Request for Proposal (RFP) related to the upland City owned parcels, just east of metro-mover, yet had no immediate plans for the City owned riverfront parcels, which include the James L. Knight Convention Center. Since the City Administration reported the riverfront parcels are not being considered for RFP’s at this time, the MRC Working Group recommended the full MRC should not formulate an advisory recommendation on the upland parcels. The Executive Committee concurred and decided not to place the potential item on the MRC’s July 9, 2007 agenda. II) Adoption of Fiscal Year (FY) 2008 (July 1, 2007 – June 30, 2008) Operational Budget – III) Review of Fiscal Year (FY) 2007 (July 1, 2006 – June 30, 2007) Audit Bids – As requested during the MRC Executive Board’s May meeting, Mr. Bibeau provided copies of three bids to conduct the FY ’07 Audit for the Miami River Fund Inc, which serves as the MRC’s financial arm. Mr. Bibeau noted although all three companies were offered the opportunity to provide bids for both one and two years of audits, only Appelrouth, Farah and Co., P.A. elected to provide a bid for two consecutive years. The following is a summary of the presented bids:
Mr. Bibeau noted Appelrouth, Farah & Co. has provided our accounting services since 1998, and stated Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra has conducted the last four audits. The Executive Board discussed the concept of having the same firm conduct the audit and accounting. Mr. Bibeau explained he makes the entries into Quickbooks, and provides an electronic copy of the monthly reconciled books to the accountants, which review them and prepare quarterly and annual tax returns for $450 a quarter, which the Executive Committee noted is a good price. After discussion, the Executive Committee concurred there is no conflict between having the same firm conduct both the audit and accounting procedures. The MRC Executive Committee unanimously accepted Appelrouth, Farah & Co.’s two year bid ($12,000 for FY ’07 and $13,500 for FY ’08) and directed Mr. Bibeau to ask if Appelrouth, Farah and Co. is willing to include the currently provided accounting and tax returns in the price for the two years of audits, therefore removing the current $450 quarterly fee for the next two years. The Executive Committee agreed that if Appelrouth, Farah & Co. doesn’t agree, than they will accept their two year audit bid and continue to pay the additional $450 per quarter for accounting, quarterly and annual tax returns. IV) Discussion of “Miami River Health Fair”- Mr. Bibeau reported Mr. Martinez, Terrazas River Park Village, invited MRC staff to a preliminary meeting regarding the potential for creating a new special event in riverfront Sewell Park, focused on marketing the proximity between the Miami River and adjacent “Health District” (Civic Center). Several of the events exhibits would he health related, and perhaps hosted by the numerous adjacent hospitals and UM Medical School. MRC staff then shared the concept with another adjacent development under construction, River Oaks Marina and Condominium, which expressed interest as well. Mr. Bibeau stated he wanted to inform the Executive Board of this new “Miami River Health Fair” concept, and suggest a minimal MRC staff “in-kind” contribution, and up to $500 to co-sponsor the event. The MRC Executive Board unanimously concurred and asked for updates. V) Status of Available MRC Board Member Positions – To follow up on the MRC’s discussion under new business during the May 7, 2007 meeting, MRC staff provided a summary of the 8 individuals whom have expressed interest in serving as volunteers on the MRC’s three vacant board seats, which include the Honorable Governor Crist’s Member at Large, Environmental or Civic organization appointments, and his designee. The summary indicated four of the eight individuals have submitted the Governor’s required “Questionnaire for Gubernatorial Appointments”, of which Mr. Bibeau had a copy available for review upon request. The Executive Board unanimously agreed that Chair Buermann should respectfully suggest the Honorable Governor fill the three vacant MRC seats he controls.