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  Minutes of meeting
July 18, 2006
12:00 NOON

The Miami River Commission’s Executive Committee was called to order by Chairperson Irela Bagué, Tuesday, August 22, 2006, noon at the River Oyster Bar, 650 S. Miami Ave.

Members attending were:
CHAIR: Irela Bague
Members Phil Everingham , Vice-Chairman, Robert Ruano , Gary Winston, Sallye Jude
MRC Staff: Brett Bibeau, Managing Director, Ashley Chase, Asst. Managing Director

I)     Discuss Potential Items for MRC’s September 11, 2006 Agenda
Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, noted the proposed $55 million expansion of the Merrill-Stevens Boatyard was found to be consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan in its adopted “Third Annual Update”.  Mr. Bibeau explained the MRC should consider hearing an update on the expansion plans prior to considering the second potential agenda item, and the Executive Board agreed to the informational only update.   

Mr. Bibeau reported the Related Group was proposing a major redevelopment immediately adjacent to the proposed Merrill-Stevens expansion, including a surface parking lot owned by Miami-Dade County immediately west of I-836.  Mr. Bibeau stated a Miami-Dade County Subcommittee recently recommended approval of this potential future use of the County owned parcel, which would be considered by the full Board of County Commissioners in October.  The Executive Committee directed MRC staff to invite the Related Group to present their proposed project in relation to the potential use of the County Parcel , at the MRC’s Urban Infill Working Group August 8 meeting, and consider the actual proposed project after it has been presented to the City of Miami ’s Historic and Environmental Preservation Board.   

MRC staff distributed copies of a “City of Miami Class II Special Permit Notification Letter ” notifying the MRC of a proposed 157 residential unit located on the south shore of the Miami River’s North Fork , at 2601 and 2621 NW 16 ST Road, west of NW 22 Ave.  Mr. Bibeau noted although the site features an operating recreational boatyard, it is not zoned Marine Industrial (SD-4), rather commercial (C1) therefore the project doesn’t require a land-use and zoning amendment or Major Use Special Permit.  Mr. Bibeau further noted the item would only be heard by the City Commission if the original administrative decision is appealed.  The Executive Board directed MRC staff to invite the proposed developer to make a presentation at the August meeting of the MRC’s Urban Infill Working Group.

Mr. Bibeau stated the City administration indicated in a recent Miami 21 public hearing that they intent to present the draft “Eastern Quadrant” to the Planning Advisory Board in September, and the City Commission in October.  Mr. Bibeau noted if the MRC is to formulate an advisory recommendation on the draft Miami 21 “Eastern Quadrant”, it should consider placing the item on the August UIWG and September MRC agendas, and the Executive Board concurred.  Mr. Ruano offered assistance to scheduling the City’s Miami 21 presentations to the MRC.

MRC staff redistributed the draft “ Working River ” Condo notice, provided by Greenberg Traurig for the MRC’s consideration.  Ms. Caporelli asked if the aforementioned provision would be included in already completed and approved condo documentation, and Mr. Ruano replied that decision would probably be left to the discretion of each development’s condo association.  The Executive Board directed MRC staff to represent the draft language for any recommended revisions to the UIWG.

Due to the multitude of September 11 discussion and presentation items, the Executive Board agreed to defer all non-essential subcommittee reports to the following regularly scheduled MRC meeting on October 2.

II. Review of MRC Financial Report Mr. Bibeau distributed an accrued quarterly report of the MRC (d.b.a. Miami River Fund, Inc.) account balances from all funding sources as of May 31, 2006, which was deferred from the June 12, 2006 Executive Meeting due to lack of quorum. Mr. Bibeau thanked the South Florida Water Management District for its continued support of the MRC.  The Executive Board accepted the financial update.

Mr. Bibeau distributed copies of the MRC (d.b.a. Miami River Fund, Inc.) operational budgets approved for Fiscal Year (FY) 2006 (July 1, 2005 – June 30. 2006) and proposed in FY 2007.  Mr. Bibeau noted the proposed FY ’06 budget includes sufficient funding in the Assistant Managing Director’s salary line item to support a raise from the current $38,500 to $40,250, commencing at the beginning of Ms. Ashley Chase’s third year with the MRC, in December 2006, and no change to the Managing Director’s $69,500 salary.  Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC may consider enacting the proposed raise for Ms. Chase during their December meeting.  The Executive Board unanimously adopted the proposed FY 2007 MRC (d.b.a. Miami River Fund, Inc.) operational budget.  

III. Renewal of Auditor Services - Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC (d.b.a. Miami River Fund, Inc.) Fiscal Year 2006 ended on June 30, 2006, and renewing the audit services of Morrison Brown Argiz & Farrah LLP, would cost $12,000.  Mr. Everingham noted Morrison Brown has conducted the MRC’s FY ’05, FY ’04 and FY ’03 audits, therefore the Executive Board directed Mr. Bibeau to obtain additional MRC audit quotes in an effort to compare costs.

IV. Discussion of Requested Draft MRC Staff Benefit Package As previously directed by the Executive Board, and consistent with the MRC’s recently adopted “Employee Policies and Guidelines”, Ms. Chase presented a collection of quotes for Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Dental Plans and Retirement Options.  The Executive Board directed Ms. Chase to provide them with a summary of the employee benefits provided by the South Florida Water Management District, to compare with the draft MRC employee benefit package.

V. Discussion of Assistant Managing Director Monthly Cell Phone Bill Considering MRC staff spends considerable minutes using their privately purchased cellular phones for work calls, and the MRC pays for the MRC Managing Director’s $39.99 for 1000 cellular phone minutes, the Executive Board unanimously agreed to pay for Ms. Chase’s cell phone service under a new plan offered by T-Mobile ($39.99 a month, 1500 minutes).   

VI. Discussion of Status of MRC Recommended Pocket Parks Mr. Bibeau reported the MRC has an opportunity to coordinate with several major volunteer events to create  a few of the pocket parks recommended by the MRC, and continued to provide volunteer clean-ups of riverfront areas as recommended in the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan.  The Executive Board authorized the application for Hands on Miami Day (November 4, 2006) volunteers to assist in creating riverfront pocket parks on S. River Drive at NW 2 and NW 1 Streets, as agreed upon by their respective property owners, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department and Bellsouth.  Mr. Bibeau offered to provide the Executive Board with a detailed proposal of the volunteer projects and proposed costs during their August meeting.  

VII.  Discussion of Application for Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Environmental Justice Grants Program- Ms. Chase asked the Executive Committee to authorize MRC staff to apply for the Environmental Protection Agency’s Environmental Justice (EJ) Collaborative Problem-Solving (CPS) Cooperative Agreement Program grant. Under the EJ CPS Program, the Office of Environmental Justice (OEJ) will provide $100,000 assistance awards to eligible organizations that plan to utilize the collaborative problem-solving model and partner with other stakeholders to address their affected community’s environmental and/or public health issues. The Executive Board unanimously approved applying for the OEJ’s EJ CPS Program.

VIII. Discussion of Application for Community Based Organization (CBO) Grant for Environmental Enhancement & Education - Ms. Chase asked the Executive Committee to authorize MRC staff to submit the annual Miami-Dade County Environmental Enhancement and Education Community Based Organization Grants Program application, to continue providing Miami River environmental education boat tours, coordinate volunteer clean-ups and distribute and promote the MRC’s “Energy Efficiency & Water Conservation Report” within the Miami River Corridor. The Executive Board unanimously approved re-applying for DERM CBO funding for Miami River Educational Boat Tours .

IX. New Business –The following items were addressed/discussed:

  • Chair Bagué asked Ms. Chase to meet with firms & obtain quotes for revamping the MRC website. Ms. Chase agreed to report her findings at the next Executive Board meeting.
  • Mr. Ruano asked if the MRC offices had a “Certificate of Use.”  Mr. Bibeau replied when he started with the MRC in 2000, the offices didn’t have a Certificate of Use, and when they recently commenced a lease in a Miami-Dade County office space, they weren’t asked to obtain one.  Mr. Ruano suggested Mr. Bibeau look into obtaining a certificate of use/occupancy for the MRC offices.
  • The Executive Board authorized Mr. Bibeau’s trip to Washington , DC September 6-7, as part of the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce’s advocacy group trip to advocate for the federal cost share balance due to complete the Miami River Maintenance Dredging project.  Mr. Bibeau stated he would stay in his families Bethesda , MD home.
  • East Coast Fisheries: Ms. Caporelli noted the HEP board was currently determining the best solution for the historically designated property that is in disrepair and facing possible demolition. The Executive Board agreed to bring this item to the full commission for consideration in October.
  • Ms. Caporelli noted that during the July HEP board meeting, Spring Garden residents had voiced concern over a proposed residential Miami River development, “Miami Riverplace.” Ms. Caporelli stated the HEP board had requested the developers to continue meeting with Spring Garden residents to reach a consensus on this project, which she noted, could potentially impact the historic neighborhood.  Though the MRC found the aforementioned project to be consistent with the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan and the Miami River Greenway Action Plan during its July meeting, the Executive Board agreed to take up this proposed item again if the building plans are significantly changed.
  • Mr. Ruano stated the Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) was scheduled to convene a meeting in City Hall on August 18, therefore suggested the MRC co-sponsor a Miami River boat tour to visit FIND funded projects such as the Miami River maintenance dredging, Point Park, and Bicentennial Park shorelines.  Mr. Bibeau noted evening tours average $1,600 on the “Island Lady” vessel, frequently charted by the MRC.  The Executive Committee authorized the MRC to co-sponsor a Miami River boat tour for FIND during the evening of August 18.

The meeting adjourned.