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July 21, 2005 8:00 AM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
Irela Bagué, called the Miami River Commission’s Executive Committee
to order on |
Members attending were: CHAIR: Irela Bague Members: Phil Everingham, Vice Chairman; Richard Bunnell, Gary Winston MRC Staff: Brett Bibeau, Managing Director, Ashley Chase, Asst. Managing Director |
I. Set Agenda for MRC’s September 12, 2005 Meeting at Noon, Robert King High, 1401 NW 7th StreetMr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, stated three proposed developments along the Miami River Corridor are scheduled to be presented to the MRC’s Urban Infill Working Group in August: 1) “Hidden Harbor,” 1951 NW South River Drive; 2) “Miami River Rapids,” a 2,000 residential-unit development located west of 27th Avenue at 1850 Delaware Parkway; 3) a yet-to-be-named residential project located at the former York Shrine Temple site, 1690 NW North River Drive. Mr.
Bibeau asked Chairperson Irela Bagué if the South Florida Water
Management District could present its “Biscayne Bay Economic Study”
before the MRC board during its next publicly noticed meeting on II. Discuss Proposed MRC Retreat – MRC staff distributed copies of the MRC retreat’s “scope of services” to the Executive Board. Mr. Bibeau stated the document, related to the publicly noticed October 14 and October 28 half and full-day MRC retreats, clearly outlines both Ms. Janice Fleischer’s and the Miami River Commission’s responsibilities. Mr. Bibeau noted there was sufficient funding to hire Ms. Fleischer for her services, currently priced at $4,200. Chairperson Bagué stated that $4,200 was a fair price, considering Ms. Fleischer’s vast experience in conflict resolution and coordinating goals and objectives. Mr. Gary Winston asked what the MRC retreat would discuss and accomplish, and Mr. Bibeau responded that maintenance, security and special event planning along the Miami River Greenway would be the initial focus of the retreat. Mr. Bibeau added that a variety of organization and governance models would also be examined in order to ensure the Greenway’s future success. Chairperson Bagué stated in addition the retreat would help define the MRC’s future role, discuss potential partnerships and serve as a brainstorming session for efficient planning. Vice-Chairman Everingham mentioned he could not attend the full-day October 14 MRC retreat due to a previously scheduled engagement, and Chairperson Bagué directed MRC staff to check the schedules of MRC board members to coordinate possible alternate dates for the retreat. In the meantime, Mr. Bibeau agreed to amend the “scope of services” to read: Date To Be Determined, and the Executive Committee unanimously approved the revised Scope of Services. III.
Discuss $25,000 MRC Cost Share for “ IV.
Discuss Proffered Covenant of Proposed Project, 1622-1630 NW 22nd
Ave. & 2210 NW North River Drive from Duplex Residential (R-2) to
High Density Residential (R-4)-
Mr. Bibeau stated that
Miami City Commissioners had approved the proposed project at first
reading on Thursday, June 23, 2005 partially due to a proffered covenant
submitted to the City of Miami Planning Department, limiting the height
of development on the property to a maximum of 120 feet. Mr. Bibeau
provided copies of the covenant, which did not mention the creation of a
publicly accessible riverwalk. Bibeau
noted MRC staff is currently planning on forwarding the MRC’s original
unanimous recommendation for denial of the project at second reading on V.
Discussion of County-Owned CAA Property on VI.
Consideration of MRC Audit Accounting Firm Renewal-
Mr. Bibeau provided copies
of the Morrison, Brown, Argiz & Farra, LLP audit proposal.
Bibeau noted the firm conducted the last two audits, and has
raised its proposed annual audit fee from $10,500 to $11,000.
Chairperson Bagué made a motion to approve the renewal of
Morrison Brown Argiz to conduct the annual audit, and the motion was
unanimously adopted. VII.
Discussion of Re-applying for DERM CBO Funding for Miami River
Educational Boat Tours - Ms.
Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, asked the Executive
Committee to authorize MRC staff to submit the annual Miami-Dade County
Environmental Enhancement and Education Community Based Organization
Grants Program application for funding to continue providing Miami River
environmental education boat tours, coordinate volunteer clean-ups and
Adopt-A-Tree events, and distribute and promote the MRC’s “Energy
Efficiency & Water Conservation Report” within the Miami River
Corridor. Vice-Chairman Everingham moved to approve re-applying for
DERM CBO funding, the motion was seconded by Mr. Bunnell and unanimously
adopted. VIII.
Hands on Miami -
Mr. Bibeau stated due to an MRC application, Hands on Miami had
pledged 200 volunteers to participate in a Miami River beautification
project adjacent to and beneath the NW 27 Ave Bridge, along the
River’s south shoreline, during the annual “Hands on Miami Day”,
to be held on November 5, 2005. The
proposed Ø
Creation of a mural and/or basketball hoop beneath the Bibeau noted over the past several years the MRC and Hands on Miami volunteers have partnered on previous Miami River improvement projects, including the creation of several waterfront pocket parks, murals, litter clean ups, etc. The Executive Committee suggested the MRC seek sponsorships for the material costs associated with the project to be constructed with volunteer labor. Chairperson Bagué noted that “Hands on Miami Day” was a great opportunity, and asked Mr. Bibeau to provide a summary of costs for the event, so that she may present it to companies for potential sponsorships. The MRC Executive Committee unanimously approved up to $7,000 of available MRC funding may be used for the “Hands on Miami Day” river project. IX.
New Business-Chairperson
Bagué noted the MRC plans to host a Development Summit in order to
distribute the MRC’s “Energy Efficiency & Water Conservation
Report,” and discuss pertinent Miami River topics of concern such as
the Miami River Corridor Multi-Modal Transportation Study. Chairperson
Bagué made a motion authorizing the MRC to apply for South Florida
Water Management District’s “SIP” grants as a future funding
opportunity, and the motion was unanimously adopted.
Chairperson Bagué
stated she would like to have MRC staff participate in the City of The meeting adjourned. |