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The Miami River
Commission Executive Committee was called to order at 8:07 AM at
Greenstreets Café located at 3468 Main Highway, Coconut Grove. |
Members attending were: Chairman: Robert Parks Members: Phil Everingham, Dick Bunnell, Sallye Jude, Jerry Fernandez, Gary Winston Managing Director: David Miller Others Attending: Fran Bohnsack |
The next issue discussed was the hiring of an assistant for the managing director. David reported he had interviewed several candidates and recommends Brett Bibeau for the position. David advised that the position would be more than an administrative assistant. David envisions the position as an Assistant to the Managing Director. At David’s determination, the assistant would represent the MRC at meetings and conferences, draft correspondence, conduct public speaking engagements, manage meetings, complete administrative assignments, etc. The executive committee requested a copy of Brett’s resume for review. If committee members have any questions or problems with Brett’s experience, they will contact David no latter than Friday July 28, 2000. David will offer the position to Brett Friday, provided there are no adverse executive committee comments. The committee suggested a probationary period of 90 days and the employment contract cannot extend longer than July 1, 2001, as we cannot guarantee future state appropriations. Bob Parks asked if the committee needed to approve the budget David provided. Gary Winston made the motion to approve the proposed budget and Gerry Fernandez seconded and the motion passed unanimously. David requested a motion to apply for a Miami-Dade County CBO grant for educational river trips. This is a reimbursable grant and the MRC did receive this grant last year. Salleye Jude made a motion for the MRC to apply for a CBO grant it was seconded by Phil Everingham and approved unanimously. Bob Parks has asked Theo Long and Janet McAlily to help develop an environmental educational program that would involve river trips. This will be a part of the CBO grant request. Phil Everingham asked about the proposal from Mark Sell to develop an MRC web site. David advised the group that web site development would be part of next year’s budget and the group concurred. Gary Winston suggested a business lease for necessary computers and printers. David has been asked to be a member of a Miami River Circle planning team that will be appointed by the Secretary of the State of Florida. The committee felt this was a very good opportunity and was happy to hear the state included the Miami River Commission as part of Circle development team. Bob Parks discussed the state bill that created a baseball stadium commission. The legislation creates a very powerful commission and they will have the power to issue bonds, etc. Bob was very impressed with power provided to this baseball commission. Commissioner Barreiro will nominate Bob; however, there are only three members that can be appointed by the County Commission. David asked the committee about the offer provided by Rosenstie l School to increase the office space to over 200 square feet to accommodate the assistant manager. The school has offered this space at $300 per month. The committee agreed that at this time this was the best opportunity for the MRC. David advised the group about his meetings with the GMCC concerning the Brickell Avenue Bridge and his report to the New World Center Committee about dredging, greenways, and other river issues. David relayed the GMCC discussion that the best traffic situation in everyone’s memory was when the bridge was under construction and closed to vehicular traffic. During bridge construction the traffic flowed better than ever. The GMCC’s New World Center group’s discussed the closing of the Brickell Bridge to vehicles and making the bridge a pedestrian only bridge and possibly having a shuttle bus around the downtown area. These discussion were just preliminary, but were well received by the group. Gerry Fernandez advised the executive committee that he has transmitted to the Governor the MRC’s recommended list of individuals for possible Governor appointment to the MRC. Gerry advised he also added Debra Swain to the list. Gerry stated he has received a response that the Governor has received the list. The Governor has not made any decision on appointments at this time. David advised the group about his attendance at meetings with Custom’s concerning drug seizure problems on the river. Fran Bohnsack and members from the MRMG are working closely with Custom’s to minimize the drug smuggling problem. David is working to help develop a plan for “low value” vessels that are seized by customs for smuggling are not resold to potential drug dealers after the court case. David wants to see these low value vessels made part of the artificial reef program or scrapped and not allowed to go back into the maritime service. There are several vessels on the river that have been seized by Customs more than once and get into this never ending cycle of drug smuggling, seizure, auctioned back into service, seized again, etc. The committee endorsed this approach. Gary Winston asked about the ethics committee. David reported he is trying to get a meeting set. Bob desires that the ethics committee meet before the September MRC meeting. Dick Bunnell asked about what the MRC should do about the County Commission and the County Manager’s Memo concerning the Jailai property for use as the dredge spoil temporary drying site. Commissioner Morales is concerned about the use of that property in his district without providing public meetings to advise and answer questions of the citizens in the area. Dick Bunnell will attempt to talk to Commissioner Morales about this issue. David asked the committee about reassigning funds from the monies received from the MRCC to contract Doug Bruce as our Tallahassee representative. David reminded the group that state appropriated funds cannot be used to hire a lobbyist. The MRCC funds are the only funds that are currently available to the MRC for contracting a Tallahassee lobbyist. Bob Parks requested that the letter transferring MRCC funds to the MRC be sent to all executive committee members and this issue will be an agenda item for our August executive committee meeting. The Executive Committee meeting adjourned at 9:15 AM. |