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  Minutes of meeting
Aug. 12, 2004
8:00 AM

The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Executive Committee was called to order by Chairman Robert Parks, on August 12, 2004, 8:00 a.m., at the Greenstreets Café, 3468 Main Highway, Coconut Grove, FL.


Members attending were:
CHAIR: Robert Parks
Members: Phil Everingham, Irela Bague,Gary Winston
MRC Staff: Brett Bibeau, Managing Director

I.  Discussion of the New MRC Chair Election The MRC’s Executive Committee re-affirmed that in an ex-officio capacity Bob Parks would lead the election of the new MRC chair at the next MRC meeting, Monday, September 13, 2004, noon, 3250 SW 3 Ave.  Parks directed Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, to reply to the question submitted by Dr. Pam Dana, designee for Governor Bush, that Mr. Tony Garrastazu, Governor’s Office of International Trade, may attend and participate in MRC meetings on her behalf, yet only the one official member’s designee has voting privileges, in the absence of the actual board member.  In addition, the Executive Committee directed Bibeau to remind the Governor’s office of the need to appoint a new MRC “Member-at-Large” board member, to replace Mr. Parks, prior to the September 13 election of a new chair.  At the recommendation of Mr. Gary Winston, the Executive Committee directed Bibeau to notify all MRC members and designees of the September 13 election of the new MRC chair, via fax, e-mail, mail and telephone.  In addition, the Executive Board directed Bibeau to remind the MRC board members and designees that the MRC remains to operate under the Sunshine Law, therefore board members and designees should not be discussing the election with other MRC board members and designees, prior to the publicly noticed September 13, 2004 MRC meeting.  Mr. Bibeau reported that at the first MRC meeting in August 1998, there was only one nomination for chair, which was unanimously approved, and two nominees for vice-chair, of which one deferred the nomination, and the remaining nominee was unanimously approved by the MRC.  The Executive Committee noted Mr. Phil Everingham, designee for the Chair of the Marine Council, has served as MRC vice-chair, therefore both MRC members and designees are eligible to be nominated.

II.  Set Agenda for Miami River Commission’s September 13, 2004 Meeting -  Mr. Bibeau reported the MRC’s Urban Infill Working Group was scheduled to meet on August 24, 2004, and the following additional items may be ready for the MRC’s September 13 meeting:

  • “Riverfront” Development Proposal Presentation
  • “Reflections on the River” Development Proposal Presentation
  • “Brisas de Miami River” Development
  •  Florida Department of Transportation Miami Intermodal Center (Bridges) Presentation
  • Proposed Termination to Garcia Seafood Brothers, Inc. Lease of City of Miami Owned Property

The Executive Board asked for the Garcia Seafood Brother’s Inc. lease of City of Miami Owned property not to be on the MRC’s September 13, 2004 agenda, because although the City Commission requested the MRC’s advisory recommendation on agenda items pertaining to the Miami River, the Executive Committee felt this lease agreement was a more private business matter for the City of Miami and the individuals they lease land to.

III. Miami River Fund, Inc. (MRFI) Update - Mr. Phil Everingham, asked the Executive Committee for their opinion on the option of having the Miami River Fund, Inc. continue to operate in its original format, as the non-for-profit financial entity for the MRC.  Any potential new Miami River “fundraising” groups may be created independently.  The Executive Committee concurred that although this extra careful approach may not be legally required, it should be considered to avoid any potential mis-interpretation of any conflict of interest issues.  Mr. Everingham, stated the Miami River Fund, Inc. would discuss this option at their next publicly noticed meeting, and report back to the MRC’s Executive Committee.

IV.  New Business – Mr. Bibeau stated standard accounting procedures require the firm conducting annual audits to rotate every few years.  The required audit was conducted by Appelrouth & Farah in 1999 & 2000, Kaufman & Rossin in 2001 & 2002, Morrison & Brown in 2003 and an auditor needs to be selected for 2004.  Bibeau stated the Morrison Brown estimate of $10,500 to conduct the audit remains less than the $12,000 fee charged by Kaufman Rossin in 2002.  The Executive Committee unanimously agreed to renew with Morrison Brown to conduct the required annual audit.

The meeting adjourned.