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The Miami River
Commission Executive Committee was called to order at 8:07 AM at
Greenstreets Café located at 3468 Main Highway, Coconut Grove. |
Members attending were: Chairman: Robert Parks Members: Phil Everingham, Dick Bunnell, Sallye Jude, Jim Murley, Gary Winston Managing Director: David Miller Assistant Managing Director: Brett Bibeau Others Attending: Fran Bohnsack |
David discussed the proposed reallocation of some of the funds received from the Miami River Coordinating Committee (MRCC). This reallocation is proposed to fund our lobbyist in Tallahassee. Some of the MRCC funds ($16,000) are derived from private donations and are not obtained from state, county or city appropriations. All other funds of the MRC are prohibited from being used to pay a lobbyist to lobby in Tallahassee. The group agrees that our lobbyist in Tallahassee, Doug Bruce, was very instrumental in obtaining state funds for dredging and operating funds for the MRC. Bob Parks stated it is critical to maintain Doug Bruce, but the MRC must be in full compliance with the rules and not even have the slightest perception of improper fund management to pay Doug Bruce. Phil Everingham made a motion to reallocate MRCC funds to hire Doug Bruce at the discretion of David Miller and Bob Parks. Gary Winston seconded and discussion ensued. Bob Parks suggested that David contact Betty Fleming or Janet Gavarette to check the legality and ethics of reallocating MRCC funds. Phil’s motion was amended to include this review prior to reallocation of funds. The amended motion passed unanimously. The next item discussed was the decision to request or not request an extension of the MRC’s sunset provision. The MRC will sunset on July 1, 2003, per the 1998 legislation that created the MRC. Discussion ensued. The decision was made to develop a timeline chart to show the MRC initiatives and programs. This timeline will clearly help define the decision on whether the MRC should request an extension of the sunset provision. A motion was made by Phil Everingham for the Executive Committee to recommend to the full MRC to request the legislature to extend the sunset provision. Gary Winston seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Discussion ensued about the proper process to request the sunset extension. Doug Bruce has recommended the request to extend the sunset provision should include support letters from all entities involved with the river. The next item discussed was the agenda for the MRC meeting on September 11, 2000. Bob Parks wants to discuss the MRCC funds reallocation and the sunset issue with the full MRC. Under new business, Dick Bunnell reported that the Florida Inland Navigation District (FIND) approved an interlocal agreement to provide 50% matching funds for both County and City dredging expenditures, excluding land costs. Dick also reported on a meeting with Commissioner Morales concerning a Community Council Public Hearing concerning the use of the county owned 10-acre parking lot by 37th Avenue and North River Drive for use as the temporary site for drying the dredged sediments. Dick advised that the Army Corps experts would be present to answer any citizen questions. Commissioner Morales would like to have the site turned into a park after the dredging project. This parking lot is in Commissioner Morales’ district but very close to both Commissioners Reboredo’s and Carey-Shuler’s districts. The committee felt MRC members should meet with Com. Reboredo and Carey-Shuler concerning the site. The committee agreed that Commissioner Morales would have to take the lead on the park issue and the MRC would be in support of creating a park. Sallye Jude requested the MRC sponsor her to attend the Urban Waterfront Development national conference in San Francisco. Sallye will be in San Francisco and the only cost would be the conference fee. The committee agrees it would be great for Sallye to attend the conference, but requested further information on the conference. Discussion ensued about the need to invigorate the Economic Development and Commerce Working Group. This Working Group is extremely important to the future of the river and needs to promote the Miami River Economic Impact Study and the Tax Increment Financing District Investigation subcommittees. More information and details need to be obtained by the Working Group concerning river developments and construction projects. Discussion ensued; however, no definitive conclusions or decisions were recommended. The Executive Committee meeting adjourned at 9:15 AM. |