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Aug. 29, 2002 8:00 AM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River
Commission Executive Committee was called to order at 8:00 AM at
Greenstreets Café located at 3468 Main Highway, Coconut Grove. |
Members attending were: Chairman: Bob Parks Bob Parks Members: Dick Bunnell, Javier Fernandez, Sandy O'Neil, Gary Winston Managing Director: David Miller Assistant Managing Director: Brett Bibeau Others Attending: Fran Bohnsack, Brenda Marshall |
MRC staff explained that the City of
Miami’s Department of Planning and Zoning will recommend the City
Commission adopt the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan, subject to
a few final revisions. The
Executive Board unanimously adopted the attached documents of final
revisions to the Infill Plan, which include the revisions requested by
the City of Miami. The MRC
will review the final revisions to the draft Infill Plan during their
September 9, 2002 meeting. Brenda Marshall stated that due to the
MRC’s full agenda in September, the Trust for Public Land would like
to be on the MRC’s October 7, 2002 agenda to provide a Greenway
update. Mr. Parks requested the presentation be included in the
MRC’s October agenda. David Miller reminded the Executive
Summary that the MRC’s new fundraising subcommittee has not met. Parks stated that the Fundraising subcommittee Chair, Phil
Everingham, will call a meeting and produce a report in the near future. Miller provided the Executive Committee
with information regarding a new Environmental Protection Agency
Watershed Initiative grant opportunity.
Parks requested the information be included in the MRC mail-out,
and that MRC consideration of this grant opportunity be placed on the
September 9, 2002 agenda. Miller stated the new MRC’s Legislative
subcommittee has not met, yet the information regarding the MRC’s
legislative requests is needed as soon as possible.
Parks stated he would convene a meeting of the Legislative
subcommittee, and forward a report.
Fernandez suggested the MRC forward their legislative agendas to
the City and County for inclusion in their respective legislative
agenda. Parks requested the MRC’s unanimous resolution recommending
the Florida Legislature extend the MRC sunset provision be mailed to
Governor Bush’s MRC designee, Dr. Pam Dana, with a cover letter asking
for his assistance. Sandy
O’ Neil requested the MRC’s resolution be forwarded to the Board of
County Commissioners (BCC) as well.
O’Neil explained the BCC would consider a resolution regarding
the inclusion of the MRC sunset extension to be included in the
County’s Legislative agenda. Gary
Winston stated he was attending a Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce
meeting later in the day, regarding their Legislative agenda.
Parks requested MRC staff to immediately fax the GMCC Chair, Bill
Collum, a letter requesting the GMCC to include an extension of the
MRC’s sunset provision in the GMCC’s legislative agenda.
Miller stated the extension of the sunset has not received any
opposition thus far, yet with a tight upcoming state budget, requesting
an increase to the MRC funding may be difficult. The Meeting adjourned. |