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The Miami River
Commission Executive Committee was called to order at 8:09 AM at
Greenstreets Café located at 3468 Main Highway, Coconut Grove. |
Members attending were: Chairman: Bob Parks Bob Parks Members: Phil Everingham, Gary Winston, Sandy O'Neill Managing Director: David Miller Assistant Managing Director: Brett Bibeau Others Attending: Fran Bohnsack, Brenda Marshall, Lavinia Freeman, Jim Murley, Javier Fernandez (City of Miami) |
David Miller provided the committee with a budget overview of all MRC funds. David handed out a two-page budget report (as shown in the MRC’s Fall 2001 Report) and explained the status of the various grants. David also advised that he made a presentation before the Dade Delegation and requested a $200,000 appropriation for MRC operational funding for next year. The increase from $150,000 to $200,000 was to hire an additional staff person to specifically focus on the greenway development, which is presently consuming increased staff hours as the project moves from planning to implementation status. David explained the status of the dredging grant ($300,000 for preliminary coordination of dredging) and the status of funds. Importantly, these funds have allowed the MRC to hire a governmental affairs expert in Washington, Phil Bangert of Patton Boggs LLC, to monitor and promote the Miami River Dredging project. Sufficient funds remain in the account to keep him engaged with the MRC for one more year. Next year is very important for federal funding of the project. Brenda Marshall suggested that Phil should talk and work with TPL’s representative in Washington. David advised that the Miami River Map Project received funds from the sale of advertising on the recently printed Miami River Map. These funds are unencumbered funds and can be used to pay for our Tallahassee governmental affairs expert, Doug Bruce and Associates. Funds from this account paid last years invoice, however the remaining funds can only pay $4,840 towards a $12,000 invoice this year. David opened discussion for ideas and thoughts on how to pay the remaining balance. Phil Everingham made a motion to utilize the Map Account to pay Doug Bruce & Associates a partial payment and it was seconded by Dick Bunnell and passed unanimously. Bob Parks asked David to research the use of MRCC funds and provide specifics to him. Phil Everinham suggested that he and others should request funds from the private sector as the MRC is helping river businesses and other associations. Discussion was held that businesses or other organizations could donate to the MRC under the IRS 501 c (3) designation as a non-profit organization. Bob Parks asked all committee members to consider these funding problems and provide suggestions. Bob Parks talked about creating a group such as “Friends of the River” for citizens and businesses to donate to river improvements. Discussion ensued without a final decision. David provided an update of dredging issues and stated that the MRC letter to all property owners describing the dredging project has been sent. The letter is in English, Spanish and Creole and was done at the request of and approved by Miami-Dade County, the local sponsor. This notification shows each individual property and its relation to the navigable channel and advises all property owners that only accumulated sediment will be removed and no blasting or removal of rock is to be included. Dredging will not occur within 10 feet of any manmade structure, such as a dock or bulkhead, and the letter encourages property owners to ensure their waterfront structures are in satisfactory condition. Bob Parks wants the letter to also go to all City and County Commissioners and Miami-Dade Delegation members. David had one other dredging issue concerning the delay of the dredging project due to the apparent slow response by the Fish & Wildlife Service at the Vero Beach Office concerning their completion and approval of the Coordination Act Report (CAR). The purpose of the CAR is to prevent large construction projects from harming or degrading resources such as endangered or threatened species of plants, fish or wildlife. The Vero Beach office agreed to have the Army Corps hire a consultant to complete the “draft” CAR and then the draft would be provided to the F&WS for review and approval. The draft CAR was completed and provided to the Vero Beach F&WS in June 2001. To date, the F&WS has not approved the report and as of December 2001 is delaying the project. Discussion ensued and the end result was that the MRC would send a letter to the F&WS at Vero Beach and ask if there is anything we can do to help move this report forward and secondly, request one of our congressional members to ask the F&WS why this is taking so long. On the good news side, Dick Bunnell advised the group that the “conceptual water quality certification” was issued by Florida DEP on December 5, 2001. The next item discussed was the agenda for the January 7, 2002 MRC meeting. David advised that Betty Fleming requested a short presentation by a group that is working to improve the Wagner Creek area. The committee approved this agenda item. Bob Parks had previously set the January 2002 meeting to discuss bridge crossings of the upper river by Miami Intermodal Center (MIC) transportation connectors including FDOT, MDX and metrorail. David stated he would ask the agencies to provide a technical representative to answer any questions the discussion might generate. Fran Bohnsack asked how the discussion would occur and how the marine industry would be able to put their concerns before the MRC. Bob Parks does not want to rush to judgment on this issue and wants to ensure that all groups have an opportunity to provide their input. Discussion ensued. It was decided that the U.S. Coast Guard Bridge Branch also needed to be part of this meeting and affected property owners could also provide their input. Bob said that a MRC decision on this issue would not be made at the January meeting. He wants to provide sufficient time for all information to be presented and for MRC members to thoughtfully review this important issue. Greenway items were discussed. David advised that the Miami-Dade Commissioners would soon be voting on appropriating $350,000 to open the Miami Circle for public tours. The current plan is to build a thatched roof over the Circle for protection from the elements with a walkway from the roadway (which is just north and west of the Sheraton Hotel) to the Circle. Visitors would be bussed to the site and escorted to the Circle by archaeologists, who would provide an onsite presentation. This plan is a temporary solution to get visitors to the site and it is anticipated this would be in place for two to three years while final plans are developed. Discussion ensued. Brenda Marshall stated that TPL feels this is a good idea to make the site available to the public. The MRC staff and TPL will work with Mr. Michael Spring at MDC concerning this issue. Brett Bibeau & Brenda discussed the Grants received by the City of Miami from FDOT for greenways development. FDOT has sent a letter to the city advising that they need to take action on the grants and provide certain information to FDOT by March 2002 or the grant funds will be dropped. Discussion ensued and Javier Fernandez stated he would set up a meeting with the City Manager, TPL and the MRC to help move this project forward. Under new business, Bob Parks advised the group that he has met with Liz Plater-Zyberg and she is very interested in developing a design center and helping with the development of the Miami River. David advised that certain members of the Urban Infill Working Group were meeting with Liz latter today. Jerry Fernandez advised that the MRC should make a presentation to the SFWMD on January 9, 2002 about our activities to improve the river. David will follow up with Jerry about getting on the SFWMD agenda. Brett discussed the offer by the “Villagers Inc.” to provide $25,000 for signage along the greenway to mark historical points. The committee unanimously passed the motion to accept the funds. Brett advised the committee he has been sent a letter by the city to register as a lobbyist. Discussion ensued and it was agreed that Brett, as a staff member of the MRC, is not a lobbyist when representing the MRC on MRC issues. Bob Parks will write a letter to the city concerning this item. The Executive Committee meeting adjourned at 9:30 AM. |