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The Miami River
Commission Executive Committee was called to order at 8:09 AM at
Greenstreets Café located at 3468 Main Highway, Coconut Grove. |
Members attending were: Vice Chairman: Phil Everingham Members: Jim Murley, Sallye Jude, Gary Winston Managing Director: David Miller Assistant Managing Director: Brett Bibeau Others Attending: Dusty Melton |
The next item discussed was the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District Investigation Committee. Brett Bibeau advised the group that the TIF Committee is meeting at 10 am today. Phil Everingham asked David about the baseball stadium situation on the Miami River and the recent article in “Miami Today”. David advised the group that Bob Parks, Brett Bibeau, Mikael Kaul (an architect from the Smith Group) and David met with the Marlins’ senior staff on November 13, 2000 concerning the river site for the stadium. David reported that the Marlins were very interested in the river site; however, their consultants found the site very small and they indicated a 20-30% cost increase to build on the river site verses a more open site where construction crews could stage materials. A 42,000- seat stadium with a retractable roof (as envisioned by Marlins owner John Henry) could fit on the site, but it would be very tight and raise construction costs. The TIF district could possibly assist in funding the stadium at this location, but Bob Parks has recommended that only 15-25% of the TIF funds should be allowed to go towards funding the stadium on the river. The consensus of the executive committee was that the stadium probably would not go in Bicentennial Park and the MRC should be fully prepared to champion the river site. Brett stated that Commissioner Winton prefers the river site to Bicentennial Park. Discussion ensued. Dusty Melton asked how does the MRC determine which issues to champion and how do we articulate our position? The committee explained the MRC procedures and that normally a resolution would be passed addressing the MRC’s position and the resolution would be forwarded to all interested parties. Dusty specifically asked about our position on the One Miami Project with respect to the 50-foot setback issue. Discussion ensued and the end result was that the committee recommended that the riverwalk and setback issue for the One Miami Project be placed on the MRC agenda for Monday December 4, 2000. Brett Bibeau will contact the developers and ask them to provide a presentation. David Miller discussed the MRC’s financial position and provided an overview of all grants and state appropriations. David explained each grant and state appropriation and the respective scope of work required for each. David provided a short handout summarizing each funding source and the status of funds. David explained that each grant and appropriation requires specific reports to be filed and that typically is a quarterly progress report that provides MRC actions and a complete financial report for the quarter with all invoices and cancelled checks included. Discussion ensued concerning the CBO grant and utilizing some of the funds to contract a professional production firm to make a 10-12 minute video about the Miami River dredging project. This would require an amendment to the grant and the executive committee unanimously approved David to request the grant amendment. David stated that the MRC must contract an independent certified public accountant to complete required audits of the two state appropriation funds. Also, review of the federal tax requirements reveals the MRC has expended more that 20% of our total expenditures for our Washington lobbyist. Non-profit organizations that expend over 20% of their total expenditures for lobby fees must pay and excise tax on the funds expended over the 20%. Discussion ensued. David requested the committee provide any suggestions for engaging an auditor. There were no suggestions. David stated that his wife, Judy (a certified public accountant with Applerouth, Farah & Co.) has been maintaining the MRC financial records and filed last year’s federal taxes on a “pro bono” basis. She cannot conduct the required audits; however, she did ask her company and they provided a quote of $5,000 for the required audits and $500 to complete the required tax forms. Jim Murley stated that the price was very fair and suggested we engage them promptly. The committee granted approval for David to enter into an agreement to engage an auditor. The next item discussed was the Tallahassee Legislative agenda for this next session. The MRC is pursuing operational funds of $150,000 and $2.25 million for the dredging project. Doug Bruce suggested that the MRC not pursue the extension of the July 2003 sunset date, as he believes it is premature to request an extension. Discussion ensued about specific requests for greenways/riverwalk development. The committee suggested that David check with TPL concerning legislative requests for the Miami River Greenway. Sallye Jude suggested there maybe funding for parks and we should investigate this issue in Tallahassee. Dusty Melton advised that there are potential funds that could assist with development on the river. The committee suggested that a fax should be sent to all MRC members to be prepared on Monday December 4, 2000 to discuss MRC legislative agenda. Jose Padilla is scheduled to provide a presentation concerning downtown vehicular transportation and bridge openings. Jose is chairman of the GMCC Transportation Group and desires the MRC to partner with the GMCC to help improve downtown transportation. Dusty suggested a river tour for the Dade Delegation and other legislators with a lunch to promote all the river issues. David and Brett will investigate this opportunity. The next issue discussed was new business and discussion was initiated about the Public Safety Group and what progress they are making. Gary Winston said that river patrols are a low priority and the cost benefit ratio of having police on the river does not meet the same cost benefit of having police on the streets. It was suggested that the MRC should pursue a funding source for law enforcement on the river, which includes river patrols. Sergeant Art Serig of the City of Miami Marine Police is very anxious to obtain additional funds to conduct river patrols and last year his sporadic nighttime river patrols were very successful. Brett advised the committee that there have been many complaints about excessive wakes on the river. Brett advised the committee on the status of the Miami River Map project and he stated that the digitized map should be available next week and that sales of advertisement space will commence next week. Profits received from the Miami River Map will be utilized to promote and improve the river. The Executive Committee meeting adjourned at 9:15 AM. |