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Dec 20, 2005 8:00 AM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River
Commission’s Executive Committee was called to order by Chairperson
Irela Bagué, Tuesday, December 20, 2005, 8:00 a.m., at the Green
Streets Café, 3468 Main Highway, Coconut Grove, FL. |
Members attending were: CHAIR: Irela Bague Members: Phil Everingham, Vice Chairman; Sallye Jude, Gary Winston MRC Staff: Brett Bibeau, Managing Director, Ashley Chase, Asst. Managing Director |
I. Set Agenda for MRC’s January 9, 2006 Meeting- Chairperson Irela Bagué suggested that the MRC Executive Subcommittee conduct its future meetings during lunchtime at rotating venues - rather than its usual 8 am monthly timeframe-in an effort to appease the subcommittees’ complicated schedules. The Executive Board unanimously approved the recommendation, and Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, agreed to coordinate lunchtime meeting locations. Chairperson Bagué asked Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, to report on potential agenda items for the MRFI’s January 9, 2006 meeting. Mr. Bibeau replied the MRC board may consider authorizing staff to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the fabrication and installation of Miami River Greenway historical markers. Mr. Bibeau made a copy of the draft RFP available for review. The fabrication and installation of greenway historical markers, stated Mr. Bibeau, would be funded by a $25,000 grant paid by the Villagers, Inc. in 2002 awarded for this specific purpose. Upon its approval by the MRC board, MRC staff would advertise the RFP to solicit bidders for the project through a competitive and open process. Mr. Bibeau noted the current format of the RFP is based on a previously approved MRC RFP for the Wagner Creek Isolation Survey, and was drafted using a City of Miami RFP for the boilerplate language. Mr. Bibeau added an Evaluation Committee, composed of representatives from the Miami River Commission, the Trust for Public Land and the City of Miami, would conduct a competitive selection process and recommends the most appropriate RFP bidder to the MRC board, whom would ultimately make the final determination. Mr. Bibeau noted the draft RFP would be included in the MRC’s January mail out. Though he considered the MRC’s participation in the RFP process well intentioned, Mr. Gary Winston voiced concern over potential liability factors. Chairperson Bagué expressed faith in the MRC’s ability to conduct and manage the RFP, and reasoned that its involvement in the process would help increase the MRC’s role in the maintenance, security and special event aspects of the Miami River Greenway, a subject to be addressed at the scheduled MRC January Retreat. Mr. Bibeau expressed faith in the project’s completion, noting that the RFP contained a Guarantee Clause, essentially binding the contractor to adhere to the guidelines and procedures set forth in the RFP. Ms. Sallye Jude made a motion to recommend approval of the raft RFP; the motion was seconded by Vice-Chair Phil Everingham and adopted. Mr. Bibeau noted discussion of the draft “3rd Annual Update” of the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan was deferred at the December 5, 2005 MRC meeting to provide the board ample time to review and offer potential amendments to the Update. The Executive committee noted attendance at the Update’s three publicly noticed evening workshops was considerably low due to scheduling conflicts and Hurricane Wilma. Chairperson Bagué suggested conducting one final public workshop in January to discuss the Plan and solicit possible amendments. Input received at the public workshop would be considered by the MRC board at its February monthly meeting while considering the draft “3rd Annual Update” Chairperson Bagué recommended inviting the City of Miami’s “Miami 21” consultants to the public workshop, and suggested inviting Ms. Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, consultant for Miami 21, for a “one-on-one” presentation. Ms. Chase noted she would follow up with Ms. Luciana Gonzalez, City of Miami, to schedule a presentation in January. Chairperson Bagué expressed her desire to host a “Miami River Development Summit” in April to educate Miami River developers about the river’s unique character and history, and discuss the economic value and importance of the river’s marine industries. Mr. Bibeau added the Summit may also address security, maintenance, public access and special events/marketing for the Miami River Greenway, and provide an opportunity to distribute the MRC’s “Miami River Corridor Energy Efficiency and Water Conservation Report,” a document highlighting the economic incentives and benefits associated with conservation techniques and products. Ms. Jude welcomed the idea of hosting a Development Summit, and suggested inviting national and international guests to share their experiences with the MRC. Mr. Everingham asked if the $40 million Merrill-Stevens proposed expansion would be discussed at the MRC January meeting, and Mr. Bibeau replied that the Economic Development and Commerce subcommittee had asked for the plans to be further developed for being presented formally to the full MRC. II. Discuss MRC Retreat- Mr. Bibeau stated Greenways Retreat would be held on Friday, January 13, 11:30-3:30 pm, on Fort Lauderdale’s Riverwalk, followed by a full-day retreat on Friday, January 20, at 1407 NW 7 ST. Ms. Chase agreed to send a reminder to all MRC board members, as well as City and County officials. III. New Business - Per the request of the Executive Subcommittee at the November 23, 2005 meeting, MRC staff conducted research and updated the Subcommittee on the following items: · Advertising: Ms. Chase provided the Executive Subcommittee with a list of adverting rates from local media outlets to further publicly notice MRC meetings, such as the Miami Herald, Miami Sunpost, Miami Today, etc. Though considered an option to increase public participation and involvement during the MRC’s monthly subcommittee meetings, Chairperson Bagué recommended that the MRC consult with local Public Relations experts to create a campaign that could increase the MRC’s visibility within the community. Mr. Everingham asked if the MRC currently contained a budget line item for advertising, and Mr. Bibeau replied no. In the meantime, Chairperson Bagué asked MRC staff to continue advertising the MRC’s monthly meetings in community calendars. · Health Insurance/401 K: Ms. Chase noted she was continuing to research health care packages and 401 K plans, and had already received some information from local providers. Chairperson Bagué asked Ms. Chase to contact the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce and report her findings at the next Executive Subcommittee meeting. ·
Hiring Outside Assistance to Maintain the MRC’s
Accounting from Cash to an Accrual Basis: Mr. Bibeau noted he had
asked the MRC’s accounting firm, Appelrouth, Farah, for an estimate on
maintaining the books in an accrual vs. cash basis.
The provided estimate was $400, if conducted only at the end of
each fiscal year. Per the
request of Mr. Winston, Mr. Bibeau agreed to obtain additional estimates
to maintain the books on an accrual vs. cash basis on a monthly and
quarterly basis. Chairperson Bagué noted she would discuss employee policy/procedure at the next Executive Subcommittee meeting. Mr. Winston recommended examining MRC subcommittee quorum procedures/operations at the next MRC meeting. Mr. Bibeau reminded the Executive Subcommittee that the next MRC meeting will be held on the second Monday of the month, January 9, 2006, noon, Robert King High, 1407 NW 7 Street. The meeting adjourned. |