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July 8, 2002 3:00 PM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenway Subcommittee met as regularly scheduled, on the second Monday of the month, July 8, 2002, 9 am, Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive, Marjory Stoneman Douglas Conference Room. The attendance sheet is enclosed. | |||
Brett Bibeau
reported to the Greenways subcommittee that the MRC’s Florida
Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), Recreational Trails
Program (RTP) application was awarded $100,000 for development of the
Greenway at the Miami Circle. David
Miller stated the FDEP RTP award requires the Greenway development be
completed within one year of the award.
A meeting is scheduled with MRC staff, Trust for Public Land (TPL),
Miami-Dade County, a representative of the Miami Circle Group Department
of State, Florida Department of Transportation, the Sheraton Biscayne
Bay, Bob Carr, and J. Bryan, Executive Director, Historical Museum of South Florida, on July
16, 10 am, in the Historical Museum of South Florida, classroom C to
further discuss the FDEP RTP award. David Henderson,
Metropolitan Planning Organization’s Bicycle and Pedestrian
Coordinator, reported the FDOT allocated $1 million this year to repay a
portion of the loan for the Miami Circle’s acquisition. Richard Rogers,
Curtis, Rogers and Associates and Scott Mingonet, Kimley-Horn and
Associates (KHA), provided a detailed presentation on the Greenway
construction drawings that TPL contracted them to complete.
The Greenways subcommittee reviewed and discussed the Greenway
renderings and cross sections between I-95 and the 12th Ave
Bridge on both the north and south sides of the River. KHA and TPL, met
with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) regarding
incorporating the Greenway with the new planned 12th Ave
Bridge. Mingonet stated the
Greenway is planned to continue beneath the new bridge, yet the design
has changed. Originally the
Greenway was going to be along the water’s edge beneath the new 12th
Ave bridge, yet the new FDOT plans were revised to have the Greenway
inside of a wall blocking the river view.
Brett Bibeau mentioned another riverfront Miami-Dade Water and
Sewer Department (WASD) right of way at NW 3rd Street and
South River Drive, where another pocket park along the planned Greenway
with riverfront public access, benches, lighting, etc. could be
provided, similar to the WASD right of way in Spring Garden, which was
transformed into the Art Greenfield Garden. The consultants noted the following issues need further review and discussion:
· Above ground Utilities are a large impediment to the Greenway and where possible should be underground · Need to coordinate Greenway development with stormwater and sanitary sewer system retrofitting projects, street improvements, sidewalk improvements, etc. The consultants
stated they will estimate a grand total price for the Greenway related
improvements within this section, and then identify the available
funding pools for the areas within the boundary.
In addition, the consultants are working on balancing Greenway
design consistency throughout this section of the Greenway (I-95 to the
12th Ave Bridge), while allowing for some of the different
neighborhood characteristics it traverses. Jim Murley asked
the consultants to present the new Greenway development renderings to
the MRC during the September 9, 2002 meeting, and the consultants
agreed. The meeting adjourned. |