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  Minutes of meeting
Dec. 13, 2006
2:00 PM

The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Greenways Subcommittee (GSC) met as regularly scheduled on the second Wednesday of the month, December 13, 2006, 2:00 PM, 1407 NW 7 ST, New Board Room.  Dr. Ernie Martin chaired the meeting.  The attendance sheet is enclosed..

I. Discussion of Greenway Connectors Needed on County-Owned Property on North Shore Beneath the South Miami Avenue Bridge & Metro-Rail, South Shore Beneath the Metro-Rail & Metro-Mover – Dr. Ernie Martin asked Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, if he had received any updates regarding funding sources for MRC-recommended greenway connectors from Ms. Priscilla Morales Miami Dade County Public Works. Mr. Bibeau replied he had not spoken to Ms. Morales recently, yet intended to broach the subject with her at the December 13 Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee meeting.  Dr. Martin noted he has inquired with the County about the possibility of including funding for the aforementioned needed greenway connectors in the County’s budget, which would leave the County’s $7.5 million line item in their Bond issue available for other unfunded sections of the Miami River Greenway. Dr. Martin noted if new County appropriations aren’t secured to fund the creation of Greenway connectors on County owned public right-of-way, the bond line item funding should be utilized.  Mr. Bibeau reported Mr. Herndstadt, Miami-Dade County CIP, indicated the potential for the County to include the greenways line item in an earlier bond series than the currently programmed 2010-2013.

II. Discuss Future Miami River Greenway Governance – Dr. Martin recognized Ms. Diane Waters, City of Miami Public Works , and informed her of continued MRC efforts to address future maintenance and governance of the Miami River Greenway.

While discussing the topic of greenway maintenance, the GSC distributed and cited Section 22-5(a) “Duty to Dispose of trash and prevent accumulations” of the City of Miami Code : Property owners of unimproved property or owners, occupants, tenants and lessees of improved property shall be responsible for keeping the area around the dumpster(s) or container(s) in a clean and presentable condition as well as keeping the sidewalk, side parkway and swale area and other public rights-of-way, clear of all trash and litter, and shall maintain their property in a clean, mowed, cut and litter-free manner, including sidewalks, grass strips, swale area of rights-of-way up to the edge of the pavement of any public street.”  Ms. Waters stated violations of the City code should be reported to 311, and the City would send inspectors and cite violations.

Dr. Martin noted the City of Miami Parks Department or Public Works should provide services to maintain the Miami River Greenway on City owned property.  Dr. Martin added there needs to be more effort on behalf of the City to address the responsibility of adjacent property owners in terms of greenway maintenance, and address enforcement procedures.

Mr. Bibeau distributed an e-mail from Mr. Steve Wright , Chief of Staff for City Commissioner Joe Sanchez , in regards to the aforementioned topic. Mr. Wright had suggested that the GSC discuss and seek further input from Public Works, the Parks Department and Code Enforcement regarding private property owners’ maintenance responsibilities and enforcement procedures.  Per Mr. Brown’s request, Mr. Bibeau agreed to forward the email and related section of the City Code to Mr. Ruano.

 Mr. Kevin Brown, Consultech, stated he had met with Ms. Stephanie Grindell, Director of City of Miami Public Works Department, and Mary Conway, the City of Miami ’s Chief Operating Officer (COO), whom had directed City of Miami Public Works to maintain on-road greenways on public rights-of-way.  Ms. Waters agreed to forward an e-mail to MRC staff, regarding Ms. Grindell’s e-mailed commitment to provide maintenance along the City owned sections of the Miami River Greenway.  Dr. Martin and MRC staff thanked the City of Miami for their maintenance commitment and inquired if it included both litter removal and landscaping.  Ms. Waters stated she would ask Ms. Grindell, and provide details at a future GSC meeting.

Mr. Bibeau provided an update regarding the two restaurants adjacent to the Miami-Dade County and Water Sewer Department’s (WASD) Pump Station #1 potentially utilizing the vacant parking lot for free valet service, as recommended in a letter to the WASD by MRC Chair Irela Bagué.  Recent MRC Stormwater subcommittee minutes reflect Mr. Rod Lovette, WASD, offering to schedule a meeting with the adjacent business owners and Mr. Vega, WASD, to discuss the necessary WASD permit.  Mr. Lovette stated the WASD would like to enter into the permit agreement with one entity rather than two, therefore suggested MRC staff brief the two adjacent restaurant owners regarding the concept to be discussed at their upcoming meeting, and ensure their willingness to partner in the potential permit agreement.  Therefore, MRC staff recently met with the owners, whom agreed to obtain all required permits, hire a full time attendant for the adjacent valet service parking lot, and split any related costs to provide the necessary adjacent spaces for their growing businesses, which currently suffer from inadequate parking.  Mr. Bibeau added MRC staff would not attend the upcoming meeting, which will be directly between the WASD and the adjacent business owners, to discuss their potential permit agreement.  Ms. Chase stated Mr. Robert Ruano directed her to ask if a City of Miami permit would be necessary for the potential use of the County’s vacant parking lot for valet service.  Mr. Bibeau replied the WASD indicated only a County permit is required, yet the business owners are willing and would be required to obtain any necessary permits for their potential use of the County owned vacant parking lot.     

Mr. Bibeau stated the FDOT removed litter and mowed along the River’s south shoreline, to the east and west of the NW 27 Ave Bridge, using free labor provided by guarded inmates.  Mr. Bibeau asked the GSC what it thought about asking the free labor offered by the FL Department of Corrections, to remove litter and mow along additional appropriate sections of the Miami River , perhaps including: South River Drive , between NW 27th Avenue and NW 20th Street, North River Drive between NW 33rd Street and NW 24th Street , beneath I-836.  Dr. Martin noted this free labor opportunity was worth exploring to provide litter removal, while saving public funds.  Dr. Martin asked the GSC attendees to determine if the City and County have graffiti removal coordinators.

III. Discussion of Metropolitan Planning Organization 2007 Transportation Studies “Call for Ideas” – MRC staff distributed the MPO’s 2007 Transportation Studies “Call for Ideas” and asked if the GSC would like to submit, as part of the MPO’s Unified Planning Working Program, their own idea for a future MPO study entitled, “Miami River Greenway Governance Plan” The plan would address ongoing maintenance and governance of the greenway. Ms. Chase distributed a draft of the GSC’s submittal and noted the deadline to submit ideas was January 12, 2007 .  The GSC authorized MRC staff to submit the presented summary of the MPO creating a “ Miami River Greenway Governance Plan”.

IV. Status of Miami River Greenway Historic Markers – Ms. Chase noted Baron Sign Manufacturing contractors would begin the marker installation process on Monday, December 18 (digging), inspections on December 19, and install the 6 historic markers on December 20. Ms. Chase noted the marker’s porcelain panels would replace the temporary digital prints within a month.  Mr. Brown suggested that Ms. Chase contact Mr. Chris Rogers, Yazi, to ensure the contractors are abiding by the approved installation guidelines.  MRC staff reported the Villagers have made two 25% payments on the contract, the third 25% invoice due “prior to installation” has been submitted, and the final 25% invoice will be paid after installation.

Mr. Bibeau reported the frame of the City of Miami ’s previously installed historic marker post at the Miami River Inn was missing, and asked when the porcelain enamel panels with the text and images would be installed. Mr. Brown suggested contacting Mr. Lionel Zapata , City of Miami , whom is the project manager.

V. Discuss Status of Draft Miami River Greenway Regulatory Design Standards –Mr. Brown stated that the Design Standards and Guidelines do not have to wait for consideration as part of the “Miami 21” ordinance. Mr. Bibeau noted until the new Riverwalk design guidelines and specifications are adopted by the City Commission, the City code has an existing set of Riverwalk design guidelines and standards, and sections of the zoning code further require publicly accessible riverwalks.  The GSC agreed to invite Mr. Enrique Nunez, City of Miami Planning Department, to the next GSC meeting.

VI. Update on Miami River Greenway Development – Mr. Kevin Brown , Consul Tech on behalf of City of Miami Capital Improvement Department, provided the following update:

  • FDOT has signed off on the federal checklist; City of Miami waiting on the final execution of the LAP agreements on the Jose Marti Park and Flagler Extension awarded grants
  • The Jose Marti Park segment along SW 6th Street has been cleared for an approved development, “Reflections on the River;”  Therefore the City is asking the developer to include the on-road greenway in the adjacent ROW, saving that portion of the awarded grant funding.  Furthermore, constructing the on-road greenway now would be damaged by the immediately adjacent construction site.  Similarly, the portion adjacent to the planned Jose Marti Park Gym will be constructed in coordination with the construction of the Gym, which is scheduled to commence in February 2007.
  • Ms. Chase noted she had emailed Mr. Lionel Zapata regarding contacting FP&L to install lighting along already completed greenway segments, but had not received a response.

VII. Review and Discussion of Spring Garden Civic Association’s November 28, 2006 Recommendations of Draft Spring Garden Miami River Greenway Plans - MRC staff distributed a letter from Spring Garden Civic Association (SGCA) President Charles Flowers to Mr. Kevin Brown following their November 13, 2006 meeting.  Mr. Brown provided the following responses to the letters points:

  • Trees (page 1): City of Miami will comply with the recommendation to save most of the trees, such as those where the planned on-street parking is being eliminated.  The arborist determined Tropical Almond Tree #292 is in unsafe condition, therefore must be removed.  Mr. Brown noted the arborist will revisit the site and the SGCA recommendations.    

  • Relocation trees to Spring Garden Point Park – (2nd page 1st paragraph) – City is considering – no legal problems with the concept

  • Parking (2nd page, 2nd paragraph): will first address the balance between providing on-street parking and landscaping; agreed that the section adjacent to the Bermuda House does not require on-street parking; City has approved eliminating on-street parking in front of vacant lots along NW 9th Avenue

  • Page 2 - 3rd paragraph: City will be consistent with having the on-road Greenway along the riverside of the street

  • Page 2 – 4th paragraph: City has agreed to recommended shift of easternmost trash receptacle and bench to the Point Park Entrance

  • Directional signage (page 3, 1st paragraph): City agreed to easternmost directional signage pointing out downtown and Lummus Park to the east, Greenfield Garden , and the Health District to the west, and the westernmost directional signage will point out the Health District to the west, Point Park , Lummus Park and Downtown to the east.  Mr. Brown will submit the SGCA’s request to have access to the informational kiosks to post SGCA related event notices

  • Street lighting (Page 3, 2nd paragraph): City will maintain FP&L required 15-foot height decorative light poles, which FPL is required to maintain

  • Trash pick-up (page 3, last paragraph): Mr. Brown suggested contacting Solid Waste to address bulk trash removal

Mr. Bibeau asked for an update regarding Lummus Landing, Mr. Brown noted he had met with Mr. Ruano, Ms. Grindell and Ms. Conway to discuss the status of Lummus Landing.  Mr. Brown reported that the project had not been budgeted. Mr. Bibeau stated the City had received a $900,000 grant from FDOT for the project entitled, “Lummus Landing”. Mr. Brown explained $750,000 of the $900,000 had been utilized to construct the Segment A Greenway extension ( NW 6th Avenue to NW 3rd Street on North River Drive ).  Mr. Brown added he did not know if the remaining $150,000 had been utilized. Mr. Brown suggested contacting Ms. Lisa Mazique, Economic Development, for future updates.

 VIII. Review of Miami River Greenway Riverwalk Cross Sections No updates were reported. Ms. Chase noted she would follow up with the City of Miami Planning Department in an effort to obtain the remaining cross sections of approved riverwalks.

 IX. New Business –The GSC addressed the following items:

  • Mr. Bibeau provided WASD concept drawings to façade Pump Station #1 in a similar architectural fashion as the adjacent historic Scottish Rite Temple, located on the Miami River’s South Shore at NW North River Drive and NW 3 ST. Mr. Bibeau noted $100,000 was currently available for the façade treatment, yet the WASD requests a formal approval of the concept drawings form the MRC.  The GSC recommended approval of the proposed plans. Mr. Bibeau noted he would present the plans to the MRC’s Urban Infill Working Group and Executive Board.

  • Junefest: MRC staff distributed an informational packet regarding a proposed river special event, “Junefest.” Mr. Bibeau noted the organizers of the festival wished to utilize Lummus Landing for a cricket clinic, yet were concerned the site would not be cleared and sod placed in time for the festival.  Ms. Chase added MRC staff planned to meet with Mr. Alain Leroy, Junefest, and Commissioner Spence-Jones to determine a possible solution in early January.  Mr. Brown stated he told Ms. Conway, Ms. Grindell and Mr. Ruano about the Junefest event planned in the Lummus Landing area of Lummus Park .
  • Mr. Bibeau distributed a City of Miami ordinance creating a special taxing district in Bay Heights to provide off duty police officers for 24-7 security, and noted this is a precedent of one means to generate a reoccurring revenue source to fund security along the Miami River Greenway.  Mr. Bibeau noted the original creation of the Special Taxing District was approved by the voters in Bay Heights at a referendum. 

The Greenways subcommittee confirmed their next regularly scheduled second Wednesday of the month, 2 pm , meeting for January 10, 2007 , 1407 NW 7 Street, New Board Room.

The meeting adjourned.