US! |
April 24, 2003 (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Urban Infill Working Group (UIWG) met April, 24, 2003, 10:00 AM, in the Miami Riverside Center, 444 SW 2nd Ave., 8th Floor, south conference room. Mr. Jim Murley chaired the meeting. The attendance sheet is enclosed. |
Vicky Garcia-Toledo, Esq. presented applications to amend the zoning and land use from R-2 to R-3, on the River’s north shore, at 2524-2630 NW North River Drive for the proposed “River Park Condominium” project. Garcia Toledo explained that her client has a contract to purchase the properties pending approval of the land use and zoning changes. Garcia-Toledo stated renderings of the proposed 60 unit, 5 story, market rate residential project would be presented at the May 5 MRC meeting. Garcia-Toledo stated the neighbors on the north side of NW North River Drive were not opposed to the proposed project, yet the tenants who rent the units in question did express opposition while the item was being deferred during the April 24, 2003 Planning Advisory Board meeting to April 30. The Miami River Greenway at this site has two options, on-road with a widened sidewalk along NW North River Drive, or possibly along the waterfront. Garcia-Toledo stated she would discuss incorporating the Greenway with her client. Garcia-Toledo voluntarily proffered a covenant in the property deed, advising potential residential unit buyers that the proposed River Park Condominium is located in the industrial upper river, therefore subject to noise and other industrial characteristics. The UIWG provided a preliminary recommendation based on the limited information provided, to approve the land use and zoning change subject to the following conditions: 1) River Park Condominium renderings be provided to the MRC on May 5 2) The applicant work with the City to incorporate a publicly accessible section of Miami River Greenway into the project 3)
The recommendation is subject to consistency with the surrounding
neighborhood Frank Guerra, NEO, presented the Major Use Special Permit (MUSP) application for “NEO Vertica”, located on the Miami River’s south shore at SW 7 ST and 1st Ave. Guerra explained that the MUSP requested no variances, or waivers. The proposed 443 market rate residential units are setback 50 feet from the river, with a Restaurant / Bar on first floor connecting to the riverwalk, and retail along 7th Street. The UIWG offered assistance in working with Florida Power and Light, regarding their small easement on the river’s shore immediately east of the NEO Vertica site, to allow the Riverwalk to proceed west, connecting with the existing publicly accessible M-Path beneath metro-rail. The UIWG encouraged Guerra to coordinate the development and Greenway connectivity with Kevin Riley, the new property owner immediately west of the NEO site, who is planning a development as well. Guerra stated they will continue to work with Riley, who is considering filling a portion of the existing water slip running into his property. Guerra agreed with the UIWG that leaving a portion of the slip would grandfather in the existing dockage, which may be used as a water taxi stop in the future. The UIWG recommended approval of the MUSP, and encouraged NEO Vertica to: 1) Work with FPL in continuing the riverwalk to the east 2) Work with Kevin Riley on continuing the riverwalk to the west 3)
Work with Kevin Riley to maintain a small portion of the water
slip to provide a potential water taxi stop The UIWG
discussed a proposed residential development, located on the River’s
north shore, at 1080 NW North River Drive, in the designated Spring
Garden Historic District. Bibeau
provided the UIWG the City of Miami’s “Historic and Environmental
Preservation (HEP) Board Fact Sheet”, regarding the HEP Board’s
March 18, 2003 hearing of the proposed development which requires their
approval of a Certificate of Appropriateness.
The HEP board concurred with the “Fact Sheet Recommendation”
stating, “The Preservation Officer recommends that the application for
a Certificate of Appropriateness be continued so that the applicant can
revise the plan to reflect a more appropriate design for the district
that is consistent with the guidelines set forth above.
Staff further requests that drawings of all four elevations, as
well as a tree disposition and mitigation/landscape plan be submitted
for review.” Furthermore the HEP board requested the developer to meet
with the Spring Garden Neighborhood Association.
The UIWG concurred with the City of Miami’s HEP Board and
Preservation Officer’s findings, and requested to review the revised
application when made available. Ms. Helen Brown,
Miami-Dade Planning and Zoning Department, stated her Department
Director will send memos to County Department Directors outlining the
Urban Infill Plan’s Implementation steps, which pertain to each
individual department. The
memo asks the Department Director’s to respond to the Implementation
steps. The meeting adjourned. |