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  Minutes of meeting
Jan. 5, 2005
10:00 AM
The Miami River Commission ’s (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) met Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 10 am, at the Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive, Miami, FL. The sign in sheet is enclosed

I.  Status of the Wagner Creek “Corrective Action Plan” and Related Dredging Permit Applications - Jose Lago, City of Miami Capital Improvements Department, stated that on December 9, 2004, the City Commission retracted their previously approved temporary staging site for the Wagner Creek dredging project, located at NW 6th Place between NW 15 ST and NW 17 ST, and further decided that any new potential site would not be located within a residential zoned area. Lago stated that the City of Miami is currently considering a variety of different plans to haul, treat and dispose of the dredged sediments that would not require open-air drying. Lago informed residents that the City had yet to decide upon a future staging site, and would host public hearings when potential sites are identified. 

Power U representatives stated they had felt the City’s original staging site in their neighborhood was inappropriate, and feared potential health risks from the sediments. The Power U representatives agreed they were not attempting to stop the City’s efforts to dredge Wagner Creek, and expressed their desire to have the project conducted in an environmentally sound manner, which doesn’t pose any health risks. 

Brett Bibeau, Managing Director of the Miami River Commission , cited the second paragraph of the December 1, 2004 Stormwater Subcommittee meeting minutes, “The Stormwater Subcommittee noted several environmental agencies have repeatedly stated on the record that the Wagner Creek contaminated sediments do not pose a potential health risk, unless ingested by eating fish from the creek, or direct physical contact with the contaminated sediments.  Therefore, the agencies posted no fishing and no swimming signs along Wagner Creek over a year ago.  Furthermore, the environmental agencies have stated several times on the record that the Wagner Creek contaminants do not pose an air-borne health risk.”

Dieter Bauer, Power U, stated he felt the completed testing was insufficient to reach the conclusion that the contaminated sediments do not pose an air-borne health hazard, and therefore recommended further testing be conducted.  Evan Skornick, South Florida Water Management District, noted that environmental agencies would not make or publish any health determinations unless proven by sufficient testing data. The SSC determined that there was additional testing conducted by the City of Miami’s consultants, and the results hadn’t been provided to Power U. Mr. Jose Lago, City of Miami, offered to forward these additional testing results for their review.

            Mr. Bauer noted the importance of determining the source of Wagner Creek’s pollution.  Ms. Sallye Jude stated the Stormwater subcommittee agrees with the need to find Wagner Creek pollution sources.  Brett Bibeau noted extensive dye-flood and smoke testing to determine the Wagner Creek source of pollution have been conducted, and the MRC hired a consultant to conduct the “Upper Wagner Creek Isolation Survey” to seek sources of contaminants along the creek.  

Power U representatives questioned the city’s “sudden rush” to dredge Wagner Creek.  Lago stated Wagner Creek dredging Phase III was conducted in 1999, and Phases IV and V had been studied, planned and engineered by the City since then.  Bibeau asked for a project timeline, and Lago replied the design and permitting of Wagner Creek Dredging Phases IV and V should be completed by the end of 2005.

Bibeau cited the SSC’s December 1, 2004 minutes, “Bibeau suggested the Stromwater Subcommittee’s environmental agencies, including DERM, City of Miami, Environmental Protection Agency, Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department, South Florida Water Management District, and the Department of Health, work together to create an updated Wagner Creek dredging 1-page fact sheet for widespread public distribution.  The agencies agreed, and Mr. Mayorga asked for the City of Miami to submit a written request if they want DERM’s assistance in creating the public document.”  Bibeau asked if the recommended fact sheet had been drafted, and Lago stated it had not been written.  Bibeau noted it would have been helpful for the Power U representatives, who would have had a written update to forward to local residents, and repeated his recommendation for the environmental agencies to generate an updated Wagner Creek dredging fact sheet.  Bibeau noted the Wagner Creek Dredging project, and pending Corrective Action Plan, will remain on the MRC SSC’s monthly agenda, and the regularly scheduled public meeting is held on the first Wednesday of every month, 10 am, Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive.

II.  Update on the Development of TMDL’s for Wagner Creek - Brett Bibeau provided a brief description of “TMDL” (Total Maximum Daily Loads). Bibeau explained that FDEP required local agencies to set the Wagner Creek TMDL, or water quality parameters, no later than 2005.  Gonzalo Montes de Oca, DERM, stated he would provide Bibeau with contact information for the new FDEP employee responsible for coordinating TMDL’s. Bibeau noted he would invite the FDEP TMDL liaison to the February 2, 2005 SSC meeting.

III.      Status of the “Upper Wagner Creek Isolation Survey” - Brett Bibeau distributed copies of the “Upper Wagner Creek Isolation Survey.”  Francis Mitchell, City of Miami Public Works, stated the City cleaned the catch basins, which were found to be blocked by debris during the Isolation Survey, so that the Water and Sewer Department may continue conducting smoke testing.  Rod Lovette, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD), stated after Steve Blair, DERM, submits the necessary paperwork, WASD will continue conducting smoke testing of the areas identified during the Isolation Survey, using the remaining $13,000 in SWIM funding appropriated to DERM in 1998 by the Florida Legislature.  Mr. Lovette stated the additional smoke testing should take 2 months to complete.  Mr. Mitchell stated the City of Miami is installing inlet debris interceptors, as recommended in the MRC SSC’s Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Report. Mitchell noted the interceptors will be installed on all City owned F3 inlets along Wagner Creek, and noted they don’t fit the additional “P5 & P6” inlets owned by FDOT and Miami-Dade County.

IV. New Business - Evan Skornick stated the SFWMD recently met with DERM, regarding their State appropriation requests for $800,000 to retrofit storm water Basin 21, and $800,000 for stormwater improvements in Avalon.

            The SSC confirmed their next regularly scheduled 1st Wednesday of the month meeting for February 2, 2005, 10 am, Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive.

            The meeting adjourned.