JAN. 19, 2001 10:00 AM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
Miami River Commission Stormwater Subcommittee met on Friday, January 19, 2001, at 10 am, in the Miami River Inn, Marjory Stoneman Douglas Conference Room, 118 South River Drive, Miami, FL. Arsenio Milian chaired the meeting. The attendance sheets are enclosed. |
Dr. Ernest Martin, Miami River Commission Board member and President of the Spring Garden Civic Association, introduced Mr. Ivanov. Mr. Ivanov owns one of the most significant historic properties, the Hindu Temple, on 11th Street in addition to property on both sides of Wagner Creek Dr. Martin wanted to bring the Stormwater subcommittee up to date on the concerns of the residents who live along Wagner Creek. Dr. Martin stated the residential property owners in Highland Park and Spring Garden, both along the Wagner Canal, have recently organized. Mr. Ivanov is an active member of the Spring Garden Civic Association and was instrumental in the creation of a petition concerning the highly industrialized use of Water and Sewer maintenance facility located in the neighborhood. Mr. Ivanvo stated the facility is located on county property, within a historic residential area, and has a 24-hour a day gas station and heavy truck traffic. In addition, the residents are concerned about pollution from the facility entering Wagner Creek. Dr. Martin referred to a Miami Herald article about the area. Dr. Martin stated County Commissioner Barbara Carey Shuler has helped their cause by meeting with the Director of Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department and, “significant concessions were made.” The Water and Sewer Department (WASD) wrote the Spring Garden Civic Association a letter acknowledging the activities are a problem. WASD did feasibility studies on relocating the facility, which would cost approximately $20 million, so they are going to try and work out another form of mitigation. The Water and Sewer Department suggested removing all heavy equipment and stockpiles of materials, limiting operations from 7 am to 7 pm, provide additional landscaping, etc. Dr. Martin asked the Stormwater Subcommittee if they had come across any evidence of stormwater problems coming from that Water and Sewer Department facility. Mr. Milian stated not to his knowledge. Milian stated the facility might require a NPDES permit. David Miller, Miami River Commission, asked Mr. Ivanov if he has witnessed an oily sheen on the water in front of the Water and Sewer facility. Mr. Ivanov responded there is a permanent oil sheen. Mr. Ivanov believes Jackson Hospital and Cedars of Lebanon should be inspected for contaminating Wagner Creek. Mr. Ivanov stated the environmental contamination issues pose a threat to the residents, therefore a three to five year time line for improvements are unacceptable, and changes should be made immediately. Mr. Miller asked Mr. Ivanov if he has witnessed evidence of contamination discharging from the hospitals, such as rubber gloves. Ivanov stated that while there are less mattresses floating in Wagner Creek than before, he thinks there is still some “stuff coming from the hospital”. Susan Markley, DERM, stated over years they have continued to periodically inspect the industrial and marine facilities along Wagner Creek. A number of the facilities have been subject of enforcement actions, and corrective measures have been taken. Ms. Markley stated she would look into the current status of the Water and Sewer Department facility, which does have requirements to separate any industrial waste from the drainage of the parking lot. The hospitals have been the subject of past corrective measures, and DERM has been working on a case for two years at a Marina at the confluence of Wagner Creek and the Miami River, across from Point Park. DERM is taking the owner to court for not complying with their regulations. Ms. Markley pointed out that the time-consuming court process is DERM’s only means of enforcing their orders. Ms. Markley stated the zoning issues of R1 next to industrial boat yards and commercial fishing docks is an issue for the City of Miami and the local Neighborhood Enhancement Team (NET) Office. David Miller asked if it was the Allapattah NET, and Mr. Ivanov responded his property was within the Overtown NET district. Dr. Martin stated there were people making a living fixing boats without zoning, signage, or business permits. Dr. Martin explained boats pull up for repairs, and there is not enough room for them to dock. Mr. Miller suggested calling the numerous hotlines to file reports of pollution, code violations, etc. Mr. Ivanov stated when he has called the Overtown NET office with a pollution sighting, they have taken too long to arrive and the sheen dissipates. Mr. Ivanov feels he has exhausted numerous means of overcoming these issues, and he is on the verge of filing legal actions. Ms. Markley stated the last time she had been to the Water and Sewer facility was some time ago, but she recollects a French drain system in the facilities parking lot. The drains are separated from the industrial materials by burms. If severe rain causes flooding, an overflow may occur. If industrial materials are on the wrong side of the burm, there would be a violation. Ms. Markley stated there are inspections but not everyday so it’s important for the residents to call DERM’s 24 hour a day hotline. Mr. Miller agreed with the approach and encouraged the residents to contact the U.S. Coast Guard’s to report oil spills. Mr. Milian explained there are several different agencies with different hotline numbers to report different problems along the Miami River Corridor. Mr. Milian asked the Miami River Commission to produce a list of the agencies, responsibilities, and hotline numbers. |