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  Minutes of meeting
May 2, 2007
10:00 AM
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) met May 2, 2007 , 10 am , at the Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive , Miami , FL.   The sign in sheet is enclosed. Mr. Brett Bibeau, MRC Managing Director, noted per the request of SSC Chair Ms. Sallye Jude , representatives from the City, County, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) will continue to rotate leading attendees through the agenda. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, asked Ms. Lucy Perez, South Florida Water Management District, to lead this month’s meeting.  Ms. Perez accepted.

I. Status of the Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal Dredging Permits and Corrective Action Plan- Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, noted Mr. Jose Lago , City of Miami Department of Capital Improvements, was unable to attend today’s meeting, but had respectfully requested that the “Wagner Creek & Seybold Canal Dredging Project Status Update” be read into the record. Ms. Chase read the status update into the record and agreed to forward it to all SSC meeting attendees:

This project consists of the dredging for Wagner Creek and the Seybold Canal . Bank stabilization will also be included for Wagner Creek only. In an effort to complete all necessary design work, permitting and dredging for this project, the City will be selecting a new environmental professional to remediate the creek through a Competitive Negotiation Process. This process commenced in June 2006 and the City received responses from various firms. Through this process, the City expects to recommend one firm for Commission approval in the June 2007 Commission agenda for the design and permitting components of the entire length of both canals. A Notice to Proceed (NTP) for the design and permitting of both canals is expected to be issued to the selected firm in July 2007. Since more specific details (i.e. surveying and geotechnical testing) about the project will be defined during the design phase, than during the design phase the selected firm will be requested to submit another fee proposal for the dredging only. (Note: Subsequent to design and permitting completion, the City will determine what longitude of Wagner Creek and Seybold Canal can be dredged based on the City’s available funding for this project.) This dredging proposal will also require City Commission approval. The City does not have a date for this activity at this time. The current estimated budget for this project is approximately $ 5.5 million. An estimated construction cost for this project has not been determined at this time. The City will continue to seek additional funds for this project. The project limits are along Wagner Creek between N.W. 20th Street and N.W. 11th Street and along Seybold Canal between N.W. 11 Street to the Miami River .

For questions or more details about these projects, please contact Jose L. Lago, P.E., Project Manager, at (305) 416-1252.”

On behalf of the Miami River Commission, Mr. Bibeau offered his assistance in seeking additional funding for the project. Mr. Bibeau welcomed Spring Garden resident Mr. Charlie Hand to the meeting. Mr. Hand asked what longitude of Wagner Creek & Seybold Canal would be dredged, and Mr. Bibeau replied that, according to Mr. Lago’s update, the City would determine what longitude can be dredged based on available funding for the project.

Mr. Charlie Hand, a homeowner of a property on the Seybold Canal , expressed his frustration with the lack of progress on the Wagner Creek & the Seybold Canal Dredging project. Mr. Hand noted that it had been four years since the City had hosted a public hearing concerning the project, and nearly two years since the Miami City Commission had issued a 45-day mandate to derive an “Action Plan” towards dredging Wagner Creek and the Seybold Canal .  Mr. Hand added that both instances had yet to yield any positive results thus far, and inquired why the process to select a reputable firm to complete the

project has taken so long.  Mr. Hand stated he had tried to reach out to Mr. Jose Lago on numerous occasions to receive information regarding the status of the project, but to no avail.  Ms. Diane Waters, City of Miami Public Works Department , suggested that he contact Ms. Dannette Perez, City of Miami Public Information Officer, to receive future updates.

II. Update on the Adoption of the Wagner Creek TMDL –Ms. Diane Waters, City of Miami Public Works, stated The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) had yet to execute the final TMDL for Wagner Creek.  Ms. Waters and Mr. Roy Strattman , Miami-Dade Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM), noted the City of Miami Public Works Department and DERM have exchanged information with FDEP regarding TMDLs and the NPDES program.

III. Status of WASD Smoke Testing of the Wagner Creek Western Sub Basin Mr. Strattman noted Mr. Omar Abdelrahman, DERM, was on vacation, and was therefore unable to attend today’s meeting. Mr. Strattman added that prior to proceeding with additional smoke testing, consideration should be given to genetic source track testing.  Mr. Abdelrahman had reported last month that genetic testing ranges from $300 - $350 per collected sample, with 10 samples taken at 50 locations. 

Ms. Perez stated the SFWMD remains considering the use of 1998 SWIM funding allocated for efforts within Wagner Creek.  Ms. Waters noted the City has no objection to utilizing SWIM funding to install new solid waste interceptors or conduct genetic testing.  Mr. Hand suggested using the funding for the Scavenger 2000 De-pollution vessel services, and recommended increased use of the vessel.

Mr. Hand asked if smoke testing has proved to be an effective technique, and Mr. Bibeau replied smoke testing has been successful in pinpointing minor defects within the Wagner Creek water basin, which were repaired.  Mr. Bibeau added that a recent TMDL workshop concluded there is an extremely high e-coli count in dog feces.  With thousands of new residential created along the river, bag dispensers for dog owners to collect waste would decrease this e-coli source from entering the water basin.

IV. New Business-

  • Mr. Bibeau thanked the City for planning to renew its $200,000 contract for the Scavenger 2000 de-pollution vessel, and thanked the County for providing its first $100,000 contribution towards its services along the Miami River

  • Ms. Waters thanked the MRC for its response to the City of Miami information request for Permit Year 3 of the City of Miami ’s  National Pollutant Discharge Elimination Systems Permit, issued by FDEP.  Ms. Waters stated she had sent an e-mail earlier in the day to MRC staff requesting additional information.  MRC staff agreed to provide her with the additional requested information.

  • Mr. Bibeau distributed a resolution authorizing the City of Miami to dredge the Comfort Canal , and thanked the City for its efforts.

The next regularly scheduled public noticed SSC meeting was confirmed for the first Wednesday of the month, June 6, 2007 , 10 am , Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive .

Meeting was adjourned.