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  Minutes of meeting
Sept. 3, 2003
10:00 AM
The Miami River Commission ’s (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) met September 3, 2003 , 10 am , at the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), 172-A West Flagler.  Mr. Arsenio Milian chaired the meeting.  The sign in sheet is enclosed.

I.  Review Agency’s Second Year-Second Quarter (April 1, 2003-June 30, 2003) Progress Reports - Tim McIntosh presented the Miami-Dade County Department of Environmental Resource Management (DERM) 2nd annual 2nd quarter (April 1- June 30, 2003) Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Report Action Item progress report.  The report, to be posted on the MRC web site (, includes graphs of test results from several Miami River Basin locations for ammonia, phosphate, coliform, and turbidity.  David Miller, Miami River Commission , asked for DERM to categorize the violations and enforcement actions entitled “Number of enforcement actions”, and asked for the Scavenger 2000 service providers to be placed on the next SSC meeting agenda.

Milian asked about houseboats disposal of sewage, and stated the City Zoning Code may have a clause pertaining to it.  Jose Lago, City of Miami , stated he would include the issue in the City of Miami ’s 2nd quarter (April 1- June 30, 2003 ) Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Report Action Item Progress Report at the next SSC meeting.

II. Discuss Wagner Creek Corrective Action Plan Status - Lago reported that sampling in preparation for the Wagner Creek Corrective Action Plan will continue for 8 weeks (until the first week of December 2003).  The Plan is scheduled for completion by the end of 2003.  Wagner Creek dredging phases IV. and V. are scheduled for April 2004.  Liz Abbott, SFWMD, offered to meet with Lago to prepare a scope of services for the pending $1,000,000 allocation from SFWMD to the City of Miami to assist with the Wagner Creek project.

III. Discuss Wagner Creek Pollution Source Identification and Abatement - Abbott stated that the SSC representatives from the City of Miami, DERM, Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (WASD), and SFWMD, have been meeting with MRC staff, regarding the scope of services and sampling plan for the SFWMD’s pending $100,000 allocation to the MRC, including $50,000 to fund research to determine cause of high levels of e-coli in Wagner Creek, $15,000 for the continued use of Miami River Clean-up services provided by the Scavenger 2000, and $35,000 for MRC operational funding.  Abbott noted the pending allocation is before the SFWMD Governing Board on September 23, 2003 .  Mr. Francisco Gonzalez, City of Miami, stated the City Public Works Department sent Rod Lovette, WASD, drawings with all the City’s storm water systems, including culverts, catch basins, man-holes, etc., which the WASD will overlay the sanitary sewer system in a CAD file.  The new document will be used by the agencies in selecting the most effective surface water testing locations and to determine the more detailed second round of testing at any detected specific problem areas.  The group hopes to meet when the CAD file is complete, which is expected prior to the next SSC meeting.

IV.   Review Agency’s Allocated Projects Within the Miami River Corridor for Inclusion in the 5-Year Integrated Budget -  Brett Bibeau, MRC, stated the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan requires the creation of a 5-Year Integrated Budget, which itemizes all the allocated public sector funding within the Miami River Corridor.  Bibeau asked the agency representatives to provide information on funded projects for inclusion in the 5-Year Integrated Budget.  The previously discussed SFWMD pending $1,000,000 allocation to the City for Wagner Creek and the $100,000 to the MRC will be included.  DERM stated the County was considering a $990,000 allocation in FY ’04 for dredging in the Miami River outside of the Federal Navigable Channel.  Bibeau stated he would contact FDEP to identify available funding within the Miami River Basin .

V. Discuss Support Letters for EPA and Dunn Foundation Grant Applications to Support Implementation of the Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Report - Bibeau thanked FDEP and the City of Miami for providing their letters of support.  Abbott stated the SFWMD will provide the letters at the end of the meeting.  Susan Markley, DERM, asked when the deadline to receive the letters was, and Bibeau replied September 10, 2003 .

VI)  New Business  - Bibeau stated the MRC had received calls from a Miami River towboat company about a recent increase in current effecting navigation, possibly created by the openings of the salinity dam and forward pumping from the Tamiami Canal .  Bibeau noted that an e-mail notification system would be effective for navigational purposes, in addition to the services of the scavenger 2000 de-pollution vessel that would work in the upper river when notified of the openings.  Abbott stated she would look into the issue, and report back at the next SSC meeting.  

The next SSC meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, September 30, 1:30 PM , SFWMD, 172-A West Flagler ST.

The meeting adjourned.