Sep. 4, 2002 10:00 AM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC)
Stormwater subcommittee (SSC) met, as regularly scheduled, on the first
Wednesday of the month, September 4, 2002, 10 am, in the South Florida
Water Management District (SFWMD) Service Center, 172-A Flagler Street,
video conference room, linking with the SFWMD’s West Palm Office.
Ms. Sallye Jude chaired the meeting.
The sign in sheet is enclosed. |
The first item on the agenda, a review of the draft Miami
River Water Quality Targets, was deferred until the Wednesday, November
6, 2002 SSC meeting. The second item
on the agenda was a status of the Miami-Dade County Water and Sewer
Department’s, (WASD) search for a 1-2 acre site for “CP-A”
(sanitary sewer system pump station).
The site must be near the Miami River in East Little Havana.
Mr. Rod Lovette, WASD, stated the Board of County
Commissioner’s have not heard the resolution presented at the MRC’s
June 10, 2002 meeting, yet the WASD remains in need of a site within
that vicinity. Sallye
Jude stated the “Adult Store” located at SW 6th Street
and SW 2nd Ave is in violation of the existing zoning code,
and therefore should be considered for the future pump station location.
Lovette stated if set backs were waived at the I-95 off ramp
right of way, the pump station may be feasible.
Bibeau stated that the MRC’s position remains on record, the
new sewer pump station should not be located in Jose Marti Park, if a
riverfront property is utilized, the structure cannot be closer than
200’ to the River with the 50% of the property nearest the River left
for green-space. Agustin Socarras,
DERM and Lovette, WASD, reported they had found and corrected additional
illegal sanitary sewer system hook ups to the stormwater system within
the Miami River Corridor, during the Flagler streetscape project.
Socarras provided the Stormwater subcommittee with the attached
illegal sanitary system hookup progress report.
Socarras and Alex Barrios, DERM, stated the only remaining
neighborhood in need of funding for transferring from septic tanks to
new connections with the sanitary sewer system within the Miami River
Corridor is Melrose, to the NW of SW 27th Ave.
The DERM representatives stated funding for the similar transfers
from septic to sanitary sewer systems was provided with a Special Taxing
District authorized by the Board of County Commissioners.
Bibeau asked the DERM representatives to provide a brief written
statement regarding the specific boundaries, need, and estimated cost of
the proposed project. The stormwater
subcommittee discussed the upcoming dredging of County owned secondary
canals, funded by Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) “406”,
funding for natural disaster mitigation.
Bibeau reminded the stormwater subcommittee that funding was
still needed for dredging of the Miami River’s tributaries.
The Army Corps of Engineers Request for Proposals to dredge the
River’s Federal Navigable Channel has an option to include the
additional dredging of the tributaries.
The DERM representatives stated the canal dredging is
administered by their Office of Recovery and Mitigation, Directed by
Dorian Valdez, Mike Gambino, DERM, stated the FEMA grant application
deadline had passed, yet may be extended. Capt. John
Smith, owner of Bojean’s Boat Yard, made a presentation to the
Stormwater subcommittee. Bojean’s
Boat Yard is located on the Tamiami Canal’s south shore, adjacent to
the confluence of the Miami River.
The Tamiami Canal is scheduled for Jose Lago, City
of Miami, stated bids were received for Phase 4, Wagner Creek dredging
and shoreline stabilization projects.
The amended plans were submitted to FDEP and DERM for permitting
review. Post-project
maintenance of Wagner Creek was included in the revised permit
application. The stormwater
subcommittee confirmed their review of the 3rd quarterly
“Miami River Water Quality Improvement Plan” progress report, during
the next regularly scheduled meeting, Wednesday, October 2, 2002, 10 am,
172-A West Flagler ST, video conferencing with SFWMD in West Palm Beach. The meeting
adjourned. |