Nov. 6, 2002 10:00 AM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Stormwater
subcommittee (SSC) met, as regularly scheduled, on the first Wednesday
of the month, November 6, 2002, 10 am, in the South Florida Water
Management District (SFWMD) Service Center, 172-A Flagler Street.
The sign in sheet is enclosed. |
Brett Bibeau, MRC Assistant Director,
provided the subcommittee with a status report of the Miami-Dade Water
and Sewer Department’s (WASD) proposed purchase of a 3.4 acre site,
located adjacent to the Miami River on NW 5th ST and NW 7
Ave, for a WASD facility. On
October 7, 2002, the MRC passed a resolution, “recommending the County proceed with the
purchase of the property, with the contingency that the MRC, City and
community approve the property’s future plans, as the MRC is opposed
to the current proposed county resolution”.
On October 8, 2002, the Board of County Commissioners
Chair, Barbara Carey-Shuler, deferred the item until public hearings
were held with the adjacent property owners.
Mr. Rod Lovette, WASD, concurred with the status report, and had
no additional information. Michael
Cox, MRC Neighborhood Representative, stated Spring Garden residents
complained about the noise, hazard, and pollution to Wagner Creek from
the existing WASD facility located in a residential neighborhood.
Cox stated that moving the facility to a different residential
neighborhood did not resolve the issues of noise and potential hazards. Tim McIntosh and Dr. Susan Markley,
Miami-Dade Department of Environmental Resource Management, (DERM)
presented a draft Water Quality Targets and parameters.
This task is pursuant to the adopted Miami River Water Basin
Water Quality Improvement Report’s Action item 4 (f), “Finalize
water quality targets for key parameters”.
The subcommittee reviewed and discussed the proposal.
Markley explained new parameters of metals and bacteria
indicators will be tested for, in addition to the old parameters of
nutrients. The DERM representatives explained the proposed were water
quality management targets, not regulatory standards. The regulatory standards, or Total Maximum Daily Load’s (TMDL’s)
will be set in the future and only test for sewage and dissolved oxygen,
and not the additional parameters proposed by DERM as management
targets. McIntosh explained
the indicated “County Standard” is toxic, and therefore
significantly higher than the indicated “Miami River Target”.
McIntosh stated they would e-mail the proposal to the
subcommittee for further review. Stormwater
subcommittee agencies will submit any revisions to the proposal in
November. The targets and
reporting methods will be finalized during the SSC’s December meeting,
and used in the Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement fourth
quarter progress reports due in January 2003. Rod Lovette, stated WASD is conducting
dye-flood testing in Wagner Creek to detect improper connections between
stormwater and sanitary sewer systems.
WASD is repairing one defective sanitary sewer manhole adjacent
to Wager Creek, which was detected
during the dye-flood testing. Lovette
stated he does not believe it was a large contributor of the Wagner
Creek’s high bacteria levels, so the WASD will continue dye-flood
testing in search of a major illegal hook up.
Lovette will provide DERM with the repaired man-hole location,
and Markley stated they would take a look at it as well. The Stormwater subcommittee confirmed the next regularly scheduled meeting, the first Wednesday of the month, December 4, 2002, 10 am, 172-A West Flagler. The
meeting adjourned. |