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Nov 7 , 2007 10:00 AM (THIS IS A PUBLIC DOCUMENT) |
The Miami River Commission’s (MRC) Stormwater Subcommittee (SSC) met November 7, 2007, 10 am, at the Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive, Miami, FL. The sign in sheet is enclosed. Per the request of SSC Chair Ms. Sallye Jude, the SSC continues inviting representatives from the City, County, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to rotate in leading attendees through the meeting agenda. Ms. Ashley Chase, MRC Assistant Managing Director, noted it was Mr. Rod Lovett’s, Miami-Dade Water & Sewer Department (MD-WASD), turn to lead this month’s SSC meeting, and Mr. Lovett kindly accepted. |
Mr. Lago noted Phase I of the contract includes the creation of a corrective action plan, design, permitting and public outreach for the Wagner Creek & Seybold Canal Dredging project. Phase I is estimated to take 7 months from NTP without unforeseen delays or potentially lengthy agency permitting timelines. Phase I is estimated at $917,381, and the City Commission approved up to $1 million including contingencies. Once the design component is nearly completed for the entire area, Mr. Lago reported a cost estimate would be generated to conduct Phase II, which consists of the dredging/construction of Wagner Creek & Seybold Canal. The City will then compare the available appropriated funds for the project with the estimated cost. Ms. Lucy Perez, South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD), asked if any Phase I leftover dollars could be utilized to help fund Phase II of the project, and Mr. Lago replied yes. Mr. Lago noted since the project’s estimate will be generated after the ST 2008 legislative session, the City may wait to seek a state cost share for the project in 2009, and the SFWMD’s FY 2009 budget which will be adopted in September 2008. Mr. Lago stated based on their contractor’s performance in Phase I, the City Commission may select to authorize contracting CH2MHILL, which has experience for Phase II, without an additional bidding process. II. Update on the Development of a Basin Management Action Plan (BMAP) for Wagner Creek – Ms. Diane Waters, City of Miami Public Works Department, noted the City of Miami had submitted additional information to The Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) and haven’t heard back yet. III. Discussion of Alternative Methods for Pollutant Source Tracking – Per the request of the SSC during the October meeting, Ms. Waters provided examples of alternative testing methodologies for pollutant source tracking:
IV. Discussion of EPA Clean Watersheds Needs Survey- Mr. Bibeau noted Ms. Waters had forwarded him an email regarding the Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean Watersheds Needs Survey recent webcast, which described how to get local stromwater capital needs incorporated in the 2008 Survey. Mr. Bibeau noted according to the provided information and e-mails, the Needs Survey is the basis for a detailed report to Congress on the nation’s infrastructure needs, and is used in funding and policy deliberations. Mr. Bibeau asked if the City of Miami planned to submit data for the survey, and Ms. Waters reported that a determination has not been made. Ms. Waters noted that Congress has not appropriated funding for this purpose. Ms. Waters added that the MRC -to her knowledge-is eligible to submit information. Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC is simply an advisory body, and would therefore need to receive input from the City, County, FDEP riverfront neighborhoods and businesses before submitting information for the survey. On behalf of Miami-Dade County, Mr. Strattman agreed to obtain more information regarding the survey. Ms. Waters explained that the survey is not a simple “wish list” of suggested stormwater improvements, noting that it takes resources to compile information for submittal. Mr. Bibeau stated that if a survey of stormwater related projects which may use a federal cost share is submitted, then the potential to seek federal funding for the submitted projects becomes possible. V. New Business- The following items were addresses/discussed: Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC had recently applied to a $200,000 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Community-based Marine Debris Prevention and Removal Project Grant to fund additional working hours of the Scavenger 2000 ($100,000 requested), the continued implementation of the Miami River Basin Water Quality Improvement Report, MRC-coordinated and co-funded volunteer beautification events, and educational riverboat tours; Mr. Bibeau noted the MRC had submitted a letter supporting the City of Miami Public Works Department’s NOAA grant application to fund the fabrication and installation of additional catch basins and screens for the Miami River’s stormwater system. Mr. Bibeau asked for the status of the applications to a collection of MRC identified stormwater related grant opportunities in which the MRC is not an eligible applicant (previously distributed at the September 2007 SSC meeting), and Ms. Waters recommended contacting Mr. Robert Ruano, City of Miami Director of Grants Administration, for an update Mr. Lovett noted the issue of allowing public parking on the vacant WASD parking lot on North River Drive and SW 3 ST continues to be under review. Mr. Lovett noted GSA is considering managing the parking lot. Mr. Lovette stated the WASD agreed to allow the Miami-Dade Public Works Department oversee the design and construction of a 22 foot wide (consistent with City Charter) publicly accessible riverwalk adjacent to the upland vacant parking lot, from Lummus Park to the south up to the Pump Station (1 foot riverfront building setback) to the north, then turning east top connect with the on-road Greenway on North River Drive which proceeds around past the pump station. Mr. Lovett noted the WASD had received Garcia’s proposed designs/renderings for the beautification they are offering to fund and construct on a small portion of the unimproved County owned riverfront land (estimated 60 feet long by 10 feet wide) adjacent to the north side of sewage Pump Station #1, which is directly adjacent to Garcia’s Seafood Restaurant. Mr. Lovett noted approval of the item would be placed on next month’s Board of County Commissioner’s meeting agenda. Mr. Lovett agreed to forward Mr. Bibeau the date the agenda item will be considered by the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Lovett stated he noticed on the way to the meeting that the WASD owned public riverfront pocket park made in partnership with MRC funding and planted by volunteers needs to be mowed which the WASD will continue to provide as part of routine maintenance. The SSC confirmed its next publicly noticed meeting for Wednesday, December 5, 2007, 10 am, Miami River Inn, 118 South River Drive. The meeting adjourned. |